How did they die?


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
Western Va.
The original statistics for the Korean War was 54,260 US Military killed. During the Clinton administration the statistics were revised by the DOD down to around 34,000. Unlike past and future conflicts where every Military death including accidents and disease was included, the "new" statistics for Korea would only include Americans killed in battle on the Korean peninsula. The question remains how did the other 20,000 Americans die between 1950 and 1953? Coincidentally the US was conducting Nuclear tests in the Marshall Is. during the Korean war. From 1946 - 1958 23 nuclear tests were conducted. The problem was that the Military apparently didn't touch bases with the scientists or the scientists weren't aware that the sites were deadly. The US Military actually posted Soldiers and Sailors close to the tests and even had Sailors board ships that were dangerously radioactive and deadly. My guess is that the DOD doesn't want to include the members of the Military who were killed in Atomic testing in the numbers of KIA during the Korean War for some obscure political reason.
Several were killed in other ares including the US. 1950 train wreck killed 30 in Ohio (Korean War Educator: Casualty Information - Coschocton Train Wreck)

According to a report by Major General Victor E. Bertrandias, Deputy Inspector General, Department of the Air Force, there were a total of 685 personnel, including 149 pilots, killed in transport accidents in 1951 and 1952. There were 107 cargo-type aircraft destroyed, resulting in a materiel loss of many millions of dollars.
Korean War Educator: Topics - Airplane Crashes - Globemaster, Japan

There were many other small incidents of military accidents. Whether they would add up to 20,000 I do not know.
whitehall has been starting a journey down the rabbit hole as of late...can 9/11 was an inside job be far behind ?

Call Korea a rabbit hole if you want to tin foil hats. We saw the planes hit the buildings on 9/11. How do we account for 20,000 American Military deaths in three years in the early 1950's?
whitehall has been starting a journey down the rabbit hole as of late...can 9/11 was an inside job be far behind ?

Call Korea a rabbit hole if you want to tin foil hats. We saw the planes hit the buildings on 9/11. How do we account for 20,000 American Military deaths in three years in the early 1950's?

33 Conspiracy Theories That Turned Out To Be True, What Every Person Should Know... (Updated, Revised and Extended)
Suit yourself eo, I'm not interested in turning the discussion about the Korean War into a nit-picking chemical analysis of Ground Zero.

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