How Deep, Señor Maduro? Venezuela Headed Towards Bigger Refugee Crisis Than Syria


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Gotta love Democratic Socialism!

Reuters reports that the Mother of All Human Waves is about to break, with would-be refugees leaving that hellhole even earlier than planned. Already a new report holds that 4 million out of the country’s 30 million have fled, most of them in the past year, and rapidly becoming a refugee crisis even bigger than Syria’s.
You'd think all of our own regressive parasites would be flocking to go down there and take advantage of all the free shit the benevolent leftist regime was giving away. Especially since all the ungrateful workers have left.
Navy Hospital Ship USNS Comfort Will Deploy to Colombia to Care for Venezuelan Refugees


It’s the way we are. We take pity on the downtrodden and do what he can to help. The only problem, how much more good would all that medical expertise do if it was used for the poor and elderly in this country?

The Navy’s hospital ship USNS Comfort (T-AH-20) is being deployed to Colombia this fall to provide medical care to a growing regional humanitarian crisis, as Venezuelans steadily pour over the border to escape a deteriorating health and political climate.

While visiting Colombia late last week, U.S. Secretary of Defense James Mattis announced he was sending Comfort at the request of Colombia’s government. The hospital ship will assist the Colombian medical services network in providing medical care to what has been reported as an influx of more than 1 million Venezuelans into neighboring Colombia.

Now it’s Venezuela. It will soon be Nicaragua. When does it stop?

More @ Navy Hospital Ship USNS Comfort Will Deploy to Colombia to Care for Venezuelan Refugees - USNI News

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