> How Do You Feel About Voting Against All Incumbents?


Sep 29, 2008
Im curious to hear peoples opinions about a non-partisan movement to vote out all sitting Congressional leaders regardless of political party. I feel its time we raise the bar in Washington. Carer politicians are becoming way to powerful.
Its time we send a message to Washington that their incompetence as a whole will no longer be tolerated by the American people.
one word...

We already know you are.

I am in favor of term limits. If they are only going to be there for x number of years, they are going to do much more than always looking ahead in the next election. End the monopoly in some districts. They are only in power because the lobbyist know who they are.
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That works if you goal is to unseat the Democrats in control since their majority is tenuous at best with a 49/49 split and 2 independents who caucus with the dems.

I've said before I don't necessarily think that's a bad idea.... a Republican Congress and Democratic President is what worked so well from 93-2001 and there's no reason to think it wouldn't work again just as well.

how about we start with a party change in the white house and work our way down :)

I am in favor of term limits. If they are only going to be there for x number of years, they are going to do much more than always looking ahead in the next election.

I'm in favor of terms limits too... I think the elections is what prompted the Republicans to bail out on the bail out... they listened to the people calling saying don't vote for it...in spite of the fact that most of those people haven't a fucking real clue what is actually going on. Sometimes the people don't know what's best for the entire country.
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That works if you goal is to unseat the Democrats in control since their majority is tenuous at best with a 49/49 split and 2 independents who caucus with the dems.

I've said before I don't necessarily think that's a bad idea.... a Republican Congress and Democratic President is what worked so well from 93-2001 and there's no reason to think it wouldn't work again just as well.

how about we start with a party change in the white house and work our way down :)

I'm in favor of terms limits too... I think the elections is what prompted the Republicans to bail out on the bail out... they listened to the people calling saying don't vote for it...in spite of the fact that most of those people haven't a fucking real clue what is actually going on. Sometimes the people don't know what's best for the entire country.
This isnt about control, we need to change and reform now, this election. I dont know about you guys/gals, but Im not willing to count on Obama or McCaine to bring it! Its time the American people step up to the plate and stand as one, red and blue, and TAKE OUR COUNTRY BACK.
Im curious to hear peoples opinions about a non-partisan movement to vote out all sitting Congressional leaders regardless of political party. I feel its time we raise the bar in Washington. Carer politicians are becoming way to powerful.

I think that there are 228 congress critters that are deserving of some consideration, although none are among the 'leadership'.

I also heard that 18 of 22 retiring members voted for the Bush / Pelosi bail out. I wonder who pulls the strings on their golden parachutes next year...

This isnt about control, we need to change and reform now, this election. I dont know about you guys/gals, but Im not willing to count on Obama or McCaine to bring it! Its time the American people step up to the plate and stand as one, red and blue, and TAKE OUR COUNTRY BACK.

How? Seriously... I am looking for this party if it is happening. Can it be done short of anarchy?

How? Seriously... I am looking for this party if it is happening. Can it be done short of anarchy?

Yes, here's is my idea:

Purge the system is a non-partisan grass roots organizing endeavor by Americans that are sick to their stomach with our current representation in Washington. Spending is out of control, record fuel prices, taxes through the roof, bailouts to top a trillion dollars and they say they need more!

It is a long known fact that we the American people want a Washington outsider inside the White House, yet we still have Washington insiders inside Washington. Its time to rid ourselves of the "business as usual" Washington attitude that it's people are blind and will let them do as they please at our expense. Through modern technology, we can see and share the truth like no other society in the history of the world and yet they look in our eyes and claim to have our best interests in mind.

We the voters say "well its not the guy (or gal) that I voted in" and business proceeds as usual. Its time we stop this vicious cycle and purge the system of the muck that's running our great country into the ground.

The Republicans say "its not our fault, the Dems have had control of the house for the past two years". The Democrats say "its the GOPs' fault, they had control for the previous six". Its time we say "its both of their fault" and hold them accountable. VOTE AGAINST ALL HOUSE AND SENATE CANDIDATES SEEKING REELECTION THIS NOVEMBER! Its our patriotic duty to hold them accountable and purge Washington of its Washington attitude. Its the only way for Washington to get the message that old world politics will no longer be tolerated in the United States.

We understand that some of these sitting Congressional leaders are just that, leaders, but sometimes an apple is so rotten it has to be tossed as a whole instead of trying to cut out the bad parts. The cream will rise to the top. This purge wont effect the Presidential or State Government elections this election cycle, but we urge you to make an informed decision in those races. Tell your loved ones, friends, and neighbors. Print this mission statement and hand it out, put it on a post or in a window and when your local politicians campaign calls, tell them your voting against all sitting congressional leaders. We only have 35 days left to bring real change and reform to Washington.
Yes, here's is my idea:

Purge the system is a non-partisan grass roots organizing endeavor by Americans that are...

...We only have 35 days left to bring real change and reform to Washington.

Thanks dude. I'll check it out - but I have to be honest... first impression is that Purge The System is another Don Quixote 3rd party effort.

But, thanks.

This isnt about the site, its the message, spread it to everyone you know.
I don't believe in term limits. If people don't like the person, they can vote them out.
This isnt about control, we need to change and reform now, this election. I dont know about you guys/gals, but Im not willing to count on Obama or McCaine to bring it! Its time the American people step up to the plate and stand as one, red and blue, and TAKE OUR COUNTRY BACK.

I agree, term limits, zero earmarks, zero lobbyists. They have to sign an oath that they will come out of office with the same net worth they entered office.

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