How does society benefit from welfare?

When someone gets welfare, they don't have the desire to better their lives.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

Wow. Its amazing that some actually believe this. Especially since so many SAY they are "Christians". There are times when people need a hand up. In the past, I've helped people and every single one of them have gone on to do for themselves.

If I had listened to the likes of fux or lushbo, I wouldn't have helped those people.

Besides which - we are human being. We don't stand by while our own species starves to death in front of us.
The corporate welfare need sto be drastically scaled back as well, which would mean voting against the champion of welfare losers..... Barack Hussein obammy.

so, we should vote for a true corporatist like Willard "the rat" Romney?....naahh, I'll take my chances with Obama.

At least with the Obama had the survival of the financial and auto industry.

Romney was talking about letting them totally a company like Bain could swoop in..sell off assets and ship jobs overseas.

For a hefty profit.

Yes, and he also said he wanted to let housing collapse, people go homeless so the wealthy could buy their homes and then rent them back to them.

Damn but that stinks.

Just that one issue is enough to make be vote against him. The man is SCUM.
so, we should vote for a true corporatist like Willard "the rat" Romney?....naahh, I'll take my chances with Obama.

At least with the Obama had the survival of the financial and auto industry.

Romney was talking about letting them totally a company like Bain could swoop in..sell off assets and ship jobs overseas.

For a hefty profit.

and that my friend, is one of the biggest problems with our country. A complete lack of community and patriotism in Corporate America. I can understand profits, I can understand obligations to stockholders...what I can't understand is screwing the strongest country in the world to achieve an impossible goal of perpetual growth.

That's the difference between left and right.

Profits yes.

But screwing over the rest of us? Taking our homes and jobs? NO.

You nailed it.
Similar to the thread regarding same-sex marriage and debating why or why it shouldn't allowed with regard to society as a whole. Just apply it now to welfare.

So, how does welfare benefit society as a whole? How does it not?

Welfare helps prevent rebellions.

Let em rebel. Nothin that law enforcement can't handle. Of course, that still leaves them on welfare, but perhaps a good head cracking followed by a jail sentence wil teach them a lesson.

Yeah! Just like when McAurther threw those WWI veterans out of their Hooverville with the Army,while they were asking Congress for their war bonus early to help them with existing during the Great Depression.
When someone gets welfare, they don't have the desire to better their lives. Why work when you get get a check for sittin at home and doin nothin? There is so much fraud in the welfare system that its not really benefitin anyone. Those who work have to pay more taxes to cover those who are not working.

If welfare put money into the pockets of people who in return put it into business, then why are inner cities so run down and poor and violent? All you are doin is takin that money out of one persons hands who worked for it, and puttin into the hands of someone who didn't. Redistribution of wealth is not the way to better society.

The welfare system is in no way a redistribution of wealth.
Society does not benefit from welfare. Welfare recipients do. Everyone else just has a lighter wallet.

That's a short sighted view.

"Welfare" takes many forms. The op didn't say if they meant the enormous corporate welfare, ranching and farming welfare or the woman who is struggling to keep a roof over her head and food on the table.

Its very IN to criticize that single woman who tries to play by the rules and feed and clothe her kids. The dead beat dad is down the street, drinking with Joe Walsh and other teepots.

The real problem is corporate welfare.THAT is in the trillions of dollars.

Next comes welfare ranching and farming. Does anyone else know of a business that is perpetually propped up by TAX money?

Stop shitting on single mothers - its really small bucks. If you want to stop "welfare", if you want benefit the tax payer, go for corporate welfare.

(Yeah, I know ... that would mean voting against the Queen of Corporate Welfare, Mittens himself, but that's the reality.)
The corporate welfare need sto be drastically scaled back as well, which would mean voting against the champion of welfare losers..... Barack Hussein obammy.

Corporate welfare is HUGE. But guess what, corporations have a habit of recycling those welfare dollars back into pols' campaign coffers. Do you need any more hints as to why so much more money is pumped into so-called "corporate" welfare.
Society does not benefit from welfare. Welfare recipients do. Everyone else just has a lighter wallet.

Well..all you have to do is check history to see what happens when wealth disparity becomes huge.

You get populist revolt. And in many cases, like in China and Russia, the outcomes, suck.

Stay on topic. We are speaking of welfare.
At least with the Obama had the survival of the financial and auto industry.

Romney was talking about letting them totally a company like Bain could swoop in..sell off assets and ship jobs overseas.

For a hefty profit.

and that my friend, is one of the biggest problems with our country. A complete lack of community and patriotism in Corporate America. I can understand profits, I can understand obligations to stockholders...what I can't understand is screwing the strongest country in the world to achieve an impossible goal of perpetual growth.

That's the difference between left and right.

Profits yes.

But screwing over the rest of us? Taking our homes and jobs? NO.

You nailed it.

They are not your homes if they are mortgaged. They are not your jobs unless you own th company.
The welfare mentality is that you are owed by everyone because you take your next breath.
I think the way to eliminate the war on poverty, is to start with the poorest people, by sending out social workers, to teach good habits when they are small, and follow them, and teach them about sex. But, do it in a home setting not an office. Make those things you gripe about a point to teach and incorporate in their lives. They receive Government monies, there are responsibilities that go with that. There worlds are so cold, that a friend stopping by, that has a special relationship with mom or dad or both, would be great for their esteem. I think it would open up jobs especially to the military. And just be a good thing all the way around. Time? Yes it will take a lot of time. Call the Government Program, Setting Down Children Right
1. It keeps people from starving in the streets.

2. It helps keep the economy rolling(imagine if those people had crappy jobs AND had to pay out of pocket for all of the expenses that come with a household). Money in people's pockets means money spent, money spent means profits for business.

Now...I am not a big fan if Welfare in it's current form. I personally think they ought to keep their benefits, but I strongly believe that there is plenty of public works projects out there that need done. Putting them on the job, with on the job training will give them work experience, skill sets that will be marketable, empower them, rather than stigmatize them, and help improve our shitty infrastructure.


And people object when I suggest raising the minimum wage to a living wage.
I think the way to eliminate the war on poverty, is to start with the poorest people, by sending out social workers, to teach good habits when they are small, and follow them, and teach them about sex. But, do it in a home setting not an office. Make those things you gripe about a point to teach and incorporate in their lives. They receive Government monies, there are responsibilities that go with that. There worlds are so cold, that a friend stopping by, that has a special relationship with mom or dad or both, would be great for their esteem. I think it would open up jobs especially to the military. And just be a good thing all the way around. Time? Yes it will take a lot of time. Call the Government Program, Setting Down Children Right

For people who are working, there should be a living wage, for those not working, I'm all in favor a dormitories, make them share rooms and kitchen privileges, have someone come in to teach them how to shop and how to cook and clean up after themselves. Teach them how to care for children and have them share the burden while learning how to get a job and keep it. If they can't find a job in a certain amount of time, then let's give them one, even cleaning garbage up off the street is better than doing nothing. And pay them enough to live on, then it's not charity, it's work and they can get a better self image and work their way up to a better job.

Our current system sucks, we have people who are working their buns off and living in tent cities and we have people with 5 kids by 5 different fathers that are sitting on their butts being paid by our government simply because they were stupid enough to have children they couldn't afford.

Currently, a high-school girl who get's pregnant gets help immediately from our government, she even gets more funds and more opportunities to attend college or trade schools. Meanwhile what do the father's get? A bill for the kid. Why not give the father opportunities for college and trade school so that they can get a job and actually pay the child support they are being charged?
and that my friend, is one of the biggest problems with our country. A complete lack of community and patriotism in Corporate America. I can understand profits, I can understand obligations to stockholders...what I can't understand is screwing the strongest country in the world to achieve an impossible goal of perpetual growth.

That's the difference between left and right.

Profits yes.

But screwing over the rest of us? Taking our homes and jobs? NO.

You nailed it.

They are not your homes if they are mortgaged. They are not your jobs unless you own th company.

If they aren't our homes, why are we paying the taxes on them?
1. It keeps people from starving in the streets.

2. It helps keep the economy rolling(imagine if those people had crappy jobs AND had to pay out of pocket for all of the expenses that come with a household). Money in people's pockets means money spent, money spent means profits for business.

Now...I am not a big fan if Welfare in it's current form. I personally think they ought to keep their benefits, but I strongly believe that there is plenty of public works projects out there that need done. Putting them on the job, with on the job training will give them work experience, skill sets that will be marketable, empower them, rather than stigmatize them, and help improve our shitty infrastructure.


And people object when I suggest raising the minimum wage to a living wage.
That's because the cashier at McDonald's is not doing a job worth a living wage.
When someone gets welfare, they don't have the desire to better their lives. Why work when you get get a check for sittin at home and doin nothin? There is so much fraud in the welfare system that its not really benefitin anyone. Those who work have to pay more taxes to cover those who are not working.

If welfare put money into the pockets of people who in return put it into business, then why are inner cities so run down and poor and violent? All you are doin is takin that money out of one persons hands who worked for it, and puttin into the hands of someone who didn't. Redistribution of wealth is not the way to better society.

The welfare system is in no way a redistribution of wealth.

How do you figure? When the government takes money from someone who has earned it via paying income, property or sales tax and gives it to someone who hasn't, that's definitely redistribution of wealth.

Good point made earlier that welfare was created with good intentions. You don't want the poor living on the streets and possibly turning to crime to make ends meet if you can help it. Like anything the government does though, it's basically been used to try to get votes. If you have someone who's dependent on it and it's comfortable enough to where you don't need to get off of it then why bother?

Welfare definitely has it's place, but for the good of the nation and those who need to use it, it needs to be relatively painful. I like the idea of work programs in combination with education, training and drug testing (along with military service as another option). It would obviously cost tax dollars to administrate such services but the hope is that it would level out in the long haul (less people claiming benefits due to having the basic skills and motivation to make a better life elsewhere).
1. It keeps people from starving in the streets.

2. It helps keep the economy rolling(imagine if those people had crappy jobs AND had to pay out of pocket for all of the expenses that come with a household). Money in people's pockets means money spent, money spent means profits for business.

Now...I am not a big fan if Welfare in it's current form. I personally think they ought to keep their benefits, but I strongly believe that there is plenty of public works projects out there that need done. Putting them on the job, with on the job training will give them work experience, skill sets that will be marketable, empower them, rather than stigmatize them, and help improve our shitty infrastructure.


And people object when I suggest raising the minimum wage to a living wage.
That's because the cashier at McDonald's is not doing a job worth a living wage.

The lowest paid job in the richest country in the world should be a living wage job, everything should go up from there.
And people object when I suggest raising the minimum wage to a living wage.
That's because the cashier at McDonald's is not doing a job worth a living wage.

The lowest paid job in the richest country in the world should be a living wage job, everything should go up from there.

But everything, including prices, will go up from there and we'll be right back to where we started only everything will cost more.

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