How can the Gov't straight faced charge Uber with erasing requested data?


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
Now they say (admit) erasing data that was requested to be saved and handed over to the Gov't is a crime and want to charge Uber with that crime.
Won't Uber's lawyers just site Hillary's case?
*slaps forehead*
Let's see how the Liberal media avoids putting 2+2 together and with a straight face try to avoid the inevitable revisted destroyed subpoenaed emails scandal discussion.
Especially when we let Russia hack us and then play defense for them because that'll help
The govt is filled with 'professional' liars, crooks, and scam artists.

You notice Slick Willy didn't blink an eye when he looked into the camera and faces of every American and said, I did not have sex with that woman'. Barry did not waver when he told every American, 'The ACA will not cosat a dime, it will pay for itself, and if you like your doctor/ plan you can keep them.'

Being a 'master liar' is almost a prerequisite for entering politics / the govt.
Especially when we let Russia hack us and then play defense for them because that'll help
We have to work with them, it's called Shmoozing your partial allies and Diplomacy.
You try and deal with a situation in Syria without it and see what mess that would cause, due to no communications= cross activities errors that can cause tensions or conflicts with troops of countries you steped on their toes.
The govt is filled with 'professional' liars, crooks, and scam artists.

You notice Slick Willy didn't blink an eye when he looked into the camera and faces of every American and said, I did not have sex with that woman'. Barry did not waver when he told every American, 'The ACA will not cosat a dime, it will pay for itself, and if you like your doctor/ plan you can keep them.'

Being a 'master liar' is almost a prerequisite for entering politics / the govt.

He didnt he just fucked her mouth
Especially when we let Russia hack us and then play defense for them because that'll help
We have to work with them, it's called Shmoozing your partial allies and Diplomacy.
You try and deal with a situation in Syria without it and see what mess that would cause, due to no communications= cross activities errors that can cause tensions or conflicts with troops of countries you steped on their toes.

If someone stole from you how does that encourage "shmoozing" and calling the thieves allies?
Especially when we let Russia hack us and then play defense for them because that'll help
We have to work with them, it's called Shmoozing your partial allies and Diplomacy.
You try and deal with a situation in Syria without it and see what mess that would cause, due to no communications= cross activities errors that can cause tensions or conflicts with troops of countries you steped on their toes.

If someone stole from you how does that encourage "shmoozing" and calling the thieves allies?
Russia did not steal anything unless you are talking about their stealing from the Ukraine which by the way tried to steal the election for Hillary through collusion.
When China manipulated their currency and has lopsided trade and stole our intellectual properties, stealing from other nations as well, what happened when through lack of communication we accidentally
shot at them (was it a plane we shot down
or something?) in the Gulf war? Almost an incident that started a conflict.
You must keep ties in the fight against terror.
By playing the demonization slant as a political tactic it is Dems trying to get us in a war with Russia instead of strengthening our diplomatic ties to get Russia to stop land grabs. You are playing arm chair foreign affairs this is ironic since it was Secretary of State Clinton who screwed up everywhere she went and got us in the mess we are in today....answer this: did Hillary's methods of button reset stop Russia from grabbing Crimea and involving in military in Ukraine?
Did her method get Russia to stop supporting crimes agains Syrians through support of Assad and killing innocents by not pin pointing targets?
When you respond with a wall of text from a simple question of how do you work with a nation that just committed cyber espionage I know you're lying. It doest the that many paragraphs to say you can't shmooze with an enemy by calling them something different.
When you respond with a wall of text from a simple question of how do you work with a nation that just committed cyber espionage I know you're lying. It doest the that many paragraphs to say you can't shmooze with an enemy by calling them something different.
That was the worst ad hominem response I've seen in a while, and I'm posting in the Theology section, so you can imagine you hit a new low.
That being said; a picture says a thousand words: The word of the day: Shmoozing.
With what you call the enemy:


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