How Much Longer is Liberal “White Guilt”Going to be Allowed to =Violence Against Whites?


May 23, 2014
The liberal news media wont report it, the university and college system won’t discuss it, and American schools are chickenshit to to take a stand. Black on white violence is OK. Blacks are victims, and white people should take all the derogatory curse words, and violence at them. There are no victims in the United States of America in 2018. Just crybabies who are a campaign slogan for the Democratic Party. Democrats pray on weak minded whites. Especially white college graduates who are brainwashed into feeling guilty that they are successful.
Jesse Jackson on white boy bus beating: ‘It’s hard to make a comparison’
wtf are you carrying on about?

You know, you know... Don't play dumb.

While new generational whites are under this guilt trip bullying, and are thinking or being taught that blacks are these perpetual victims in which they should be in subjection to forever, and the government is forever under obligation to look at the issue in this way, then how does the nation move forward in a balanced way where justice should be blind as it should always be blind in all matters to be dealt with ???

Enough laws have been created, and those laws if not implemented properly always will be scrutinized until justice is achieved.........

When does the bullcrap end ???

Should whites be punished forever for the sins of their forefathers or is it that the issue will continually be used by Demon-crat's as a political hammer to be used by those who have specific ideas on how this country should look and be run without any longer having the free expression of the voters or their honest consideration on these matters being sought after as it should be by our future representatives ???
The liberal news media wont report it, the university and college system won’t discuss it, and American schools are chickenshit to to take a stand. Black on white violence is OK. Blacks are victims, and white people should take all the derogatory curse words, and violence at them. There are no victims in the United States of America in 2018. Just crybabies who are a campaign slogan for the Democratic Party. Democrats pray on weak minded whites. Especially white college graduates who are brainwashed into feeling guilty that they are successful.
Jesse Jackson on white boy bus beating: ‘It’s hard to make a comparison’
Not for too much longer. A few decades at most, then it won't be a problem.
The liberal news media wont report it, the university and college system won’t discuss it, and American schools are chickenshit to to take a stand. Black on white violence is OK. Blacks are victims, and white people should take all the derogatory curse words, and violence at them. There are no victims in the United States of America in 2018. Just crybabies who are a campaign slogan for the Democratic Party. Democrats pray on weak minded whites. Especially white college graduates who are brainwashed into feeling guilty that they are successful.
Jesse Jackson on white boy bus beating: ‘It’s hard to make a comparison’
Not for too much longer. A few decades at most, then it won't be a problem.
Meaning what ??? The whites won't have enough political power to resist any longer ??? Do tell...
The liberal news media wont report it, the university and college system won’t discuss it, and American schools are chickenshit to to take a stand. Black on white violence is OK. Blacks are victims, and white people should take all the derogatory curse words, and violence at them. There are no victims in the United States of America in 2018. Just crybabies who are a campaign slogan for the Democratic Party. Democrats pray on weak minded whites. Especially white college graduates who are brainwashed into feeling guilty that they are successful.
Jesse Jackson on white boy bus beating: ‘It’s hard to make a comparison’
Not for too much longer. A few decades at most, then it won't be a problem.

Why is that? Will it take that long for liberals to grow a brain?
The liberal news media wont report it, the university and college system won’t discuss it, and American schools are chickenshit to to take a stand. Black on white violence is OK. Blacks are victims, and white people should take all the derogatory curse words, and violence at them. There are no victims in the United States of America in 2018. Just crybabies who are a campaign slogan for the Democratic Party. Democrats pray on weak minded whites. Especially white college graduates who are brainwashed into feeling guilty that they are successful.
Jesse Jackson on white boy bus beating: ‘It’s hard to make a comparison’
Not for too much longer. A few decades at most, then it won't be a problem.
Meaning what ??? The whites won't have enough political power to resist any longer ??? Do tell...
You'll all have been replaced by then
The liberal news media wont report it, the university and college system won’t discuss it, and American schools are chickenshit to to take a stand. Black on white violence is OK. Blacks are victims, and white people should take all the derogatory curse words, and violence at them. There are no victims in the United States of America in 2018. Just crybabies who are a campaign slogan for the Democratic Party. Democrats pray on weak minded whites. Especially white college graduates who are brainwashed into feeling guilty that they are successful.
Jesse Jackson on white boy bus beating: ‘It’s hard to make a comparison’
Not for too much longer. A few decades at most, then it won't be a problem.
Meaning what ??? The whites won't have enough political power to resist any longer ??? Do tell...
You'll all have been replaced by then
Your wildest dreams eh ?? Gonna be your worst nightmare when you awake then, because whites will never be stripped of their power in this country. The attempts by your ilk will be made, but whites aren't as stupid as the leftist wish they were.
The liberal news media wont report it, the university and college system won’t discuss it, and American schools are chickenshit to to take a stand. Black on white violence is OK. Blacks are victims, and white people should take all the derogatory curse words, and violence at them. There are no victims in the United States of America in 2018. Just crybabies who are a campaign slogan for the Democratic Party. Democrats pray on weak minded whites. Especially white college graduates who are brainwashed into feeling guilty that they are successful.
Jesse Jackson on white boy bus beating: ‘It’s hard to make a comparison’
Not for too much longer. A few decades at most, then it won't be a problem.
Meaning what ??? The whites won't have enough political power to resist any longer ??? Do tell...
You'll all have been replaced by then
Your wildest dreams eh ?? Gonna be your worst nightmare when you awake then, because whites will never be stripped of their power in this country. The attempts by your ilk will be made, but whites aren't as stupid as the leftist wish they were.
There was a brilliant black man on TV that has a book out on this same thing. I can not remember his name for the life of me.
But he said there are so many whites that run to the blacks side in support, just to prove there not a racist. There are so many
whites out there that feel the blame for nothing they have done. It,s no different if you are German decent, born here never been
to Germany. Do you feel it your fault Hitler did what he did? No & you should not. Then why feel you must prove to black people
your not a racist? Sad thing many whites today do.

The liberal news media wont report it, the university and college system won’t discuss it, and American schools are chickenshit to to take a stand. Black on white violence is OK. Blacks are victims, and white people should take all the derogatory curse words, and violence at them. There are no victims in the United States of America in 2018. Just crybabies who are a campaign slogan for the Democratic Party. Democrats pray on weak minded whites. Especially white college graduates who are brainwashed into feeling guilty that they are successful.
Jesse Jackson on white boy bus beating: ‘It’s hard to make a comparison’
Not for too much longer. A few decades at most, then it won't be a problem.
Meaning what ??? The whites won't have enough political power to resist any longer ??? Do tell...
You'll all have been replaced by then
Your wildest dreams eh ?? Gonna be your worst nightmare when you awake then, because whites will never be stripped of their power in this country. The attempts by your ilk will be made, but whites aren't as stupid as the leftist wish they were.


You evil fuck.
Not for too much longer. A few decades at most, then it won't be a problem.
Meaning what ??? The whites won't have enough political power to resist any longer ??? Do tell...
You'll all have been replaced by then
Your wildest dreams eh ?? Gonna be your worst nightmare when you awake then, because whites will never be stripped of their power in this country. The attempts by your ilk will be made, but whites aren't as stupid as the leftist wish they were.


You evil fuck.
Genocide? Nope just people getting along and living together. When Steve King and other of you Nazi's claim that you can't replace the population with "other people's babies," a lot of those babies are from "your side," those you call race traitors. Not that long ago, white folks in America were decrying how German, Irish, Italian, etc. babies were replacing their preferred ones. This is the same.
The liberal news media wont report it, the university and college system won’t discuss it, and American schools are chickenshit to to take a stand. Black on white violence is OK. Blacks are victims, and white people should take all the derogatory curse words, and violence at them. There are no victims in the United States of America in 2018. Just crybabies who are a campaign slogan for the Democratic Party. Democrats pray on weak minded whites. Especially white college graduates who are brainwashed into feeling guilty that they are successful.
Jesse Jackson on white boy bus beating: ‘It’s hard to make a comparison’
Not for too much longer. A few decades at most, then it won't be a problem.
Meaning what ??? The whites won't have enough political power to resist any longer ??? Do tell...
You'll all have been replaced by then
Your wildest dreams eh ?? Gonna be your worst nightmare when you awake then, because whites will never be stripped of their power in this country. The attempts by your ilk will be made, but whites aren't as stupid as the leftist wish they were.
Thank you for explaining the politics of liberals immigration policies. It’s OK..if they’re not white voters.
Meaning what ??? The whites won't have enough political power to resist any longer ??? Do tell...
You'll all have been replaced by then
Your wildest dreams eh ?? Gonna be your worst nightmare when you awake then, because whites will never be stripped of their power in this country. The attempts by your ilk will be made, but whites aren't as stupid as the leftist wish they were.


You evil fuck.
Genocide? Nope just people getting along and living together. When Steve King and other of you Nazi's claim that you can't replace the population with "other people's babies," a lot of those babies are from "your side," those you call race traitors. Not that long ago, white folks in America were decrying how German, Irish, Italian, etc. babies were replacing their preferred ones. This is the same.
How can you live together when no matter how stupid or violent one race gets excused by intellectual and media spineless cowards?
There was a brilliant black man on TV that has a book out on this same thing. I can not remember his name for the life of me.
But he said there are so many whites that run to the blacks side in support, just to prove there not a racist. There are so many
whites out there that feel the blame for nothing they have done. It,s no different if you are German decent, born here never been
to Germany. Do you feel it your fault Hitler did what he did? No & you should not. Then why feel you must prove to black people
your not a racist? Sad thing many whites today do.

Outstanding point!
Example: Twitter allows anti-white racist Louis Farrakhan to post...but if nobody is allowed to condemn him from the other races. They are banned.
The liberal news media wont report it, the university and college system won’t discuss it, and American schools are chickenshit to to take a stand. Black on white violence is OK. Blacks are victims, and white people should take all the derogatory curse words, and violence at them. There are no victims in the United States of America in 2018. Just crybabies who are a campaign slogan for the Democratic Party. Democrats pray on weak minded whites. Especially white college graduates who are brainwashed into feeling guilty that they are successful.
Jesse Jackson on white boy bus beating: ‘It’s hard to make a comparison’
Not for too much longer. A few decades at most, then it won't be a problem.
Meaning what ??? The whites won't have enough political power to resist any longer ??? Do tell...
You'll all have been replaced by then
Your wildest dreams eh ?? Gonna be your worst nightmare when you awake then, because whites will never be stripped of their power in this country. The attempts by your ilk will be made, but whites aren't as stupid as the leftist wish they were.

You do realize your handy dandy chart says: White AND married AND Christian....dumbass.
Genocide? Nope just people getting along and living together.

:rofl: :lmao: :lol:

You are the most vile racist on this board. In addition to your vile racism, you are a Communist dedicated to the utter destruction of this nation.

When Steve King and other of you Nazi's claim that you can't replace the population with "other people's babies," a lot of those babies are from "your side," those you call race traitors. Not that long ago, white folks in America were decrying how German, Irish, Italian, etc. babies were replacing their preferred ones. This is the same.

You don't get to define "my side" or my views Comrade.

"Race traitor" is a concept only meaningful to piles of shit like you. My race is human. My race includes many ethnicities.

You are a Communist. You sew the seeds of destruction and violence in your quest to burn down the world. You use this racist act of yours to justify your evil, when in the end it is nothing more than your own lust for power over others.
How can you live together when no matter how stupid or violent one race gets excused by intellectual and media spineless cowards?

If you look closely, you'll see that there are plenty of smart and peaceful black people who work hard at honest trades. Just as there are plenty of smart and hard working Hispanics.

Stupidity and violence don't track to skin color, they track to culture. As people move left, they become stupid and violent. Our vile and shameful media is waging a propaganda war on America. Sure, they fan the flames of violent racism, but they fan the flames of ANYTHING that will divide Americans an pit us one against another. The goal of CNN isn't to make black people the rulers of whites, the goal of CNN is to end the United States Constitution and establish a Marxist dictatorship similar to that of Venezuela. Race is just one of a thousand wedges that the Stalinist fucks in the media drive in to destroy the unity of the nation.
It will go on until Antifa animal-savages start getting killed. The Democratic party has shown us for the past few years that brute force is the only language their primitive, vegetative, violence-filled, Starburst-sized brains understand. Just like the muslims they fellate (and swallow every time).

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