How Are Syrian Refugees Resettled In The US?


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
I have a feeling that a great majority of these refugees will land up in Southern California where many Middle Easterners are now living. I believe there is a large Syrian community in the San Diego area.

How Are Syrian Refugees Resettled In The US? Video Released By The White House Explains Screening Process [VIDEO]


People gather to protest against the United States' acceptance of Syrian refugees at the Washington State capitol in Olympia, Washington, Nov. 20. Reuters

U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson released a video Tuesday afternoon explaining the process for admitting Syrian refugees into the United States. In an email released by the White House, Johnson argued that, “taking in refugees at times of crisis is simply the right thing to do. It's who we are as a nation.”

“I understand the anxiety that many Americans are feeling right now. And as Secretary of Homeland Security, I share with President Obama the top priority of keeping the American people safe. So let me be clear about what this process of vetting and resettling refugees looks like,” Johnson wrote in the email.

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How Are Syrian Refugees Resettled In The US? Video Released By The White House Explains Screening Process [VIDEO]
  • Collects identifying documents
  • Performs initial assessment
    • Collects biodata: name, address, birthday, place of birth, etc.
    • Collects biometrics: iris scans (for Syrians, and other refugee populations in the Middle East)
  • Interviews applicants to confirm refugee status and the need for resettlement
    • Initial information checked again
  • Only applicants who are strong candidates for resettlement move forward (less than 1% of global refugee population).
Why aren't they staying and fighting if they don't like there leaders,most are fighting age men.
We can't put the whole world on our welfare system, thats to much competition for the deadbeats we have here already on free handouts.

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Why aren't they staying and fighting if they don't like there leaders,most are fighting age men.
We can't put the whole world on our welfare system, thats to much competition for the deadbeats we have here already on free handouts.

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Everyone will have their own stories. Some might no want to do military service. Some might be sunni but want nothing to do with ISIS or al qaida affiliated groups. Some might be seeking jobs because there si little to find in syria. There are shiite that have no love of assad. Some might have been part of the free army but so many have for survival melted into other groups and those who would not might want out.

The chaos of the refugees are and opportunity to seek recruits and to reach europe and carry a fight to the major cities of the west. They might have the expertise to make bombs or train and organize local terrorism. We have seen that even those vetted have gotten through with forged paper and stolen passports. Thankfully we have seen dozens caught but how many weren't?

Being a woman, even with small children, is not exempt from becoming suicide bombers or taking part in terrorist attacks, but they are not the majority. There have been cases when they use their own infants as the bomb. Even animals have been loaded with explosives.

I wish there was a better way to check and double check in the vetting process. Many might have never had an electronic trail or have no papers. Among those groups that were persecuted and had family massacred, there is perhaps an urgent need for sanctuary.

We should try to find families to sponsor refugees and be legally responsible for their actions. Maybe some will offer to be financially responsible and help them get started and offer then a job with their company. There might be members of family already citizens in the US or other countries. Families that do sponsor might themselves have to be vetting so they are not found to be a sleeper cell or ties to questionable groups here.

It is a crisis, but as the mass of refugee push their way into countries, there will be many to take advantage and sneak in.

I would like there to be more jobs and have almost no unemployment. It bothers me that non americans might be hired above qualified americans because they are refugee and we feel sorry for them.

We have so many things we need to fix in this country and the burden of refugees and the risk of terrorism slipping in is not going to improve the suffering of our own people that need our hearts and help.
They are given welfare benefits and told to vote D.

How can they possibly vote for anyone? The propaganda that some spew is so ridiculous.

You think they won't ever be allowed to vote? Some states currently only require a drivers license to vote. You need to get informed.

I take it you don't know how voter registration and voting works in most states of the U.S.

1. In order to get one's name on the voting rolls, one must prove citizenship. This requires a birth certificate showing birth in the U.S., a U.S. passport or naturalization papers.

2. When goes to vote one's voting venue, only citizens that are on the voting rolls for that venue are allowed to vote. You give your name and address and if this data does not match with the information that that particular venue has, you don't vote. Some states require additional identification such as driver's license or other identifying documentation.

3. To initiate the naturalization process a person must have been a resident in the U.S. for 5 years or 3 if married to a U.S. citizen.

So again I ask, how could a Syrian refugee possibly vote?
They are given welfare benefits and told to vote D.

How can they possibly vote for anyone? The propaganda that some spew is so ridiculous.

You think they won't ever be allowed to vote? Some states currently only require a drivers license to vote. You need to get informed.

I take it you don't know how voter registration and voting works in most states of the U.S.

1. In order to get one's name on the voting rolls, one must prove citizenship. This requires a birth certificate showing birth in the U.S., a U.S. passport or naturalization papers.

2. When goes to vote one's voting venue, only citizens that are on the voting rolls for that venue are allowed to vote. You give your name and address and if this data does not match with the information that that particular venue has, you don't vote. Some states require additional identification such as driver's license or other identifying documentation.

3. To initiate the naturalization process a person must have been a resident in the U.S. for 5 years or 3 if married to a U.S. citizen.

So again I ask, how could a Syrian refugee possibly vote?
Non-citizens currently can vote in local elections.

If Big Ears gets his amnesty, will non-citizens vote in federal elections? Probably...but you think they won't. Why?

It has been reported that non-citizens can vote in federal elections in some states.

This from the hard left website...might enlighten you.
Why You Have Nothing To Fear From Non-Citizen Voting
Maybe you should read scholarly articles on the subject.

"Every state in the United States legally bars non-citizens from voting in national or state elections."

Allowing Non-Citizens to Vote in the United States? Why Not

Taxation without representation is a bad thing. Actually, this is what triggered the war of independence which saw the birth of United States of America. Ironically, Brits learned a lesson from all this and they no longer practice taxation without representation but Americans did not as taxation without representation still goes on in the U.S. If you live and pay taxes in U.K., you are required to participate in the election there. This is one area where U.K. is more advanced than the U.S.
Maybe you should read scholarly articles on the subject.

"Every state in the United States legally bars non-citizens from voting in national or state elections."

Allowing Non-Citizens to Vote in the United States? Why Not
You are not comprehending.

If our out of control government grants amnesty, they likely get the vote. If they seek citizenship rights, they vote.

...and do you deny voter fraud exists in this country?

The only voter fraud is the vote suppression tactics the right-wing engages in.
Thanks to LWNJ's, the California voter registration process is on the "honor system". They have the forms available in 9 languages!! You don't even need a home address, drivers license, or telephone.

You can't ask anyone prove their citizenship, that would be racist!! They merely "attest" by checking off the box.
How can they possibly vote for anyone? The propaganda that some spew is so ridiculous.

How can the possible check them out? claim it take 18 months, where they live for 18 months? lay in field outside Hungary fence?
Answer: there is ZERO checkout. Try to not cause riot when you pull up the bus. We can't afford it, we already bankrupt from stupid ideas.
What does that have to do with voting?

You said they can't "possibly" vote. Many don't trust that and a lot of us live in different states with different rules. For instance I registered to vote and I did not show anyone anything I remember?

I said they can't "possible" vett them. Has nothing to do with voting but and example of blanket statements impossible to easily prove or disprove.
What does that have to do with voting?

You said they can't "possibly" vote. Many don't trust that and a lot of us live in different states with different rules. For instance I registered to vote and I did not show anyone anything I remember?

I said they can't "possible" vett them. Has nothing to do with voting but and example of blanket statements impossible to easily prove or disprove.

What does "vetting" have to do with voting? To vote they have to be residents for 5 years and then apply for naturalization.

You are also full of shit. Unless you took the name of a registered voter, you could not have voted if you were not registered and were on the list of the voters permitted to vote at the particular venue you were voting at. Stop talking nonsense.
Two word for you. Provisional ballots.

I not sure Voting or Vetting under control? No more posting about it. I am huge Doubter and tired. I am sure there have been plenty of discussion in here about Voter fraud.
Two word for you. Provisional ballots.

I not sure Voting or Vetting under control? No more posting about it. I am huge Doubter and tired. I am sure there have been plenty of discussion in here about Voter fraud.

Keep digging.

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