How Obama got elected...

This was actually dealt with the other day, though heaven knows threads get buried. Pity Zogby decided to destroy his reputation by doing a push poll for Ziegler....

To my mind, this survey meets the definition of a "push poll", which the Random House Dictionary defines as "a seemingly unbiased telephone survey that is actually conducted by supporters of a particular candidate and disseminates negative information about an opponent." That (i) several of the items on the survey contain information which, in addition to being negative, is arguably also untrue; (ii) Ziegler brags that the survey includes a trick question to which no correct answer can be provided, and that (iii) apparently only Obama voters were targeted by the survey (although this is not 100 percent clear), also inform my opinion that the survey can fairly be described as a "push poll". Politics Done Right: Zogby Engages in Apparent Push Polling for Right-Wing Website
Most people are not getting the point of the poll. It is not to show the ignorance of the Democrat voters rather it is to show how the power of the MSM had a big part in Obama being elected. This is an American Idol/People magazine world and the MSM took advantage of this by showing all of the deficiencies of McCain and the GOP and few positives. They then showed all the positives of Obama and very few negatives. The simple fact that all polled knew how much was spent on Palin's wardrobe but few knew who controlled congress is telling. Of the 2 questions, who is in control has much to do about politics while money spent on clothing has very little, if any. If you have that little knowledge of your political process and parties, how can you possiblly make a true informed decision in the voting booth. I don't expect the public to be political junkies, just to have a basic understanding of what is going on with THEIR government. People react more to negatives or sensational headlines than substance. Why do you think Jerry Springer has so much popularity.
The MSM wanted Obama from the start and that agenda was pushed daily.
Doesn't hurt they buried his embarrassing policy plans. Like the fact he plans to bankrupt Coal fired electrical plants which provide 60 percent of our electrical power. He bragged he would use regulations and taxes to bankrupt them and would use the same things to force us to change our ways on other matters.

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