How college students think they are more special than EVER


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220

Important online: Trends like social media, celebrity culture, and easy credit contribute to students feeling as if they're more successful than they really are

How college students think they are more special than EVER: Study reveals rocketing sense of entitlement on U.S. campuses

By Daily Mail Reporter
5 January 2013


'Our culture used to encourage modesty and humility and not bragging about yourself,' Twenge told BBC News. 'It was considered a bad thing to be seen as conceited or full of yourself.'

Just because someone has high self-esteem doesn't mean they're a narcissist. Positive self-assessments can not only be harmless but completely true.

However, one in four recent students responded to a questionnaire called the Narcissistic Personality Inventory with results pointing towards narcissistic self-assessments.
Narcissism is defined as excessive self-love or vanity; self-admiration, or being self-centered.

Twenge said that's a trait that is often negative and destructive, and blames its boom on several trends - including parenting styles, celebrity culture, social media, and easy credit - for allowing people to seem more successful than they really are.


Read more: Study shows college students think they're more special than ever...even those that can't read or write and barely study | Mail Online
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This is the way these kids were raised. They have always won, never really had to compete, were told throughout their lives how special they were. Then they find out they aren't. And we wonder why there are so many suicides.
Little Johnny grows up in a school where they only have pass or fail and no one keeps score at sports events.
It isn't just college students. If anything the most ill educated have the most inflated view of themselves. They are so smart and so wonderful they don't even need to go to college.

Colleges Recruiting Students to Propagandize Wikipedia

September 4, 2013 By Ben Shapiro


Conservatives ought to take a page from the feminist movement here. Wikipedia has become a political football, with leftists routinely invading the space to propagandize on behalf of their viewpoints. According to an Oxford University study, the single most-edited page on Wikipedia for English speakers was that of George W. Bush. There’s a reason for that: leftists spammed Bush’s pages, Bush fans fought back, and leftists spammed the page again.

This is what conservatives must understand: the left is interested solely and completely in manipulation of the truth. Leftists will use whatever outlets and tools are most readily available. And the open-sourcing of Wikipedia meets those ends. Because Wikipedia is so high-traffic – it is ranked among the top ten sites in the world – that means that a huge number of Americans get their information on specific political issues and figures from random leftists who spend time editing Wikipedia for free.

Conservatives ought to begin their own effort to impact Wikipedia.


Colleges Recruiting Students to Propagandize Wikipedia | FrontPage Magazine
PolitiFact | Barack Obama says tax rates are lowest since 1950s for CEOs, hedge fund managers


From a taxation perspective, the difference is significant -- taxation can be as low as 15 percent, rather than the 35 percent paid by everyone else (including other types of Wall Street managers).

The 15 percent rate for capital gains has been in place since 2003, so tax rates for hedge-fund managers’ carried interest isn’t new. But 15 percent is the lowest it has been since 1950, said Eric Toder, co-director of the Urban Institute-Brookings Institution Tax Policy Center. So for hedge-fund managers, Obama’s statement looks correct.

Federal Income Taxes on Middle-Income Families Remain Near Historic Lows : Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

Income taxes: A family of four in the exact middle of the income spectrum will pay only 5.3 percent of its 2013 income in federal income taxes next year, according to a new analysis by the Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center (TPC).[3] Average income tax rates for these typical families have been lower during the Bush and Obama Administrations than at any time since the 1950s (see Figure 1). As discussed below, 2009 and 2010 were particularly low because of the temporary Making Work Pay Tax Credit.
Overall federal taxes: Overall federal taxes — which include income, payroll, and excise taxes, and imputed corporate taxes — on middle-income households in 2009 were at their lowest levels in decades, according to the latest data from the Congressional Budget Office (CBO).


Republicans. Crying that Democrats are getting "free stuff" when they charged this country into oblivion. No matter how you look at it all the country's problems go back to a six year period during Bush's two terms where Republican majorities fucked up this country in so many disastrous ways. And all they talk about is "finishing the job".

Colleges Recruiting Students to Propagandize Wikipedia

September 4, 2013 By Ben Shapiro


Conservatives ought to take a page from the feminist movement here. Wikipedia has become a political football, with leftists routinely invading the space to propagandize on behalf of their viewpoints. According to an Oxford University study, the single most-edited page on Wikipedia for English speakers was that of George W. Bush. There’s a reason for that: leftists spammed Bush’s pages, Bush fans fought back, and leftists spammed the page again.

This is what conservatives must understand: the left is interested solely and completely in manipulation of the truth. Leftists will use whatever outlets and tools are most readily available. And the open-sourcing of Wikipedia meets those ends. Because Wikipedia is so high-traffic – it is ranked among the top ten sites in the world – that means that a huge number of Americans get their information on specific political issues and figures from random leftists who spend time editing Wikipedia for free.

Conservatives ought to begin their own effort to impact Wikipedia.


Colleges Recruiting Students to Propagandize Wikipedia | FrontPage Magazine

They already do. A hilarious site called "Conservapedia" filled with ignorance of the worse kind. Check out their home page. The very first article is on "evolution". Couldn't ya just die?

Main Page - Conservapedia
rrrrrr...dean, did that commotion in the rubber room get you all wee weed up...:lol:

Not so sure. When you ask what Republican policies are and the thread immediately gets sent to the "Rubber Room" is it because of the question or the fact everyone knows that Republican Policies are ridiculous so even asking the question is ridiculous?

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