How Retarded Is This?


Jun 2, 2010
Is there a scale measuring how retarded someone is?

Is there a cumulative determination for groups?

You couldn't make this shit up for a fiction movie.

fact number 1-Michael Ross was so clearly guilty that he confessed to the raping and
murdering of eight women, none of whom were older than 25 years

fact Number 2-Ross so strongly reeked of guilt that in 1987 he was convicted
in just 86 minutes and in only 4 hours the trial jury recommended
his execution.

Fact Number 3-The murders Ross committed were a well know horror in the mid 1980s
throughout New York and Connecticut where Robert Chatigny lived.

Fact Number 4-In 1992 Robert Chatigny was part of a legal team reviewing
Ross’s case, and doubtlessly working to free him. He had to have read the
shocking details of the eight rapes and murders Ross confessed to committing.
Those confessions must be chilling.

Fact Number 5- Robert Chatigny had a letter exchange with Ross during that time.

Fact Number 6-In 1995 as a U.S. District judge in Connecticut,
Robert Chatigny participated in a conference call in which he pushed Ross’
lawyers to try harder to delay the murderer’s execution. The lawyers
involved report the he actually threatened them with “I’ll have your
law license” to get his way.

Fact Number 7-When challenged as to why he did not recuse himself in
the 1995 review of the Ross case Chatigny said he “forgot” having worked to free Ross!

(opinion)-This makes him either a liar or an incompetent fool, or he is retarded.

either way he is not someone we want as a judge anywhere let alone as a federal judge.

Fact Number 8- A retarded president(opinion) has To fill an opening on the U.S.
2nd Circuit Court of Appeals, so he nominated Robert Chatigny. A man who defends
serial killers andd then "forgets" it.

Fact Number 9-Of course the Democrat controlled Judiciary Committee voted 11-7-1
to send this nomination to the full Senate.

That has to be some kind of group retardedness

One of the ones dissenting
Republican Senator Tom Coburn’s questions to Chatigny went unaddressed.
Coburn asked, “I just wonder why you think your behavior in this
case–which is pretty extraordinary–why that behavior would warrant
a promotion to a much more senior court.”

Wouldn't america like that question answered- and what obama's agenda is

I think we know

Collins Report Blog Archive Obama nominates a judge who ?forgot? defending serial killer then as a judge stalled his execution

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