How Republicans screwed the Pooch...


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
Republicans on the Debt Ceiling: Screwing Over America - The Daily Beast

Seems to me the GOP seeks a banana republic: a toxic blend of right-wing populism, anti-intellectualism, debt defaults, and an end to the ladder of economic opportunity. They would divide us into a few Haves and a lot of Have-Nots. And they would slowly crush the heart of progressive America—the rising middle class created by Democratic economic policies of education and empowerment. All while preserving, protecting, and defending a tiny oligarchy of millionaires and billionaires.

The poor are so bothersome, aren't they? Now the Baggers shout, 'THE DEMOCRATS DID IT!"
When are you gonna' learn that the Republicans and Democrats play for the same team?

Do some research on the Federal Reserve and Google "1,500 Quadrillion in Derivatives" then get back to us.

You have to get beyond just cheering for or booing Political Parties like it's the American league or National league.
When are you gonna' learn that the Republicans and Democrats play for the same team?

Do some research on the Federal Reserve and Google "1,500 Quadrillion in Derivatives" then get back to us.

You have to get beyond just cheering for or booing Political Parties like it's the American league or National league.

Oh yes, and the answer is the Tea Party. They have driven the country to the brink of Default. They have proven their point but they want more. They want Chaos.
When are you gonna' learn that the Republicans and Democrats play for the same team?

Do some research on the Federal Reserve and Google "1,500 Quadrillion in Derivatives" then get back to us.

You have to get beyond just cheering for or booing Political Parties like it's the American league or National league.

Oh yes, and the answer is the Tea Party. They have driven the country to the brink of Default. They have proven their point but they want more. They want Chaos.

Since debt payments are $20 billion a month and tax revenues are about $200 billion a month, why would we "default" if we don't raise the debt ceiling? What are the $200 billion a month you think is more important then paying debt payments since default would be so catastrophic?
Republicans on the Debt Ceiling: Screwing Over America - The Daily Beast

Seems to me the GOP seeks a banana republic: a toxic blend of right-wing populism, anti-intellectualism, debt defaults, and an end to the ladder of economic opportunity. They would divide us into a few Haves and a lot of Have-Nots. And they would slowly crush the heart of progressive America—the rising middle class created by Democratic economic policies of education and empowerment. All while preserving, protecting, and defending a tiny oligarchy of millionaires and billionaires.

The poor are so bothersome, aren't they? Now the Baggers shout, 'THE DEMOCRATS DID IT!"
When are you gonna' learn that the Republicans and Democrats play for the same team?

Do some research on the Federal Reserve and Google "1,500 Quadrillion in Derivatives" then get back to us.

You have to get beyond just cheering for or booing Political Parties like it's the American league or National league.

Oh yes, and the answer is the Tea Party. They have driven the country to the brink of Default. They have proven their point but they want more. They want Chaos.

Since debt payments are $20 billion a month and tax revenues are about $200 billion a month, why would we "default" if we don't raise the debt ceiling? What are the $200 billion a month you think is more important then paying debt payments since default would be so catastrophic?

Spoken like someone who bounces a lot of checks. :lol:

Read about "cash flow" in a business text, and then get back to us.
Oh yes, and the answer is the Tea Party. They have driven the country to the brink of Default. They have proven their point but they want more. They want Chaos.

Since debt payments are $20 billion a month and tax revenues are about $200 billion a month, why would we "default" if we don't raise the debt ceiling? What are the $200 billion a month you think is more important then paying debt payments since default would be so catastrophic?

Spoken like someone who bounces a lot of checks. :lol:

Read about "cash flow" in a business text, and then get back to us.

I bounce checks because I don't know how to pay $20 billion payments on $200 billion revenues? And you're saying I need to look up "cash flow?" BTW, I'm an MBA in finance chickie, I understand it fine. The answer is you can pay it. You should look up "political ideologue" in a political science book.
Republicans on the Debt Ceiling: Screwing Over America - The Daily Beast

Seems to me the GOP seeks a banana republic: a toxic blend of right-wing populism, anti-intellectualism, debt defaults, and an end to the ladder of economic opportunity. They would divide us into a few Haves and a lot of Have-Nots. And they would slowly crush the heart of progressive America—the rising middle class created by Democratic economic policies of education and empowerment. All while preserving, protecting, and defending a tiny oligarchy of millionaires and billionaires.

The poor are so bothersome, aren't they? Now the Baggers shout, 'THE DEMOCRATS DID IT!"

Why don't you get out of the "poor zone." You know - go to grad school. Accept additional responsibilites. Work long hours. Be dedicated/honest. Help others.


Try it asswipe
Republicans on the Debt Ceiling: Screwing Over America - The Daily Beast

Seems to me the GOP seeks a banana republic: a toxic blend of right-wing populism, anti-intellectualism, debt defaults, and an end to the ladder of economic opportunity. They would divide us into a few Haves and a lot of Have-Nots. And they would slowly crush the heart of progressive America—the rising middle class created by Democratic economic policies of education and empowerment. All while preserving, protecting, and defending a tiny oligarchy of millionaires and billionaires.

The poor are so bothersome, aren't they? Now the Baggers shout, 'THE DEMOCRATS DID IT!"

Democrat policies created the middle class?


Man, libtards sure have some idiotic ideas!

Men like Henry Ford created the middle class. All government education has done is create a race of servile maleducated morons.
Oh yes, and the answer is the Tea Party. They have driven the country to the brink of Default. They have proven their point but they want more. They want Chaos.

Let me get this straight: the TEA party forced Obama and the Democrats to spend $2 trillion more than we take in every year?
Spoken like someone who bounces a lot of checks. :lol:

Read about "cash flow" in a business text, and then get back to us.

In other words, he's 100% correct. There is no reason to default on the debt. Democrats are screaming the sky is falling because what will actually happen is that all their favorite constituency groups will get cut-off first - government employees, college professors, all the other parasites sucking on the government tit.

People will soon discover that the country can get along just fine without the thousands and thousands of wasteful government programs. Then it will be much harder for Democrats to scare them.
Republicans on the Debt Ceiling: Screwing Over America - The Daily Beast

Seems to me the GOP seeks a banana republic: a toxic blend of right-wing populism, anti-intellectualism, debt defaults, and an end to the ladder of economic opportunity. They would divide us into a few Haves and a lot of Have-Nots. And they would slowly crush the heart of progressive America—the rising middle class created by Democratic economic policies of education and empowerment. All while preserving, protecting, and defending a tiny oligarchy of millionaires and billionaires.

The poor are so bothersome, aren't they? Now the Baggers shout, 'THE DEMOCRATS DID IT!"

Democrat policies created the middle class?


Man, libtards sure have some idiotic ideas!

Men like Henry Ford created the middle class. All government education has done is create a race of servile maleducated morons.

Henry Ford also insisted that his assembly line workers be paid enough to buy one of his cars.

Even though he could have turned a profit without that requirement.
Republicans on the Debt Ceiling: Screwing Over America - The Daily Beast

The poor are so bothersome, aren't they? Now the Baggers shout, 'THE DEMOCRATS DID IT!"

Democrat policies created the middle class?


Man, libtards sure have some idiotic ideas!

Men like Henry Ford created the middle class. All government education has done is create a race of servile maleducated morons.

Henry Ford also insisted that his assembly line workers be paid enough to buy one of his cars.

Even though he could have turned a profit without that requirement.

That's true. So are you saying Ford was correct and the labor unions that demanded more were wrong? Is $58 per hour a wee bit too much for labor?
Democrat policies created the middle class?


Man, libtards sure have some idiotic ideas!

Men like Henry Ford created the middle class. All government education has done is create a race of servile maleducated morons.

Henry Ford also insisted that his assembly line workers be paid enough to buy one of his cars.

Even though he could have turned a profit without that requirement.

That's true. So are you saying Ford was correct and the labor unions that demanded more were wrong? Is $58 per hour a wee bit too much for labor?

Unions can be wrong just as often as corporate directors are. As far as it being "too much," no - as long as the company could comfortably afford it, that was Ford's decision.

Besides, paying above the prevailing market wage tends to attract the best in the profession, which makes your company even more productive and secure in its market leadership.
Seems to me the GOP seeks a banana republic: a toxic blend of right-wing populism, anti-intellectualism, debt defaults, and an end to the ladder of economic opportunity. They would divide us into a few Haves and a lot of Have-Nots. And they would slowly crush the heart of progressive America—the rising middle class created by Democratic economic policies of education and empowerment. All while preserving, protecting, and defending a tiny oligarchy of millionaires and billionaires.

A succinct and accurate observation – conservative dogma in essence.

The strong survive and the weak perish.

The bane of rightist reactionaryism will be the end of the Nation.

How do you screw the pouch by fighting to spend less?

It’s explained in the OP.

The right’s not ‘fighting to spend less,’ but to destroy the basic institutions needed to ensure our 21st Century economy, infrastructure, and social systems remain functional, however inadvertent on their part.

We can’t go back to 1800, regardless the right’s desire to do so.
We can’t go back to 1800

Yet we have one side of the isle not wishing to adjust the antiquated system.
Democrat policies created the middle class?


Man, libtards sure have some idiotic ideas!

Men like Henry Ford created the middle class. All government education has done is create a race of servile maleducated morons.

Henry Ford also insisted that his assembly line workers be paid enough to buy one of his cars.

Even though he could have turned a profit without that requirement.

That's true. So are you saying Ford was correct and the labor unions that demanded more were wrong? Is $58 per hour a wee bit too much for labor?

Nope, not really. Especially when the labor I perform makes the company around $1,000,000 per day. If I screw up I can also COST the company several million dollars in lost production and repairs.

So $58 per hour doesn't seem too much at all in my field.

Henry Ford also insisted that his assembly line workers be paid enough to buy one of his cars.

Even though he could have turned a profit without that requirement.

That's true. So are you saying Ford was correct and the labor unions that demanded more were wrong? Is $58 per hour a wee bit too much for labor?

Unions can be wrong just as often as corporate directors are. As far as it being "too much," no - as long as the company could comfortably afford it, that was Ford's decision.

Besides, paying above the prevailing market wage tends to attract the best in the profession, which makes your company even more productive and secure in its market leadership.

How's that working out for Detroit?

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