How is the Trump tax plan the “largest tax cut in American history”


Diamond Member
Jan 13, 2016
Can anybody explain how the Trump tax plan is going to be the “largest tax cut in American history”? I’ve heard this line used by Trump and Pence and many surrogates but I don’t understand how that is even possible. Tax rates used to be in the 90% range for the top earners. This new plan is going to raise taxes for top earners in many states.

Can anybody explain how this claim for the “largest cut in American history” is rationalized? Or is it simply false advertising?

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Because it destroys our children's futures over time. The destruction is even greater than under Bush and the GOP. The damage will be much longer lasting.

Then, once the damage is done, and Democrats regain power, Republicans scream the Democrats can't FIX anything, referring to the damage caused by Republicans.
Can anybody explain how the Trump tax plan is going to be the “largest tax cut in American history”?
No, because it isn't.
Why do we allow them to keep saying that line then? I haven’t heard one person asked to explain it. Maybe Wallace will get Manuchan in their interview tomorrow.
Why do we allow them to keep saying that line then?

I don't think it's a matter of "allowing" anything. Trump, his cohorts and allies are given to misrepresenting facts -- great and small, makes no difference -- and there's not much one can do to stop them from doing so. The best one can do is check the veracity of what they say.

One'd think that Trump et al's constituents would have the integrity to insist that their political leaders/"darlings" without fail be accurate in their representations of objective facts and contextual truths. Be that as it may, they clearly do not. I can't explain why people are so indifferent to whether "their guy" unfailingly utters accurate and truthful statements. The best I can say is that it appears such things just don't matter to them.

Truth is a demure lady, much too ladylike to knock you on your head and drag you to her cave. She is there, but people must want her, and seek her out.
-- William F. Buckley Jr.​
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