How Much are WE Paying for Secret Service?


Active Member
Oct 4, 2012
How much? I read on another board that it was three times the amount of any former president. Wow, could that be true or even close? I remember the *links* we were given were dead links, already deleted - high security and all.

Are WE paying that much to protect the life of Obama who sends billions to terrorists? What the heck is going on?

IMAGINE the savings to the tax-payers once he makes his exit.
How much? I read on another board that it was three times the amount of any former president. Wow, could that be true or even close? I remember the *links* we were given were dead links, already deleted - high security and all.

Are WE paying that much to protect the life of Obama who sends billions to terrorists? What the heck is going on?

IMAGINE the savings to the tax-payers once he makes his exit.

You'll never know how much we're paying for Secret Service protection because it's...well...secret. And, don't forget that SS protection also applies to former Presidents, their spouses, their dependents and certain key members of Congress. Also, don't forget that inflation automatically increases the expense in raw dollar terms and that the fleet of cars, busses, weapons, communications, facilities and aircraft have to be upgraded occasionally, which can lead to a temporary spike in costs.

In addition, SS expenses are very much dependent upon how many living former Presidents and their family members have to be accounted for. As a for instance, when Bill Clinton left office, there were 4 surviving former Presidents, plus family members, who had to be protected. When George Bush left office, there were only 2. Today, there are 3. One would naturally expect SS costs to fluctuate wildly from year to year depending upon how many people have to be guarded.
Those are good points, oldguy, thanks. I do appreciate the SS protecting former Presidents, well, most of them anyway.

Maybe I should have clarified and added something to my original post because I was speaking of Obama only regarding the SS cost to tax-payers.

Does anyone know? Has Obama received more death threats than any other President? Word has it, it's three times the amount. WE pay for that ... while saving his azzz, he's sending money to those who wish to kill us. Go figger, grrrr.
Those are good points, oldguy, thanks. I do appreciate the SS protecting former Presidents, well, most of them anyway.

Maybe I should have clarified and added something to my original post because I was speaking of Obama only regarding the SS cost to tax-payers.

Does anyone know? Has Obama received more death threats than any other President? Word has it, it's three times the amount. WE pay for that ... while saving his azzz, he's sending money to those who wish to kill us. Go figger, grrrr.

Ok, didn't say anything the first time, but since you've essentially repeated it...WHO is he sending money to that wants to kill us? Who are the terrorist's you mentioned the first time?

(Lemme guess..The Brotherhood, right?)
Those are good points, oldguy, thanks. I do appreciate the SS protecting former Presidents, well, most of them anyway.

Maybe I should have clarified and added something to my original post because I was speaking of Obama only regarding the SS cost to tax-payers.

Does anyone know? Has Obama received more death threats than any other President? Word has it, it's three times the amount. WE pay for that ... while saving his azzz, he's sending money to those who wish to kill us. Go figger, grrrr.

Ok, didn't say anything the first time, but since you've essentially repeated it...WHO is he sending money to that wants to kill us? Who are the terrorist's you mentioned the first time?

(Lemme guess..The Brotherhood, right?)

There you go. I invite you to read Post #49 by cyberella. A good summary.
Too much. We pay for him to campaign too.

Yes, we sure do - and the hell with national security. That reminds me of what Obama did immediately after the murders of OUR people last month ... he campaigned and denied it was a terrorist attack. POS :mad:
Do you support the money we spent towards Secret Service protection for Ronald Reagan? He did after all send arms to Iran and support the Taliban. I am guessing this complaint only applies to our current president though. Wonder why....?
Do you support the money we spent towards Secret Service protection for Ronald Reagan? He did after all send arms to Iran and support the Taliban. I am guessing this complaint only applies to our current president though. Wonder why....?

You'd be guessing wrong, aaron. It's not just the current president, i.e., Bill Clinton also had little regard for national security - all the while letting his zipper problem take higher priority than national security. Having *Obama by the short hairs three times and letting him go. It took seven years for the terrorists to plan the destruction of our Towers. Seven years during the reign of Clinton's dereliction of duty.

Back to your diverting question about decades ago and President Reagan -- How can you compare that many years ago to now, post 9/11?

And why do you want to change the subject?

*edit -- Osama
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How much? I read on another board that it was three times the amount of any former president. Wow, could that be true or even close? I remember the *links* we were given were dead links, already deleted - high security and all.

Are WE paying that much to protect the life of Obama who sends billions to terrorists? What the heck is going on?

IMAGINE the savings to the tax-payers once he makes his exit.

You'll never know how much we're paying for Secret Service protection because it's...well...secret. And, don't forget that SS protection also applies to former Presidents, their spouses, their dependents and certain key members of Congress. Also, don't forget that inflation automatically increases the expense in raw dollar terms and that the fleet of cars, busses, weapons, communications, facilities and aircraft have to be upgraded occasionally, which can lead to a temporary spike in costs.

In addition, SS expenses are very much dependent upon how many living former Presidents and their family members have to be accounted for. As a for instance, when Bill Clinton left office, there were 4 surviving former Presidents, plus family members, who had to be protected. When George Bush left office, there were only 2. Today, there are 3. One would naturally expect SS costs to fluctuate wildly from year to year depending upon how many people have to be guarded.

Actually, there were four when Bush left office. Himself, his Dad, Clinton and Carter. Living spouses of dead presidents included Betty Ford (who has since died) and Nancy Reagan.

The Secret Service does more than just protect preisdents and presidential candidates. It also acts as an arm of the Treasury to enforce counterfeiting laws, which is becoming a bigger deal now that the technology makes that a lot easier.
How much? I read on another board that it was three times the amount of any former president. Wow, could that be true or even close? I remember the *links* we were given were dead links, already deleted - high security and all.

Are WE paying that much to protect the life of Obama who sends billions to terrorists? What the heck is going on?

IMAGINE the savings to the tax-payers once he makes his exit.

The billions he's sending to terrorists are in the form of armed drones.

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