How many noncitizens are registered to vote?


Diamond Member
Jun 25, 2010
On the way to the Dark Tower.
How many noncitizens are registered to vote?
Voter registration fraud is not a groundless conspiracy. It is not a hypothetical threat to election integrity.

In Nevada, a battleground state that could decide the presidency and control of the U.S. Senate, it is real.

Last week, I met with two immigrant noncitizens who are not eligible to vote, but who nonetheless are active registered voters for Tuesday's election. They said they were signed up by Culinary Local 226.

They speak and understand enough English to get by. But they don't read English especially well. They say the Culinary official who registered them to vote didn't tell them what they were signing and didn't ask whether they were citizens. The immigrants said they trusted that the union official's request was routine, thought nothing of it and went about their work.

Then the election drew closer. Then the Culinary canvassers started seeking them out and ordering them to go vote.


After a few days of early voting, the union knew the immigrants still hadn't voted. So union canvassers kept visiting.

One day, when a Culinary representative was told the immigrant wasn't a citizen and wouldn't vote, things got testy. The immigrant was "in so much trouble," the Culinary operative said, according to Brenda Moraine, a local immigrant advocate who was there.

The immigrants spoke with me on the condition that I provide no identifying information about them beyond their membership in the Culinary. They're afraid of reprisals from the union, they're afraid of losing their jobs, and they're concerned that their signatures are on a government document that says, in part, "I swear or affirm I am a U.S. citizen. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct."

I verified their identities, their lack of citizenship and their status as active registered voters in Clark County.

One of the immigrants validated my worst fears about Nevada's weak voter registration standards and voting safeguards.

"There are others," the immigrant said.

Other noncitizen Culinary workers are registered to vote?

Dave is our Don Quixote chasing the windmill of voter fraud

Not only that, but he can tie up his two boogeymen of illegal aliens and cheating democrats into one
How many noncitizens are registered to vote?
Voter registration fraud is not a groundless conspiracy. It is not a hypothetical threat to election integrity.

In Nevada, a battleground state that could decide the presidency and control of the U.S. Senate, it is real.

Last week, I met with two immigrant noncitizens who are not eligible to vote, but who nonetheless are active registered voters for Tuesday's election. They said they were signed up by Culinary Local 226.

They speak and understand enough English to get by. But they don't read English especially well. They say the Culinary official who registered them to vote didn't tell them what they were signing and didn't ask whether they were citizens. The immigrants said they trusted that the union official's request was routine, thought nothing of it and went about their work.

Then the election drew closer. Then the Culinary canvassers started seeking them out and ordering them to go vote.


After a few days of early voting, the union knew the immigrants still hadn't voted. So union canvassers kept visiting.

One day, when a Culinary representative was told the immigrant wasn't a citizen and wouldn't vote, things got testy. The immigrant was "in so much trouble," the Culinary operative said, according to Brenda Moraine, a local immigrant advocate who was there.

The immigrants spoke with me on the condition that I provide no identifying information about them beyond their membership in the Culinary. They're afraid of reprisals from the union, they're afraid of losing their jobs, and they're concerned that their signatures are on a government document that says, in part, "I swear or affirm I am a U.S. citizen. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct."

I verified their identities, their lack of citizenship and their status as active registered voters in Clark County.

One of the immigrants validated my worst fears about Nevada's weak voter registration standards and voting safeguards.

"There are others," the immigrant said.

Other noncitizen Culinary workers are registered to vote?


Don't worry Dave... Barry is going to cry tonight as well :lol:
And the excuse making begins...

Usually you wait until AFTER you lose to do that, Dave.

Dave is our Don Quixote chasing the windmill of voter fraud

Not only that, but he can tie up his two boogeymen of illegal aliens and cheating democrats into one

Yep, pre-emptive excuse are big right now with the 'Conservatives'.
There are three Democrats who don't give a shit about democracy.

Any more?

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