How Marxists got control of the Dems


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
In 1963 the Communists went on record as to how they were going to get control of the Democrat Party and its apparent they've succeeded beyond their wildest dreams. It's important we review their successful takeover, great victories are always worthy of study and praise.

They succeeded because they got control of how Democrats think of themselves. Their state goal was to get control of the schools and media. With that, they gradually were able to turn enough of the Dem Party away from basic idea of what it means to be an American and turn them into a Party of useful idiots who still don't realize what's happened to them

17. Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers' associations. Put the party line in textbooks.

20. Infiltrate the press. Get control of book-review assignments, editorial writing, policy-making positions.

21. Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures.

The Communist Takeover Of America - 45 Declared Goals

Now, of course, this will be greeted by ridicule, because a key component to the successful takeover is that the host does not realize it was invaded and abducted. "we're smart!" dems will respond, "not like every one says, like Communists!" and of course they will think they are "Interdependent thinkers" (who always think the EXACT SAME THINGS) and are "intellectuals" (have you see Rdean posts?)

The Democrat Party is in complete agreement that a centrally planned economy is the best way. This is in totally 100% disagreement with all evidence, but because they have been co-opted, they still do not see, cannot see how they are now economically to the left of genuine Communists who have rejected the failed redistribution model.

it happened in my lifetime and I was powerless to stop it.

So sad.

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Not enough people know of this list that was read into the Congressional Record. A quick look confirms that they've accomplished about 90% of it so far.
Next you're going to give us the list of hyper christian right wing radicals that have hijacked your own party right?

No, you wouldn't do that. It wouldn't serve your purpose.
CrusaderFrank is lying again. I wonder why he does it. Is he paid to do it, do you think?
In 1963 the Communists went on record as to how they were going to get control of the Democrat Party and its apparent they've succeeded beyond their wildest dreams. It's important we review their successful takeover, great victories are always worthy of study and praise.

They succeeded because they got control of how Democrats think of themselves. Their state goal was to get control of the schools and media. With that, they gradually were able to turn enough of the Dem Party away from basic idea of what it means to be an American and turn them into a Party of useful idiots who still don't realize what's happened to them

17. Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers' associations. Put the party line in textbooks.

20. Infiltrate the press. Get control of book-review assignments, editorial writing, policy-making positions.

21. Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures.

The Communist Takeover Of America - 45 Declared Goals

Now, of course, this will be greeted by ridicule, because a key component to the successful takeover is that the host does not realize it was invaded and abducted. "we're smart!" dems will respond, "not like every one says, like Communists!" and of course they will think they are "Interdependent thinkers" (who always think the EXACT SAME THINGS) and are "intellectuals" (have you see Rdean posts?)

The Democrat Party is in complete agreement that a centrally planned economy is the best way. This is in totally 100% disagreement with all evidence, but because they have been co-opted, they still do not see, cannot see how they are now economically to the left of genuine Communists who have rejected the failed redistribution model.

it happened in my lifetime and I was powerless to stop it.

So sad.

Maxine Waters Threatens to Socialize Big Oil - YouTube

Congressman John Dingell: Control The People - YouTube

Obama-Spread the wealth around - YouTube

And Cloward and Piven helped with the progression....

[ame=]Cloward Piven Strategy - YouTube[/ame]
Anyone want to remind him of the geographic and demographic makeup of the democratic party in 1963?
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CrusaderFrank, have you ever seen a Marxist? Do they look different than others?

The most amazing thing about these threads is the fact they have no connection to reality. Words come to mean whatever the poster's mind makes them to be. So we could just as easily say, 'this is how asparagus came to control the democrats.' See how easy it is to think like a right wingnut. Just make a word into whatever you like and presto all thought is abandoned. No wonder in power they fail so badly.

"Americans may have elected a Republican president and Congress, but they are unlikely to go back to a world in which one illness can devastate their last years or one storm can destroy their lives. Because government is the one institution that allows us some control over our future, conservatism, which distrusts government so much, is best viewed as a natural counter to liberalism, which, if left unchecked, tends towards wasteful bureaucracy. Indeed, as the Bush administration fully proves, conservatism remains a force of opposition even when it purports to be a governance party. And so the best that can be hoped for is that American voters will do for conservatives what they are unable to do themselves: to vote them out of office."

"The collapse of the Bush presidency, in other words, is not just due to Bush's incompetence (although his administration has been incompetent beyond belief). Nor is it a response to the president's principled lack of intellectual curiosity and pitbull refusal to admit mistakes (although those character flaws are certainly real enough). And the orgy of bribery and special-interest dispensation in Congress is not the result of Tom DeLay's ruthlessness, as impressive a bully as he was. This conservative presidency and Congress imploded, not despite their conservatism, but because of it."
"Why Conservatives Can't Govern" by Alan Wolfe

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Wow -

Who believes this nonsense?

If you just look at media, you see that it was Dems who fought FOR regulation that kept our media out of the hands of those who now control it.

Open your mind, watch a documentary called, Orwell Rolls In His Grave" and you'll see actual footage of then-head of the FCC, Michael Powell (son of Colin) absolutely gut the US controls over our own media. You'll also see Murdoch and the MUSLIM ARAB who controls Fox programming, discuss the phrase, "fair and balanced" and saying that if they said it often enough, the watcher would believe any message they want to feed them. They are seen, on film, instructing their staff to say the pharse more often if the story was not true.

Before the GObP got their "mitts" on our media, it was against the law for a foreigner to own any US media. I was also against the law for one corporation to own more than one type of media - eg - radio AND TV.

Used to be that US media was trustworthy and sacred to us. In point of fact, it has been the right wing that has systematically taken over US media. LOOK IT UP. Google it. EDUCATE yourself.

And quit parroting what your owners tell you.
midcan 5
CrusaderFrank, have you ever seen a Marxist? Do they look different than others?

I just wish these fools would look up the definitions of the labels they throw around.
Another outstanding CrusaderFrank thread.......coming-in for a one-pointer!!!!

A marxist is what a Republican calls someone who is smarter than they are.

In reality Obama is barely to the left of George Bush.
CrusaderFrank, have you ever seen a Marxist? Do they look different than others?

The most amazing thing about these threads is the fact they have no connection to reality. Words come to mean whatever the poster's mind makes them to be. So we could just as easily say, 'this is how asparagus came to control the democrats.' See how easy it is to think like a right wingnut. Just make a word into whatever you like and presto all thought is abandoned. No wonder in power they fail so badly.

"Americans may have elected a Republican president and Congress, but they are unlikely to go back to a world in which one illness can devastate their last years or one storm can destroy their lives. Because government is the one institution that allows us some control over our future, conservatism, which distrusts government so much, is best viewed as a natural counter to liberalism, which, if left unchecked, tends towards wasteful bureaucracy. Indeed, as the Bush administration fully proves, conservatism remains a force of opposition even when it purports to be a governance party. And so the best that can be hoped for is that American voters will do for conservatives what they are unable to do themselves: to vote them out of office."

"The collapse of the Bush presidency, in other words, is not just due to Bush's incompetence (although his administration has been incompetent beyond belief). Nor is it a response to the president's principled lack of intellectual curiosity and pitbull refusal to admit mistakes (although those character flaws are certainly real enough). And the orgy of bribery and special-interest dispensation in Congress is not the result of Tom DeLay's ruthlessness, as impressive a bully as he was. This conservative presidency and Congress imploded, not despite their conservatism, but because of it."
"Why Conservatives Can't Govern" by Alan Wolfe

I have seen a marxist, I just saw him again at the White House press podium pushing more of his bullshit. Alan Wolfe? Really? Humpf.
CrusaderFrank, have you ever seen a Marxist? Do they look different than others?

The most amazing thing about these threads is the fact they have no connection to reality. Words come to mean whatever the poster's mind makes them to be. So we could just as easily say, 'this is how asparagus came to control the democrats.' See how easy it is to think like a right wingnut. Just make a word into whatever you like and presto all thought is abandoned. No wonder in power they fail so badly.

"Americans may have elected a Republican president and Congress, but they are unlikely to go back to a world in which one illness can devastate their last years or one storm can destroy their lives. Because government is the one institution that allows us some control over our future, conservatism, which distrusts government so much, is best viewed as a natural counter to liberalism, which, if left unchecked, tends towards wasteful bureaucracy. Indeed, as the Bush administration fully proves, conservatism remains a force of opposition even when it purports to be a governance party. And so the best that can be hoped for is that American voters will do for conservatives what they are unable to do themselves: to vote them out of office."

"The collapse of the Bush presidency, in other words, is not just due to Bush's incompetence (although his administration has been incompetent beyond belief). Nor is it a response to the president's principled lack of intellectual curiosity and pitbull refusal to admit mistakes (although those character flaws are certainly real enough). And the orgy of bribery and special-interest dispensation in Congress is not the result of Tom DeLay's ruthlessness, as impressive a bully as he was. This conservative presidency and Congress imploded, not despite their conservatism, but because of it."
"Why Conservatives Can't Govern" by Alan Wolfe

I have seen a marxist, I just saw him again at the White House press podium pushing more of his bullshit. Alan Wolfe? Really? Humpf.

Bin Laden dead.

Gaddafi dead.

The economy, roaring back.

Name calling is all you guys have left.

Obama will be re-elected.
Next you're going to give us the list of hyper christian right wing radicals that have hijacked your own party right?

No, you wouldn't do that. It wouldn't serve your purpose.

Why don't you give us the list and the then the list of all the ills that have befallen our country due to the aforementioned.

A marxist is what a Republican calls someone who is smarter than they are.

In reality Obama is barely to the left of George Bush.

<<< Gong! >>>
You're wrong.
[ame=]Sound Gong - YouTube[/ame]

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