How much money is enough?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2013
The Real World

the meat puppet faggot said:
“We’re not trying to push financial reform because we begrudge success that’s fairly earned. I mean, I do think at a certain point you’ve made enough money.”

Which makes you wonder when Obama will reach the point where he’s earned enough.

So the article talks about the millions obozo made, but the part that struck me was the suggestion he "earned" it. In order to "earn" money, don't you actually have to have done SOME WORK, or at least made some effort to do something for it?

The only thing obozo has ever "done" was "community organizing" whatever that is. I'd love to know what community that useless muppet "organized", whose life improved, or how ANYONE ELSE IN THE WORLD is trying to replicate the "work" he did.

Anyway I'd also like to know, at what point will the meat puppet declare "
I uhh... finally.... uhh... have.... uhhh... enuhhhh....enough.... uhhhh.... money... uhhh..... now.... and uhhh.... mooch and uhhh..... I....uhhh..... will give uhhh.... the rest too... uhhh.... the treasury.... uhhh... So that.... uhh... we will uhhh.... be... uhhh... paying uhhh our uhhh... fair share... uhhh...."

I won't be waiting for that to happen.

hypocrisy is off the charts, next your going to criticize obama for his fake tan and hairpeice
Obama has cash stashed around the globe. He is worth hundreds of millions.

the meat puppet faggot said:
“We’re not trying to push financial reform because we begrudge success that’s fairly earned. I mean, I do think at a certain point you’ve made enough money.”

Which makes you wonder when Obama will reach the point where he’s earned enough.

So the article talks about the millions obozo made, but the part that struck me was the suggestion he "earned" it. In order to "earn" money, don't you actually have to have done SOME WORK, or at least made some effort to do something for it?

The only thing obozo has ever "done" was "community organizing" whatever that is. I'd love to know what community that useless muppet "organized", whose life improved, or how ANYONE ELSE IN THE WORLD is trying to replicate the "work" he did.

Anyway I'd also like to know, at what point will the meat puppet declare "
I uhh... finally.... uhh... have.... uhhh... enuhhhh....enough.... uhhhh.... money... uhhh..... now.... and uhhh.... mooch and uhhh..... I....uhhh..... will give uhhh.... the rest too... uhhh.... the treasury.... uhhh... So that.... uhh... we will uhhh.... be... uhhh... paying uhhh our uhhh... fair share... uhhh...."

I won't be waiting for that to happen.

That not really earning it or stealing it from others is a problem that both left and right should agree to take to task. Selling out isn't earning it IMO, nor is cooking the books and giving yourselves all raises before a crash hits. If there are grey areas in the laws the laws needs to clarify these areas that are so called "grey areas" to make sure there is no doubt, put in recovery laws for such situations, and then strictly enforce the laws to ensure that they are protecting the people from these political predators.
If the tax code was fair, we'd never have such discussions.

Of course, the left would ask the same question even if the federal government was operating with a surplus.

We could also ask when are freebies enough. It's one thing to sustain people by providing necessities till they get back on their feet but quite another to make them more comfortable in poverty by handing them things they don't really need.
Very sad! Attacking the Obamas who have been out of the WH for months is so beneath contempt! It's desperate to change the KNOWN narrative that TRUMP is using his position to enrich himself and his family to the detriment of the country! I stopped caring when society made it possible for this CON MAN to get in this position to ruin it all for EVERYONE! :banana2: :bang3: :blowup: :boohoo:
Supply and demand. If someone wants to pay him a lot of money, there ya go, it's his.
Its not supply and demand when you get enough board members to agree to pay out multiple millions for their groupies when they walk in and take over a corporation. Wells Fargo was erroneously cooking the books claiming they'd made 503 billion that one year and I know for a fact they were cooking the books. The ceo's all went to other companies and crashed the whole economy. I am sure if someone as uneducated and simple as I am could figure that out the pros either knew or ignored it and pressed on like nothing was wrong.
the part that struck me was the suggestion he "earned" it. In order to "earn" money, don't you actually have to have done SOME WORK, or at least made some effort to do something for it?

your aware donald trump is president right?
Get off of it idiot. The problems were long standing before Trump ever came along and he made his with family money starting out not government subsidies and selling out to corporate raiders who have been screwing the America populous for years.
Supply and demand. If someone wants to pay him a lot of money, there ya go, it's his.

I will be interested in what he has to say to Cantor Fitzgerald. The premise of the occasion is about health care. I don't think Obama will be currying favor. Unlike Hillary, he doesn't need to. With the highest bid for his memoir rights at $65M, he can do and say whatever he pleases.
the part that struck me was the suggestion he "earned" it. In order to "earn" money, don't you actually have to have done SOME WORK, or at least made some effort to do something for it?

your aware donald trump is president right?
Get off of it idiot. The problems were long standing before Trump ever came along and he made his with family money starting out not government subsidies and selling out to corporate raiders who have been screwing the America populous for years.
thats best way ive ever heard a right winger describe the differences between spoiled daddy's boy trust fund baby, and somebody who grew up working class and from a broken home

the meat puppet faggot said:
“We’re not trying to push financial reform because we begrudge success that’s fairly earned. I mean, I do think at a certain point you’ve made enough money.”

Which makes you wonder when Obama will reach the point where he’s earned enough.

So the article talks about the millions obozo made, but the part that struck me was the suggestion he "earned" it. In order to "earn" money, don't you actually have to have done SOME WORK, or at least made some effort to do something for it?

The only thing obozo has ever "done" was "community organizing" whatever that is. I'd love to know what community that useless muppet "organized", whose life improved, or how ANYONE ELSE IN THE WORLD is trying to replicate the "work" he did.

Anyway I'd also like to know, at what point will the meat puppet declare "
I uhh... finally.... uhh... have.... uhhh... enuhhhh....enough.... uhhhh.... money... uhhh..... now.... and uhhh.... mooch and uhhh..... I....uhhh..... will give uhhh.... the rest too... uhhh.... the treasury.... uhhh... So that.... uhh... we will uhhh.... be... uhhh... paying uhhh our uhhh... fair share... uhhh...."

I won't be waiting for that to happen.

Too bad Obama can't put his fathers name on buildings and get paid for it

the meat puppet faggot said:
“We’re not trying to push financial reform because we begrudge success that’s fairly earned. I mean, I do think at a certain point you’ve made enough money.”

Which makes you wonder when Obama will reach the point where he’s earned enough.

So the article talks about the millions obozo made, but the part that struck me was the suggestion he "earned" it. In order to "earn" money, don't you actually have to have done SOME WORK, or at least made some effort to do something for it?

The only thing obozo has ever "done" was "community organizing" whatever that is. I'd love to know what community that useless muppet "organized", whose life improved, or how ANYONE ELSE IN THE WORLD is trying to replicate the "work" he did.

Anyway I'd also like to know, at what point will the meat puppet declare "
I uhh... finally.... uhh... have.... uhhh... enuhhhh....enough.... uhhhh.... money... uhhh..... now.... and uhhh.... mooch and uhhh..... I....uhhh..... will give uhhh.... the rest too... uhhh.... the treasury.... uhhh... So that.... uhh... we will uhhh.... be... uhhh... paying uhhh our uhhh... fair share... uhhh...."

I won't be waiting for that to happen.

Too bad Obama can't put his fathers name on buildings and get paid for it
he should star in a playboy video
the part that struck me was the suggestion he "earned" it. In order to "earn" money, don't you actually have to have done SOME WORK, or at least made some effort to do something for it?

your aware donald trump is president right?
Get off of it idiot. The problems were long standing before Trump ever came along and he made his with family money starting out not government subsidies and selling out to corporate raiders who have been screwing the America populous for years.
thats best way ive ever heard a right winger describe the differences between spoiled daddy's boy trust fund baby, and somebody who grew up working class and from a broken home
Obama was just a lacky. Sorry that is the way it is.

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