How does envy and hate towards "rich" people..

That's the problem with a ninth place trophy ... It just isn't worth the same as the top prize .... You don't try (in some cases extremely hard) you don't win. Ninth place in real life means you work at Micky ds while the first place finisher gets to live the high life
Who does the class warfare crap resonate with?

Its always the same. Its the angry, miserable, jealous assholes of this world who need somebody to blame for making their own fucked up personal decisions of fAiL in their lives. People who have set the bar low and spend the rest of their lives trying to make other people just as miserable as they are. Traditional American institutioins are despised by these people simply because it becomes the target for them to blame for their level of fuckedupedness. This is the common thread amongst all on the far left. They loath successes that other people attain. They hate it. Carry around a chip on their shoulder for the rest of their miserable lives. This is why they find Plato, Hobbes, Hegel et. al. so romantic. All these utopian societies those brilliant meatheads spoke of were dependent upon universal misery of amongst the masses. To them, the best society is a society where individualism and success are evil to be replaced with a society of zombies who take their marching orders from the statist. To the far lefty..........THAT is utopia.
It is often said that those on the far left embrace the tragic view of people and humainty. It is what makes them feel better though..........the more misery, the better. That society is better off with everybody being miserable as compared with some being miserable and some being successful and not so miserable. Its really fucked up when it comes right down to it.
Thankfully for the rest of is a sentiment embraced only by a maximum of 20% of the people in this country.

I think it's more like 50%. The 50% who don't pay taxes. "My failure is YOUR fault."
This country is quickly becoming a plutocracy and only those who blindly use patriotism as a disguise will deny it. Slowly but surely middle class workers are having their rugs pulled out from under them and neither party is innocent. My kids have zero to look forward to no matter who is elected. This has been rightly instilled in them by me.

Middle class is doing just fine....

....the prob is the dolts like you who live by bumper-stickers.

Watch me prove it...and watch you ignore it.

1. The broadest and most accurate measure of living standard is real per capita consumption. That measure soared by 74% from 1980 to 2004. The Equality Of Reaganomics - Forbes
U.S. Department of Commerce. Bureau of Economic Analysis

a. A study of table 7.1 would show that between 1973 and 2004, it doubled. And between 1929 and 2004, real per capita consumption by American workers increased five fold. The fastest growth periods were 1983-1990 and 1992-2004, known as the Reagan boom.

2. The percentage of households with real incomes higher than $50,000 increased from 24.9% in 1967 to 44.1% in 2003, and the percentage with real incomes lower than $35,000 fell from 52.8% in 1967 to 40.9% . More On The Certain Equality Of Reaganomics - Forbes

a. “…in 1967 only one in 25 families earned an income of $100,000 or more in real income, whereas now, one in six do. The percentage of families that have an income of more than $75,000 a year has tripled from 9% to 27%. But it's not just the rich that are getting richer. Virtually every income group has been lifted by the tide of growth in recent decades.” Great American Dream Machine
Thus, the middle class was growing richer, and moving up, rather than shrinking. Further, what is the basis for decrying workers having higher incomes, or, to put it another way, how can same be harmful to other workers with ‘less-skilled’ jobs?

b.”Today, the country has gone a long way toward an appearance of classlessness. Americans of all sorts are awash in luxuries that would have dazzled their grandparents. “
I wonder if Mrs Heinz-Kerry ever "worked a day in her life"......


Good question. Seems odd that when a conservative says something bad about a lib/dem, especially a woman, it's an outrage, but if a liberal says something about a conservative woman then it's no big deal. So, anybody know if Obama called Mrs Romney like he did Fluke? I'm guessing not.

And that question, or anything similar, has never crossed my mind until this recent bullshit got stirred up.

It's none of my business how a married couple decide to set the dynamics of their responsibilities.


Don't you know it is their business now, because it is all for the good of us all......:lol::lol:
Helping to solve your own problems.....I have to say I am kind of shocked at some of the hateful comments from some people towards people that are rich. Also I am puzzled by how some are selective in who they have decided to dislike, like the Romneys......So If I am to understand it correctly, it is fine to dislike a rich republican, while the same people don't have any problems with rich people like the Kennedys..;)

Do hateful comments towards the poor cause you comparable dismay?
The problem with that politicalchic is that it shows the middle class vanishing ... The fact that it's evolving into the lower end of 'wealthy' not withstanding

If the poor don't lift themselves up, then yes, those that are willing to do the work to succeed will continue to pull further and further ahead of the couch potatoe crowd
Helping to solve your own problems.....I have to say I am kind of shocked at some of the hateful comments from some people towards people that are rich. Also I am puzzled by how some are selective in who they have decided to dislike, like the Romneys......So If I am to understand it correctly, it is fine to dislike a rich republican, while the same people don't have any problems with rich people like the Kennedys..;)

Do hateful comments towards the poor cause you comparable dismay?
Helping to solve your own problems.....I have to say I am kind of shocked at some of the hateful comments from some people towards people that are rich. Also I am puzzled by how some are selective in who they have decided to dislike, like the Romneys......So If I am to understand it correctly, it is fine to dislike a rich republican, while the same people don't have any problems with rich people like the Kennedys..;)

Maybe it seems selective because.....this might be a shocker to you......that democrats don't in fact hate rich people. It's a nice strawman that educated republicans have convinced their uneducated base to parrot (*ahem, someone has a fitting Avatar). But if Democrats are supposed to "hate" rich people but yet you can name rich people they don't seem to "hate", then maybe your hypothesis is off. Maybe it's the policies that favor rich people that liberals don't like.

Does Warren Buffet hate himself? Of course not, but he speaks out constantly about the policies that favor rich people such as himself. No one hates anyone. Turn off your tv/radio and use your brain for once.
Helping to solve your own problems.....I have to say I am kind of shocked at some of the hateful comments from some people towards people that are rich. Also I am puzzled by how some are selective in who they have decided to dislike, like the Romneys......So If I am to understand it correctly, it is fine to dislike a rich republican, while the same people don't have any problems with rich people like the Kennedys..;)

Maybe it seems selective because.....this might be a shocker to you......that democrats don't in fact hate rich people. It's a nice strawman that educated republicans have convinced their uneducated base to parrot (*ahem, someone has a fitting Avatar). But if Democrats are supposed to "hate" rich people but yet you can name rich people they don't seem to "hate", then maybe your hypothesis is off. Maybe it's the policies that favor rich people that liberals don't like.

Does Warren Buffet hate himself? Of course not, but he speaks out constantly about the policies that favor rich people such as himself. No one hates anyone. Turn off your tv/radio and use your brain for once.

I've seen letters to the editor expressing hate for the rich. A poster on this very forum referred to the "filthy rich." -- Criticizing Romney because he's rich, his wife because she did not work outside the home. I have turned off my TV - the MSNBC that is, yes, because is THERE, NOT Fox where I have heard this expressed. Besides, read the post: she said "making hateful comments. . ." - no hateful comments are EVER made by the liberal media toward wealthy liberals/Democrats. You criticize the making of profits. If that's not disliking rich, I don't know what is. But not once have I heard any of you criticize the obscene salaries paid to athletes or movie stars. No, it's the rich CEOs that you can't stand. EXCEPT the rich CEOs of the movie industry of course. Or the owners of football or baseball teams.
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Helping to solve your own problems.....I have to say I am kind of shocked at some of the hateful comments from some people towards people that are rich. Also I am puzzled by how some are selective in who they have decided to dislike, like the Romneys......So If I am to understand it correctly, it is fine to dislike a rich republican, while the same people don't have any problems with rich people like the Kennedys..;)

Maybe it seems selective because.....this might be a shocker to you......that democrats don't in fact hate rich people. It's a nice strawman that educated republicans have convinced their uneducated base to parrot (*ahem, someone has a fitting Avatar). But if Democrats are supposed to "hate" rich people but yet you can name rich people they don't seem to "hate", then maybe your hypothesis is off. Maybe it's the policies that favor rich people that liberals don't like.

Does Warren Buffet hate himself? Of course not, but he speaks out constantly about the policies that favor rich people such as himself. No one hates anyone. Turn off your tv/radio and use your brain for once.

I've seen letters to the editor expressing hate for the rich. A poster on this very forum referred to the "filthy rich." -- Criticizing Romney because he's rich, his wife because she did not work outside the home. I have turned off my TV - the MSNBC that is, yes, because is THERE, NOT Fox where I have heard this expressed.

Ok, and? I've seen people on this very site spew hatred for poor people. So does that mean all conservatives hate the poor now?
I wonder if Mrs Heinz-Kerry ever "worked a day in her life"......


Good question. Seems odd that when a conservative says something bad about a lib/dem, especially a woman, it's an outrage, but if a liberal says something about a conservative woman then it's no big deal. So, anybody know if Obama called Mrs Romney like he did Fluke? I'm guessing not.

He DID address the issue today...I heard it...earlier...

Here it is...

“First of all there is no tougher job than being a mom. I've watched Michelle, who for most of her career had to juggle work and family, but there were times when she was on maternity leave and I promise you that's work. So I think this was an ill-advised statement by somebody on television. It's not something that I subscribe to, and moreover my general rule is you don't talk about the spouses of elected officials because they've got a really tough job. They're out there supporting their husband or wife who have chosen to serve in public eye. Sometimes that spouse isn't volunteering for that job, but they're doing the best they can supporting somebody they love and they care about. And i think they're off limits, so on both counts it was the wrong thing to say and I haven't met Ms. Romney but she seems like a wonderful woman and I know that she's devoted her life to her family.”

~Barack Obama...

The problem with that politicalchic is that it shows the middle class vanishing ... The fact that it's evolving into the lower end of 'wealthy' not withstanding

If the poor don't lift themselves up, then yes, those that are willing to do the work to succeed will continue to pull further and further ahead of the couch potatoe crowd

Nonsense. You've got blinders on, Firehorse.

1. Mathematics is a factor in understanding the economy, as well: one must understand that any average, or mean, of incomes in the top 20% will always be much higher than the median income in this group, for the simple reason that the top group has no ceiling…i.e., it is everyone with incomes above the 80% percentile. Of course, this description can be applied to any “top” group…1%, 5%, etc.

a. The median will consequently always provide a much more accurate reflection of the typical income earner in any top income group than any average or mean. So, changes in the “average” incomes of a top group are always misleading, and greatly exaggerates the level of typical income of top income groups.

b. “Mean income for the top 10% is about two-thirds larger than median income…” Reynolds, “Income and Wealth,” p. 21.

c. According to Federal Reserve data regarding incomes of different subgroups, the average or mean income of the top 10% households seems to increase much more from 1989 to 2004 than the average or mean of the next highest 10%, or of any lower income group. This would lead one to believe, mistakenly, that income inequality is growing, with the rich getting rich faster than any other group.
But when the more accurate median income is considered, the income of the top 10% grew virtually at the same rate from 1989 to 2004 as the bottom 20%, and as the second lowest 20%. Reynolds, “Income and Wealth,” p. 20-21.

2. The statistical illusion known as ‘the vanishing middle class’ is produced by defining the middle class by some fixed interval of income.- say, between $35k and $50k- and then by counting the number of individuals are in that interval over the years. The fallacy fails to note that the incomes of Americans have been rising over the years. So, as the statistical distribution of folks shifts to the right, the number of folks in the original income bracket, declines- contrary to the waves of journalistic and political rhetoric.
Sowell, 'Economic Facts and Fallacies,' chapter five.

3. Over the decades, the percentage of American families with incomes over $75k has tripled. Alan Reynolds, “Income and Wealth,” p. 49.
Who does the class warfare crap resonate with?

Its always the same. Its the angry, miserable, jealous assholes of this world who need somebody to blame for making their own fucked up personal decisions of fAiL in their lives. People who have set the bar low and spend the rest of their lives trying to make other people just as miserable as they are. Traditional American institutioins are despised by these people simply because it becomes the target for them to blame for their level of fuckedupedness. This is the common thread amongst all on the far left. They loath successes that other people attain. They hate it. Carry around a chip on their shoulder for the rest of their miserable lives. This is why they find Plato, Hobbes, Hegel et. al. so romantic. All these utopian societies those brilliant meatheads spoke of were dependent upon universal misery of amongst the masses. To them, the best society is a society where individualism and success are evil to be replaced with a society of zombies who take their marching orders from the statist. To the far lefty..........THAT is utopia.
It is often said that those on the far left embrace the tragic view of people and humainty. It is what makes them feel better though..........the more misery, the better. That society is better off with everybody being miserable as compared with some being miserable and some being successful and not so miserable. Its really fucked up when it comes right down to it.
Thankfully for the rest of is a sentiment embraced only by a maximum of 20% of the people in this country.

What I never got is why these miserable assholes dont just move...........plenty of places they'd be welcome. Move to China.......this tragic shit doesnt work in America s0ns!!!
Nobody who is worth alot of money can relate to those in the hard working middle class. I dont care how you spin it, they cant. Try as you may, it shall fall on deaf ears. Goes for both parties. If two rich guys were in a truck stuck in the woods and I came by, well I'd drive by. Not my fellow americans.
I love the irony of people who are "sick of all the class warfare" but blame all of the problems in this country on the poor.
"Today, the country has gone a long way toward an appearance of classlessness. Americans of all sorts are awash in luxuries that would have dazzled their grandparents. “ "

What a bunch of garbage. Luxuries. I own my own business. Quite successful. Watch patriots like you eat this bs up.

There's none so blind as those who will not see.
Mitt Romney thinks that one of the solutions to this country's woes are to give people like himself a 2 or 3 hundred thousand dollar a year tax cut,

and then pay for it by cutting the amount of medical assistance we give to poor kids and old people.

...Hey comon!!!!! What's not to like about that!!!!!!

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