How did even the Ds screw themselves this bad?

william the wie

Gold Member
Nov 18, 2009
Any candidates who could beat Elmer Fudd in a presidential election? Not with the great gobs of opposition research on the D candidates for nomination are generating. The caravan of clown cars on the D side are strangely accurate in dumping mud on their D competitors in their circular firing squad mode.

The deep state is also preparing to throw any and every body they can under the bus to keep themselves out of jail.

The biggest fear most Rs and independents have is that the Dumb voters will move to their jurisdiction.

The trade war is resulting in more incentives for the wealthy to move away from the high tax sites as in Chicago is likely to see more traders moving out of IL. NY is seeing a growing exodus of the wealthy. CA will have to raise taxes on silicon valley. WA could lose Boeing, most of Microsoft and more of Amazon.

Much of China's rare earth production comes from CA and is subject to loss of export license. Much of China's pork and beef comes from Chinese owned farms in the US. That could be stopped too. That will make China very happy. Eminent domain is a wonderful thing. If Trump wins the trade war the 2020 election is likely to be a landslide.

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