"How long should I wait before having milk or meat so as not to mix them Rabbi?"


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
"Six hours." a Chabad (ultra-orthodox) rabbi.


Reliigon and science get it about right I'd say. :)
Oh an dif you'd say 'none of it is' then Christianity, Islam, and Mormonism all disintegrate since their "credibility" is completely dependent upon Judaism's.
Please explain why this matters.

If you think homosexuality matters, but not this, you're both ignoratn and a hypocrite.

Can't pick and choose. Either everything in the OT is relevant and binding, or none of it is.

Milk and dairy products are food for babies and children, meat is food for adults with fully developed teeth with which to ruminate.

The subject of this law is about keeping what is taught to children separate from what is taught to adults.

Thats why it can be seen in the dead sea scrolls that there was the literal interpretation and application of the law exclusively for common consumption and hidden teaching and hidden subjects with hidden meaning kept secret and taught only to a few after they had gone through an arduous two year initiation period of testing.
Please explain why this matters.

If you think homosexuality matters, but not this, you're both ignoratn and a hypocrite.

Can't pick and choose. Either everything in the OT is relevant and binding, or none of it is.

Milk and dairy products are food for babies and children, meat is food for adults with fully developed teeth with which to ruminate.

The subject of this law is about keeping what is taught to children separate from what is taught to adults.

Thats why it can be seen in the dead sea scrolls that there was the literal interpretation and application of the law exclusively for common consumption and hidden teaching and hidden subjects with hidden meaning kept secret and taught only to a few after they had gone through an arduous two year initiation period of testing.

Wow. Just when I thought I had a good grasp of who the crazy ones were.
Wow. Just when I thought I had a good grasp of who the crazy ones were.


When these men have undergone, with blamelessness of conduct, a two year preparation in the fundamentals of the community, they shall be segregated as especially sacred among the formal members of the community. Any knowledge which the expositor of the law may posses but which may have to remain arcane to the ordinary layman, he shall not keep hidden from them; for in their case there need be no fear that it might induce apostasy.

No one is to engage in discussion or disputation with men of ill repute; and in the company of froward men everyone is to abstain from talk about (keep hidden) the meaning of the Law [Torah].

Manual of Discipline
The Apostle Peter received a vision informing him that Jewish dietary laws were not binding on Christians.

Acts 10:9-16
Just so you know 6 hours is customary...in some countries it is far less 90 minutes.... But if you want to really look into this i suggest reading genesis 18 verse 7 and 8... You might find it interesting to say the least....shalom.....
The Apostle Peter received a vision informing him that Jewish dietary laws were not binding on Christians.

Acts 10:9-16

Pretty convenient timing. Figure out the Jews aren't interested in your new religion so you market it to the Gentiles. When your customer satisfaction surveys show they aren't exactly buying in to your new religion because of stuff like not eating pork and getting circumcisions, you get a "vision" that allows new converts to eat what they will and not get cut.
The Apostle Peter received a vision informing him that Jewish dietary laws were not binding on Christians.

Acts 10:9-16

Pretty convenient timing. Figure out the Jews aren't interested in your new religion so you market it to the Gentiles. When your customer satisfaction surveys show they aren't exactly buying in to your new religion because of stuff like not eating pork and getting circumcisions, you get a "vision" that allows new converts to eat what they will and not get cut.

Who are you directing your criticism at? Me, or the Apostle Peter? Were you there? No, you were not.
The Apostle Peter received a vision informing him that Jewish dietary laws were not binding on Christians.

Acts 10:9-16

The vision confirmed the teaching of Jesus that the dietary laws were not about food or what you serve and eat for meals but what you teach and learn which rendered the oral law obsolete not the law itself which Jesus clearly taught would always remain in effect and in full force.

Matthew 5:17-20

The flesh of one creature or another is figurative for the teaching of one type of person or another that either defiles and contaminates the mind or not according to whether they are vile and loathsome creatures or not whose teaching is either clean or unclean in the eyes of God..

Whether one believes in Jesus or not, the law is binding on all people whether they realize it or not.
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