How Gates Got Into Yale

William Joyce

Chemotherapy for PC
Jan 23, 2004
By calling the admissions board "whitey":

Gates, an intellectual drawn back into the arena -

To his eventual embarrassment, he wrote in his Yale application:

"As always, whitey now sits in judgment of me, preparing to cast my fate. It is your decision either to let me blow with the wind as a nonentity or to encourage the development of self. Allow me to prove myself."


This little black bitch has pretty much rocketed through life by screaming "whitey" to get his way.

I don't know who looks worse: Gates, or the idiot self-hating whites who succor him.
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Right? I mean, Gates is just playing it... doing what it takes to get ahead. The whites are doing what it takes to get BEHIND... now that's just dumb. So much for white supremacy. A race you can fool that easily ain't supreme over a damn burrito.

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