How much will it cost seniors to save medicare?


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Romney/Ryan plan to repeal ObamaCare and replace it with what?
Romney/Ryan’s plan will take away medical care away from millions of Americans and students who are trying to pay for college which they plan to make cuts in so student will have to pay more for college. They plan to take away the donut hole from seniors that helped with cost or prescriptions. They plan to take away preventive care that would save lives and women’s health care and contraceptives and send women into back alleys for abortions. Force women to have children they cannot afford. (If anyone forces me to have a baby I cannot afford they damn will be willing to take care of it.) And what do they plan to replace ObamaCare with? Nothing that I have heard.

Plus they plan to take billions out of Medicare and put it into Medicare Vouchers to be used in the private healthcare system which cannot provide effective medical care without making a profit. Passing on the cost to seniors on a fixed income. Will not affect Ryan’s mother and grand mother but will affect my children and grand children. Instead of seniors paying $100 for their Medicare premiums they will pay $200 and higher deductibles and co pays. Sure it will save private healthcare system but will cost seniors more. Romney/Ryan; How much will it cost seniors to save Medicare?
You must be a Village Idiot if.... you support this.
Over 90% of women who have babies they can not afford voluntarily spread their legs. Ironically, the same principles do not apply to men! Men consistently have sex and can not afford a baby. Then they do what women want to do, say that they can not afford to have a baby, the child was forced on them and they should not be expected to support that child. We call those men deadbeat dads. We take their wages and sometimes put them in jail.

If we intended to be fair, men would be able to force women who want children into having an abortion at the discretion of the man.

Romney/Ryan plan to repeal ObamaCare and replace it with what?
Romney/Ryan’s plan will take away medical care away from millions of Americans and students who are trying to pay for college which they plan to make cuts in so student will have to pay more for college. They plan to take away the donut hole from seniors that helped with cost or prescriptions. They plan to take away preventive care that would save lives and women’s health care and contraceptives and send women into back alleys for abortions. Force women to have children they cannot afford. (If anyone forces me to have a baby I cannot afford they damn will be willing to take care of it.) And what do they plan to replace ObamaCare with? Nothing that I have heard.

Plus they plan to take billions out of Medicare and put it into Medicare Vouchers to be used in the private healthcare system which cannot provide effective medical care without making a profit. Passing on the cost to seniors on a fixed income. Will not affect Ryan’s mother and grand mother but will affect my children and grand children. Instead of seniors paying $100 for their Medicare premiums they will pay $200 and higher deductibles and co pays. Sure it will save private healthcare system but will cost seniors more. Romney/Ryan; How much will it cost seniors to save Medicare?
You must be a Village Idiot if.... you support this.
Actually it will affect Lyin' Ryan's mother and grandmother, they will have to cover the donut hole themselves if the ACA is repealed. Lyin' Ryal would fuck over his own mother and grandmother for a buck and then simply lie about it by denying it!!! :mad:
Is there any more worthless scum on the entire Earth than Lyin' Ryan???
Over 90% of women who have babies they can not afford voluntarily spread their legs. Ironically, the same principles do not apply to men! Men consistently have sex and can not afford a baby. Then they do what women want to do, say that they can not afford to have a baby, the child was forced on them and they should not be expected to support that child. We call those men deadbeat dads. We take their wages and sometimes put them in jail.

If we intended to be fair, men would be able to force women who want children into having an abortion at the discretion of the man.

True - If abortion is legal, then the man should have the right to force the woman to abort his fetus or at minimum terminate financial responsibilities before birth if she continues to go through with the birth.

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