How can we stop comp. Immig. Refrom?


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Despite the Spin, Immigrants Are Less Likely to Commit Crimes Than U.S. Citizens of the Same Socioeconomic Status.

Comprehensive immigration reform would make communities safer by allowing police to focus on violent criminals. Comprehensive immigration reform would reduce crime by bringing undocumented immigrants, who are now easily victimized by criminals, out of the shadows and requiring them to register and clear background checks on their way to becoming legal.

Comprehensive immigration reform will stop waste of resources, part three presented by Thomas Esparz -

Bucket of horse manure. A criminal is a criminal and commit crimes no matter their immigration status. Thomas Espraza this we are all village idiots. I have lived in neighborhood with a high population of ilelgal aliens and the drug and crime problem is higher than any other parts of a city. Gangs, drugs and other crimes are the normal of the day in high illegal aliens populated areas.
Americans Working to Stop Illegal Immigration
Get the Facts about Illegal Immigration
Comprehensive Immigration Reform Amnesty

The main thing that illegal aliens and their supporters want from Comprehensive Immigration Reform Amnesty is the changing of our existing immigration laws to accommodate millions of illegal aliens and allow them to stay in the US to become future citizens and voters.

The supporters of Comprehensive Immigration Reform Amnesty want to destroy any political hope of future border security or adequate immigration enforcement, by creating a new block of illegal alien voters that will vote for candidates who will let as many come as possible.Comprehensive Immigration Reform Amnesty
Comprehensive Immigration Refrom is not about controlling illegal immigration or border seucrity but all about amnesty and future votes. We, the American people must stop this but how?
The last Comprehensive Immigration Reform AMNESTY was passed in 1986. It gave AMNESTY to approximately 3 million illegal aliens, while promising more enforcement measures. The enforcement components were left unenforced and now we have over 15 million illegal aliens. Based on the failed and unpopular history of Comprehensive Immigration Reform Amnesty, if they pass another one then America can expect tens of millions more illegal aliens in the country in short order.

Certified and accredited polls tell us that approximately 66-80% of Americans oppose any form of Amnesty and favor enforcement over Comprehensive Immigration Reform Amnesty.

Comprehensive Immigration Reform Amnesty
And no one , Right or Left, seem to care how the Amerian people feel.
Say No To Amnesty
Heather Mac Donald, 06.10.10,
Americans already spend far too much to support a huge illegal population. Enforcing existing laws might encourage self-deportation.
"Comprehensive immigration reform" is a euphemism for amnesty. As such, reform will impose significant costs on the country. The primary effect of immigration amnesties in both the U.S. and Europe has been to attract more illegal immigration. An amnesty signals to potential border-crossers that if they can just get into the country illegally, they will eventually be given legal status. Illegal entries in the U.S. rose after the Immigration Reform & Control Act of 1986 went into effect and have increased fivefold from the 1980s to today.
It will not do to say we'll maintain the low-skilled immigration status quo and fix its economic and social consequences through more government programs. Federal, state and local agencies have already spent billions of dollars trying to close the Hispanic achievement gap without noticeable effect.
Say No To Amnesty -
When American speak, our leaders had better listen or the consequences could be devastating to the Democrat party.
Amnesty for Illegal Aliens Is a Terrible Idea for the Nation![/B]

They say the beneficiaries will have to pay a fine, and application fees, and will have to learn English. NAFBPO says that's like letting a burglar off the hook AND keep everything he stole if he will just 'fess up and pay a thousand-dollar fine. In fact, it is that aspect of the process that makes it a corrupt bargain. It is indistinguishable in concept from the practice so common in other nations of buying your way out of a legal bind by passing money to an official to get what you want, whether that is staying out of jail or buying a favorable decision on an application for some benefit. It is corruption and it should not even be tolerated, much less proposed as the solution in a nation ostensibly devoted to the rule of law.

The aliens will permanently displace American workers. …..
There are many criminals in the bunch, we don't know who they are …..
Millions will not assimilate.
They will have an adverse public health impact, ….
With the stroke of a pen we will create more poor Americans…..
We can't afford an amnesty…
The government lacks the resources to carry out the job, ……
Millions will gain status by fraud, ….
It won't solve the illegal immigration problem;…..
An amnesty for ten million people now will result in at least sixty to seventy million people over the next twenty years …..

No Amnesty!

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