How does one start "Writing"??


Pentheus torn apart
Nov 1, 2008
Hi, by the join date you may see that I am a newbie. A quick question for the regulars here, How does One start writing?

At times I do come up with some strange ideas that I like to put o paper and flush out but--well--I have not the slightest idea on how to start. What things I need to keep in mind.

Any pointers?
Personally, I don't think there's any "learning".. Either you have a knack and a talent for it, or you don't. Just my take on it, tho..
First make sure that you're not posting something that was already posted. You can do do this with the "Search" tool.

Next, just start writing. Usually, something will catch my eye and I am forced to respond and cannot rest until I do so.

Try it. It's not hard. Beware, make sure you can back up what you say, otherwise, the onslaught will come fast and hard.
Oh great, I just asked the most basic question--How do you start?
First, think. I mean that goes for any writing effort. Let whatever it is bubble along in your mind and when it's just about ready to explode - get it down in writing. Then do it again and do it again and do it again until it's right.
Start out with your basic premise.

I am going to tell you about _______________

If you cannot tell your reader what you are going to discuss in an opening sentence or a paragraph, you probably don't know what you think about that subject well enough (yet) to write a coherent essay about it.
As I have told everybody from the get go, I don't know how to write. I have taken no classes in that art.

I think it more because of that, that I have written and made money from that writing (Thousands from Mobipocket).

It is not because I am good.

It is more that I am not afraid to make a fool out of myself.

So what if I have typos. So what if I can not write dialogue like somebody who has studied the different styles.

None of that should keep you from writing. Just do it and stop making up excuses as to why you can not.

My dear wife, a top honor student in College, was an English Lit major. Because she studied that art, she knows how perfect you have to be. Because of that, she is convinced that she can not write because she will make a mistake. So, she has never tried. She knows how to make excuses, and I can not dissuade her from her excuses.

So, the moral to the story is, "Just do it."
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Hi, by the join date you may see that I am a newbie. A quick question for the regulars here, How does One start writing?

At times I do come up with some strange ideas that I like to put o paper and flush out but--well--I have not the slightest idea on how to start. What things I need to keep in mind.

Any pointers?

Obtain a writing utensil and some form to "write" on and starting putting letters down, preferrably in an order to results in words.
As I have told everybody from the get go, I don't know how to write. I have taken no classes in that art.

I think it more because of that, that I have written and made money from that writing (Thousands from Mobipocket).

It is not because I am good.

It is more that I am not afraid to make a fool out of myself.

So what if I have typos. So what if I can not write dialogue like somebody who has studied the different styles.

None of that should keep you from writing. Just do it and stop making up excuses as to why you can not.

My dear wife, a top honor student in College, was an English Lit major. Because she studied that art, she knows how perfect you have to be. Because of that, she is convinced that she can not write because she will make a mistake. So, she has never tried. She knows how to make excuses, and I can not dissuade her from her excuses.

So, the moral to the story is, "Just do it."

Thanks, I actualy needed that --
"just do it" and "Do not be afraid" are usually good general advice for any type of project. I guess having someone remind me was my problem.
I can tell you how to write.
Start writing about something that moves you. It can be political, or a story, or an animal, or how to do something. Just start, and write away.

Then edit the shit out of it. Remember you need a beginning, a middle and an end. You need to stick to the subject. Everything that is rambling or has no bearing on the subject get rid of. Write like you talk, don't try to write any other way or you'll make mistakes and/or sound stilted. Keep it simple.

If you're writing journalistically, make sure you use at least 3 sources, at least one from the "other side" if there is another side (if you're doing an expose, for example).

Your first paragraph should tell the reader exactly what you're going to say, and why it's so.

THe middle takes care of the whys and wherefores.

Your last paragraph repeats your theory or the point of your story, and concisely states why it's right and true.

I promise you, if you edit the hell out of your writing, it will work. Don't be too emotionally attached to the crap you write, or it will sound retarded when you leave in stuff that really shouldn't be there...but you just like it so you leave it in. Get someone to help you edit if you can't do it yourself.

There. Now you know everything you need to know. Go forth and conquer.
But don't worry if you start in the middle and then have to move things around....the main thing is to get the stuff on the page.

Then you attend to the structure.
Would this also be a reference to getting your writings accepted by publishers? I've had a small amount of success doing that, and a large amount of failure. I submitted some of my freelance work to Katrina vanden Heuvel herself, but I don't see it in The Nation.

If you ever reach a point when you want to focus on that, I would encourage you to submit your work to as many people as possible.
Hi, by the join date you may see that I am a newbie. A quick question for the regulars here, How does One start writing?

At times I do come up with some strange ideas that I like to put o paper and flush out but--well--I have not the slightest idea on how to start. What things I need to keep in mind.

Any pointers?

Writing is rewriting.

Get your ideas down first, organize them in the editing/rewriting process.

Try to limit your subject so that you can do it justice.
I always wanted to write a book for Children. Finally I did. You can see it now at and

It is called PurpleUmpkin. It is a small planet that replaced Pluto. Come meet the Murples. They are the makers of Purples. So far some of our nation's leaders and leaders around the world are the biggest readers. Writing for me, came at different times. I would then write that down. I could no so much just sit and write. Decide what subject you want. Where you want to start from , what you want to say and usually the ending will come. Check it, and change it. Enjoy it more than any thing. Laugh at it. Best of luck

Michael John McCann
First, think. I mean that goes for any writing effort. Let whatever it is bubble along in your mind and when it's just about ready to explode - get it down in writing. Then do it again and do it again and do it again until it's right.

perfect advice.
I do morning pages. At least fifteen minutes worth of writing. That really seems to help.
Usually, an idea with an emotional interest strikes me and I have to write it down. I also do "forced" writing by entering into writing contests. Writing, like anything needs to be practiced over and over. Lots of writings are inspired by my readings as well.

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