How Can Anybody Trust Bill Clinton?


Sep 6, 2012
Wasn't this man caught fingering, cigaring, penetrating, thrusting a very young intern who was young enough to be his grand daughter? in the oval office throughout important world meetings. I am sure Bill was spotted licking come off the cigar during a press clip with a world leader. "I did not have any sexual relations with this young woman whatsoever" and the people who support Bill really believe that or think it was no big deal to be eating pussy while he works.

If a true american can take this man's word for anything he says. That's the problem with America, it makes you all naive and gulible.
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Wasn't this man caught fingering, cigaring, penetrating, thrusting a very young intern who was young enough to be his grand daughter? in the oval office throughout important world meetings. I am sure Bill was spotted licking come off the cigar during a press clip with a world leader. "I did not have any sexul relations with this young woman whatsoever" and the people who support Bill really believe that or think it was no big dead to be eating pussy while he works.

If a true american can take this man's word for anything he says. That's the problem with America, it makes you all naive and gulible.

Not only that but they touted that Republicans are living in the past and then they drag out Clinton and worship him in spite of all else.

Part of the answer is that Demorats have no morals.
Wasn't this man caught fingering, cigaring, penetrating, thrusting a very young intern who was young enough to be his grand daughter? in the oval office throughout important world meetings. I am sure Bill was spotted licking come off the cigar during a press clip with a world leader. "I did not have any sexual relations with this young woman whatsoever" and the people who support Bill really believe that or think it was no big deal to be eating pussy while he works.

If a true american can take this man's word for anything he says. That's the problem with America, it makes you all naive and gulible.

he's still the best president we've had in my lifetime.

and he'd still win the presidency if he were running today.

everything else is between him and his wife... at least to normal people.
It's easy when all the right tells is lie after lie. I could care less who he was or wasn't tagging at the time or now. Matters not!!

He supplied specifics on the dem proposal's and platform and I've yet to read, hear, or witness anything that even comes close coming from the neo-con side of the aisle. Everything from romney's tax returns to specifics on his plan are apparently super secret.
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The bottom line is that the only reason he wants Obama relected is so that Shrillary doesn't have to run against a succesful incumbent. And if she is the nominee in much for Republicans living in the past.

End of story!

I'd guess that a vast majority of people would like to go back to the days of his presidency.

If you want to add Newt in there, fine.

But it was Bill's presidency, it's him they're thinking about. Yep, those were the days. The last time this country was really rolling. Hopefully not the final time.

Wasn't this man caught fingering, cigaring, penetrating, thrusting a very young intern who was young enough to be his grand daughter? in the oval office throughout important world meetings. I am sure Bill was spotted licking come off the cigar during a press clip with a world leader. "I did not have any sexual relations with this young woman whatsoever" and the people who support Bill really believe that or think it was no big deal to be eating pussy while he works.

If a true american can take this man's word for anything he says. That's the problem with America, it makes you all naive and gulible.

I used to be one of those right wingers that got all upset about cigars and stuff.

You know what I remember about Clinton today?

I remember that the economy was banging on his watch.

That we were at peace, and if you didn't like your job, you could send out resumes and get one that paid better, even if you didn't have the qualifications.

And, yeah, I voted for Bush because hey, at least he was a good family man.

And what we got were two recessions, a meltdown of the economy and 10 trillion in debt.

And your complaint is that Obama has not been able to pull us out of this hole fast enough.
It's easy when all the right tells is lie after lie. I could care less who he was or wasn't tagging at the time or now. Matters not!!

He supplied specifics on the dem proposal's and platform and I've yet to read, hear, or witness anything that even comes close coming from the neo-con side of the aisle. Everything from romney's tax returns to specifics on his plan are apparently super secret.

that's the thing... they think you vote in a vacuum and it doesn't matter how horrible their candidates are.


but maybe if they let clint yell at an empty chair again....
It's easy when all the right tells is lie after lie. I could care less who he was or wasn't tagging at the time or now. Matters not!!

He supplied specifics on the dem proposal's and platform and I've yet to read, hear, or witness anything that even comes close coming from the neo-con side of the aisle. Everything from romney's tax returns to specifics on his plan are apparently super secret.

"specifics on his plan are apparently super secret."

Here we go again with the blind and misinformed.

It was only posted 3 times yesterday and is on the website.
NOW, again, you 'nuts on the right want to talk about Clinton's marital infidelity?

I thought you wanted to talk about Mitt Romney's POLICIES. I thought you wanted to debate the issues of Mitt Romney's POLICIES, the GOP POLICIES, Mitt Romney's POSITIONS, his TAX PLANS, his BUDGET PLANS, his beliefs on social questions.

When did you change your mind? When did you give up?
I didn't dislike Clinton, but he was a lying womanizing hound dog and then watching Hillary stand by her man on National t.v and all for WHAT? POLTITICS AND POWER..

But evidently BILLY BOY still sends thrills up some peoples legs
Bill Clinton told you people what I've been telling you people for months.

The Romney economic plan won't work. It can't work. It is mathematically impossible to do what Romney is promising to do and come to a balanced budget. Period.

Debate that for once.

I'd guess that a vast majority of people would like to go back to the days of his presidency.

If you want to add Newt in there, fine.

But it was Bill's presidency, it's him they're thinking about. Yep, those were the days. The last time this country was really rolling. Hopefully not the final time.


If the theory is that economic policies take years to kick in then Clinton's success can be traced to Reagan's plans.

The question is do Americans want to wait to see if Obama's work?
I didn't dislike Clinton, but he was a lying womanizing hound dog and then watching Hillary stand by her man on National t.v and all for WHAT? POLTITICS AND POWER..

But evidently BILLY BOY still sends thrills up some peoples legs

who cares if he was a womanizer. so were FDR, Eisenhower, JFK, ... even daddy bush had a girlfriend.

i still don't care who they screw so long as it isn't us...

baby bush was true blue to laura as far as i know... worst president in my lifetime

I'd guess that a vast majority of people would like to go back to the days of his presidency.

If you want to add Newt in there, fine.

But it was Bill's presidency, it's him they're thinking about. Yep, those were the days. The last time this country was really rolling. Hopefully not the final time.


If the theory is that economic policies take years to kick in then Clinton's success can be traced to Reagan's plans.

The question is do Americans want to wait to see if Obama's work?

Yep, could be. But if we hold to that line of reasoning, Obama can indeed point at Bush.



I'd guess that a vast majority of people would like to go back to the days of his presidency.

If you want to add Newt in there, fine.

But it was Bill's presidency, it's him they're thinking about. Yep, those were the days. The last time this country was really rolling. Hopefully not the final time.


If the theory is that economic policies take years to kick in then Clinton's success can be traced to Reagan's plans.

The question is do Americans want to wait to see if Obama's work?

Clinton reversed Reagan's 'plans' in the 1993 budget, remember? The one no Republican would vote for?
He became popular with Republicans running the House and Senate.
He was pretty unpopular for the first 2 years when Dem's were in complete control.
He was able to move from the left to the middle.
President Obama has not done that.
He became popular with Republicans running the House and Senate.
He was pretty unpopular for the first 2 years when Dem's were in complete control.
He was able to move from the left to the middle.
President Obama has not done that.

And he won't.
Look, the far right crowd, the Obama haters, the Clinton haters, they're all going to trash Clinton, and his speech last night. Who didn't know that?

It's irrelevant. The undecided voters are in the center. If Clinton impacts anyone, vote-wise, it's them. And I guarantee you that Clinton's speech last night, if it moved any of them out of the undecided camp,

it didn't move them towards Mitt Romney.

Presidents get the blame and the credit. Obama's getting the blame from the GOP for the economy right now.

Therefore, Clinton is getting the credit for the 90's. And that's why his approvals are approaching 70%.

If you're going to apply a rule to one President, apply them to all. Isn't that the honest thing to do?

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