How Drones Help Al Qaeda


Defend Liberty
Aug 27, 2008
“DEAR OBAMA, when a U.S. drone missile kills a child in Yemen, the father will go to war with you, guaranteed. Nothing to do with Al Qaeda,” a Yemeni lawyer warned on Twitter last month. President Obama should keep this message in mind before ordering more drone strikes like Wednesday’s, which local officials say killed 27 people, or the May 15 strike that killed at least eight Yemeni civilians.

Drone strikes are causing more and more Yemenis to hate America and join radical militants; they are not driven by ideology but rather by a sense of revenge and despair. Robert Grenier, the former head of the C.I.A.’s counterterrorism center, has warned that the American drone program in Yemen risks turning the country into a safe haven for Al Qaeda like the tribal areas of Pakistan — “the Arabian equivalent of Waziristan.”

Anti-Americanism is far less prevalent in Yemen than in Pakistan. But rather than winning the hearts and minds of Yemeni civilians, America is alienating them by killing their relatives and friends. Indeed, the drone program is leading to the Talibanization of vast tribal areas and the radicalization of people who could otherwise be America’s allies in the fight against terrorism in Yemen.

This has been clear, of course, to most people around the world, but it's an unspeakable truth in America. That's why just about every country, except the U.S. of course, opposes the use of drone strikes.

Global Opinion of Obama Slips, International Policies Faulted | Pew Global Attitudes Project

The author of the NYT piece is a 23 year old Yemeni.!/imothanaYemen
A lot of truth is in that post man. It's a shame that some people on this board will look at your post will call you an unamerican and you want the Terrorist to win
A lot of truth is in that post man. It's a shame that some people on this board will look at your post will call you an unamerican and you want the Terrorist to win

I'll try not to let it ruin my day.
If the lazy pedophile worshippers would clean up their own problems, we wouldn't have to drop bombs on them to clean it up ourselves.

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