How far we've fallen

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
This is a sermon by Brother Michael Boldea Jr. that addresses the subject of how far the church has fallen. Yesterday I posted a thread asking the question, Will America repent? Today I am asking the question, Will the church repent? No need to take a poll. Each of us who call ourselves Christians are accountable to God and must answer to Him. The Church is not a denomination, it's not about religion or church attendance, the Church is the Body of Christ that has received Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and believes the King James Bible to be the Word of God that is to be believed and obeyed literally.

This is the Sermon - 1st part:

Hand of Help Ministries

How Far We've Fallen

High standards seem to be a thing of the past. What once was ordinary and expected of everyone is now deemed gifted, talented, and exceptional. Even simple things like being able to write longhand are considered extraordinary, and if perchance you happen to be an immigrant that speaks fluent English without the frequent insertion of ‘know what I’m sayin’?’ in your dialogue, people are surprised and dumbfounded.

We have consistently lowered the bar to accommodate the lazy and uninspired, and although that is a choice the world is free to make it ought not to be so when it comes to those responsible for the spiritual welfare of the household of faith.
continued -

Hand of Help Ministries

The quality of shepherd has been steadily diminishing during the first few decades. We have let things slide, we have ignored the warning signs, and now the quality of shepherd has diminished to the point that no one seems to be put off by the idea that some 400 pastors, deacons, elders, and other church leadership have enrolled themselves and pay fees to a website whose sole purpose is to provide partners for illicit extramarital affairs.

In layman’s terms, they pay a subscription to facilitate the commission of adultery with other individuals who pay a subscription to likewise commit adultery on their significant other.

The surprise in the church was almost nonexistent. Some are even breathing a sigh of relief that the names of these pastors and elders were found on a website that facilitates heterosexual intercourse rather than one providing hookups for men to reciprocally sodomize each other.

At least they were looking to commit adultery with women. The fact that we can even think of framing the argument in such a manner proves how far we’ve fallen and how little is expected of our spiritual leaders nowadays.
last part of sermon -

At least they were looking to commit adultery with women. The fact that we can even think of framing the argument in such a manner proves how far we’ve fallen and how little is expected of our spiritual leaders nowadays.
It used to be men whose function was to serve food to widows were expected to be of good reputation, full of the Holy Spirit and wisdom. Nowadays, as long as you can fit into a pair of skinny jeans and look hip enough wearing a pair of horn rimmed glasses, your spiritual pedigree, how much you know of the Word, or even what you believe is no longer relevant.

We make idols of men only to be overcome by hopelessness and despair once our idols turn out to be less then human, never mind a demigod.

In this entire unfolding there are no innocents. Everyone is culpable for the spiritual condition we find ourselves in. Everyone is culpable for the lukewarm, halfhearted, heretical offerings we bring before God, thinking we are doing Him a favor, and expecting to be generously rewarded via the material for our efforts.

The leaders are culpable because they stopped preaching truth, and began floating the idea that sin is no longer sin, and what you do the rest of the week is irrelevant as long as you pay your tithe and show up on Sunday.

The sheep are culpable because they desired a wider path than that the Bible prescribes, and found themselves teachers to suit their proclivities and give them license to sin.

Those still preaching truth are likewise culpable, because they didn’t yell loud enough, or long enough, or often enough, but in their defense, even a dog can only be smacked upon the head so many times by those he considers friends before he just gives up his barking, and goes to sit in a corner somewhere.

We tried preaching the Word, and were called legalists. We tried preaching righteousness and were called zealots. We tried preaching the power of the Holy Spirit and were called mystics. We tried preaching Jesus and were called intolerant. We tried preaching the narrow path and were called exclusivists. We tried preaching the cross and were called old-fashioned, outmoded, and obsolete.

We were not called these things by the world; it was not the world that was persecuting us, but those who claimed to be of the household of faith, those who claimed to be of Christ, those who claimed to stand for truth. Yes, the selfsame individuals who now embrace sin with open arms, who see no problems with adultery, and whose notion of salvation is one even a toddler can poke holes in until it looks like a slice of Swiss cheese.

Who have we to blame for the world we’ve created but ourselves?

With love in Christ,
Michael Boldea Jr.

Hand of Help Ministries
It is noteworthy read the last part of this message again. Here it is:

We tried preaching the Word, and were called legalists. We tried preaching righteousness and were called zealots. We tried preaching the power of the Holy Spirit and were called mystics. We tried preaching Jesus and were called intolerant. We tried preaching the narrow path and were called exclusivists. We tried preaching the cross and were called old-fashioned, outmoded, and obsolete.

We were not called these things by the world; it was not the world that was persecuting us, but those who claimed to be of the household of faith, those who claimed to be of Christ, those who claimed to stand for truth. Yes, the selfsame individuals who now embrace sin with open arms, who see no problems with adultery, and whose notion of salvation is one even a toddler can poke holes in until it looks like a slice of Swiss cheese.

Who have we to blame for the world we’ve created but ourselves?
This is the truth. The greatest persecution I have experienced in my life did not come from the unbelievers. It came from carnal Christians inside the church who were offended by the truth of the Gospel because they have become so comfortable with the wide road church (that preaches a false Gospel of prosperity and sin your way to heaven- because - Jesus paid it all or they are a member of a false church - with no salvation in it and want to believe their membership will get them to heaven ) that they cannot tolerate truth and are ready to crucify those who preach it.


Woe is me if I preach not the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

For though I preach the gospel, I have nothing to glory of: for necessity is laid upon me; yea, woe is unto me, if I preach not the gospel!
1 Corinthians 9:16
But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.

Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness,

Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat?

Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness.

Wherefore, beloved, seeing that ye look for such things, be diligent that ye may be found of him in peace, without spot, and blameless.

2 Peter 3:10-14
Be ye therefore followers of God, as dear children;

And walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and hath given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweetsmelling savour.

But fornication, and all uncleanness, or covetousness, let it not be once named among you, as becometh saints;

Neither filthiness, nor foolish talking, nor jesting, which are not convenient: but rather giving of thanks.

For this ye know, that no whoremonger, nor unclean person, nor covetous man, who is an idolater, hath any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God.

Let no man deceive you with vain words: for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience.

Be not ye therefore partakers with them.

For ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord: walk as children of light:

(For the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and righteousness and truth.

Proving what is acceptable unto the Lord.

And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.

For it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret.

But all things that are reproved are made manifest by the light: for whatsoever doth make manifest is light.

Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light.

See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise,

Redeeming the time, because the days are evil.

Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is.

And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit;

Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord;

Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ;

Ephesians 5:1-20
The following is a false opinion: "the Church is the Body of Christ that has received Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and believes the King James Bible to be the Word of God that is to be believed and obeyed literally." No where will you find Jesus saying the KJV is the Word of God and that is should be "obeyed literally." That is merely a person who is practicing unrighteous dominion.

She is Christian, who has stated six major heresies and eighteen errors over the course of her ministry here. She is the example of a false teacher foreseen in the latter days.
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That people like Starkey have a prominent says in American government shows how far we have fallen out if God's graces.

Even worse is to have a genicodial secular humanist as pontiff as we do in antipope Francis
The Founders could have never envisioned our far right Christians as having almost any say in American government, for they were primarily Congregational, Episcopalian, and deist. The Founders would be horrified of the social conservatives if they were alive today. The Trinitarian and Unitarian pentecostals would be completely bewildering to them.

Over the last fifty years, we can see our Founders were so very accurate.
The Founders never envisioned our far right Christians as having almost any say in American government, for they were primarily Congregational, Episcopalian, and deist.

Over the last fifty years, we can see our Founders were so very accurate.
I am very unknowable in this area but it seems to me when the Funders generation speak of God, especially when in matters of State, they are referring to an Old Testament God and the laws and ethics of Moses, as might be applicable to the matter at hand. Modern day preachers are very Jesus centric.
The Founders never envisioned our far right Christians as having almost any say in American government, for they were primarily Congregational, Episcopalian, and deist.

Over the last fifty years, we can see our Founders were so very accurate.
I am very unknowable in this area but it seems to me when the Funders generation speak of God, especially when in matters of State, they are referring to an Old Testament God and the laws and ethics of Moses, as might be applicable to the matter at hand. Modern day preachers are very Jesus centric.
Many of them, indeed, were Mosaic centered, though a very few like, Patrick Henry and John Jay, certainly were forerunners for the evangelical 2d Great Awakening, c. 1800 to 1840. The great primitive apostolic revival was part of that, partially centered in upstate NY and the Case Western reserve.

Funny that Mormons would come out of that apostolic primitivism that also produced Church of Christ, Disciples, First Christians, blue light, Campbellism, etc.

The idea that Muslims and Catholics would have as much influence would have concerned them. I think only one Catholic was a signer of the Constitution.
The Founders never envisioned our far right Christians as having almost any say in American government, for they were primarily Congregational, Episcopalian, and deist.

Over the last fifty years, we can see our Founders were so very accurate.
I am very unknowable in this area but it seems to me when the Funders generation speak of God, especially when in matters of State, they are referring to an Old Testament God and the laws and ethics of Moses, as might be applicable to the matter at hand. Modern day preachers are very Jesus centric.
Many of them, indeed, were Mosaic centered, though a very few like, Patrick Henry and John Jay, certainly were forerunners for the evangelical 2d Great Awakening, c. 1800 to 1840. The great primitive apostolic revival was part of that, partially centered in upstate NY and the Case Western reserve.

Funny that Mormons would come out of that apostolic primitivism that also produced Church of Christ, Disciples, First Christians, blue light, Campbellism, etc.

The idea that Muslims and Catholics would have as much influence would have concerned them. I think only one Catholic was a signer of the Constitution.
A system with greater freedoms will eventually and inevitably be corrupted by a system with less freedoms. Hitler was elected. (Not saying Obama is like Hitler. Obama is not a system, that I am aware of.)
The Founders never envisioned our far right Christians as having almost any say in American government, for they were primarily Congregational, Episcopalian, and deist.

Over the last fifty years, we can see our Founders were so very accurate.
I am very unknowable in this area but it seems to me when the Funders generation speak of God, especially when in matters of State, they are referring to an Old Testament God and the laws and ethics of Moses, as might be applicable to the matter at hand. Modern day preachers are very Jesus centric.

I disagree. Jesus said that when He was lifted up that He would draw all men unto Himself, RV. The truth is that most of the churches in America are not lifting up the name of Jesus Christ. They are lifting up the names of men and that is a sin. False Preachers have their names written in huge letters while Jesus name is like this --------------> Jesus.

Jesus is God, RV. He is the God of the Old Testament. He is the One spoken of in Job. He is the LORD in all 66 books of the Bible. Every single Book of the Bible is pointing directly at Jesus Christ. When your eyes are opened? You will see Him everywhere.

The Founders never envisioned our far right Christians as having almost any say in American government, for they were primarily Congregational, Episcopalian, and deist.

Over the last fifty years, we can see our Founders were so very accurate.
I am very unknowable in this area but it seems to me when the Funders generation speak of God, especially when in matters of State, they are referring to an Old Testament God and the laws and ethics of Moses, as might be applicable to the matter at hand. Modern day preachers are very Jesus centric.
Many of them, indeed, were Mosaic centered, though a very few like, Patrick Henry and John Jay, certainly were forerunners for the evangelical 2d Great Awakening, c. 1800 to 1840. The great primitive apostolic revival was part of that, partially centered in upstate NY and the Case Western reserve.

Funny that Mormons would come out of that apostolic primitivism that also produced Church of Christ, Disciples, First Christians, blue light, Campbellism, etc.

The idea that Muslims and Catholics would have as much influence would have concerned them. I think only one Catholic was a signer of the Constitution.
A system with greater freedoms will eventually and inevitably be corrupted by a system with less freedoms. Hitler was elected. (Not saying Obama is like Hitler. Obama is not a system, that I am aware of.)

Hitler was not elected.
Hitler used backroom deals, not votes, to come to power.
That people like Starkey have a prominent says in American government shows how far we have fallen out if God's graces.

Even worse is to have a genicodial secular humanist as pontiff as we do in antipope Francis

Starkey is a Catholic and he needs to be saved. Pray for him. I heard that Tony Palmer (who reminds me of Starkey) died in an accident shortly after he was spoke to Kenneth Copeland's church to tell the Protestants that the Pope said the protest was over and that they were all Catholics now. Not too long after that speech, Tony Palmer got hit by a car and died.

There was no mention of his having ever repented for his work for the anti Christ Roman Pope or His Vatican - I would have to believe he is in hell now. How awful it is to pretend to be doing God's work and end up in hell over it. I do not believe Tony Palmer had any fear of the LORD. The bible says the wicked do not fear the LORD.

But it shall not be well with the wicked, neither shall he prolong his days, which are as a shadow; because he feareth not before God.
Ecclesiastes 8:13
That people like Starkey have a prominent says in American government shows how far we have fallen out if God's graces.

Even worse is to have a genicodial secular humanist as pontiff as we do in antipope Francis

He is an anti-Christ and a false teacher. Those who follow him are lost. Pray for them, Frank.
The Founders never envisioned our far right Christians as having almost any say in American government, for they were primarily Congregational, Episcopalian, and deist.

Over the last fifty years, we can see our Founders were so very accurate.
I am very unknowable in this area but it seems to me when the Funders generation speak of God, especially when in matters of State, they are referring to an Old Testament God and the laws and ethics of Moses, as might be applicable to the matter at hand. Modern day preachers are very Jesus centric.
Many of them, indeed, were Mosaic centered, though a very few like, Patrick Henry and John Jay, certainly were forerunners for the evangelical 2d Great Awakening, c. 1800 to 1840. The great primitive apostolic revival was part of that, partially centered in upstate NY and the Case Western reserve.

Funny that Mormons would come out of that apostolic primitivism that also produced Church of Christ, Disciples, First Christians, blue light, Campbellism, etc.

The idea that Muslims and Catholics would have as much influence would have concerned them. I think only one Catholic was a signer of the Constitution.
A system with greater freedoms will eventually and inevitably be corrupted by a system with less freedoms. Hitler was elected. (Not saying Obama is like Hitler. Obama is not a system, that I am aware of.)

Hitler was not elected.
Hitler used backroom deals, not votes, to come to power.
Wow, learned something new today. Hitler was not actually elected. Thanks.
That people like Starkey have a prominent says in American government shows how far we have fallen out if God's graces.

Even worse is to have a genicodial secular humanist as pontiff as we do in antipope Francis

Starkey is a Catholic and he needs to be saved. Pray for him. I heard that Tony Palmer (who reminds me of Starkey) died in an accident shortly after he was spoke to Kenneth Copeland's church to tell the Protestants that the Pope said the protest was over and that they were all Catholics now. Not too long after that speech, Tony Palmer got hit by a car and died.

There was no mention of his having ever repented for his work for the anti Christ Roman Pope or His Vatican - I would have to believe he is in hell now. How awful it is to pretend to be doing God's work and end up in hell over it. I do not believe Tony Palmer had any fear of the LORD. The bible says the wicked do not fear the LORD.

But it shall not be well with the wicked, neither shall he prolong his days, which are as a shadow; because he feareth not before God.
Ecclesiastes 8:13

There are plenty of Catholics in Heaven Jeremiah.
All of the Churches has something or other that is not done right.
But all will be saved.
Mark 16:16
He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.
Why do you lie, Jere? You are a Christian, and you know better. I am categorically not a Cathoic.

Thus, the rest of your rant is meaningless in relation to me.

Jeri, you do more damage in a day than twenty Jesuits to the cause of Christ. You preach heresies and are on the road to apostasy.
The Founders never envisioned our far right Christians as having almost any say in American government, for they were primarily Congregational, Episcopalian, and deist.

Over the last fifty years, we can see our Founders were so very accurate.
I am very unknowable in this area but it seems to me when the Funders generation speak of God, especially when in matters of State, they are referring to an Old Testament God and the laws and ethics of Moses, as might be applicable to the matter at hand. Modern day preachers are very Jesus centric.
Many of them, indeed, were Mosaic centered, though a very few like, Patrick Henry and John Jay, certainly were forerunners for the evangelical 2d Great Awakening, c. 1800 to 1840. The great primitive apostolic revival was part of that, partially centered in upstate NY and the Case Western reserve.

Funny that Mormons would come out of that apostolic primitivism that also produced Church of Christ, Disciples, First Christians, blue light, Campbellism, etc.

The idea that Muslims and Catholics would have as much influence would have concerned them. I think only one Catholic was a signer of the Constitution.
A system with greater freedoms will eventually and inevitably be corrupted by a system with less freedoms. Hitler was elected. (Not saying Obama is like Hitler. Obama is not a system, that I am aware of.)

Hitler was not elected.
Hitler used backroom deals, not votes, to come to power.
Wow, learned something new today. Hitler was not actually elected. Thanks.
He was elected at the head of the party with the most votes, selected as Deputy Chancellor, and on Hindenberg's death, succeeded to the Chancellorship.

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