How about some real Arctic research


Gold Supporting Member
Apr 21, 2010
Instead of the absolute worthless drivel that olfraud and Chris love to pander. There is a new book out utilizing 85 years of actual scientific data and analysis produced by scientists from the Russian Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute.

They particularly detest the computer modelling being done

“The models neglect natural fluctuations because they have no means of incorporating them, and put the entire blame for climate changes since the 19th century on human activity"

And one of my favourites

“where data do exist, we should prefer data to computer models”

The Preface states

“.…scientists have predicted a significant decrease in sea-ice extent in the Arctic and even its complete disappearance in the summertime by the end of the 21st century. This monograph presents results of studies of climatic system changes in the Arctic, focused on ice cover, that do not justify such extreme conclusions.” “Many studies and international projects, such as the Arctic Climate Impact Assessment (ACIA), attribute the air temperature increase during the last quarter of the 20th century exclusively to accumulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. However these studies typically do not account for natural hydrometeorological fluctuations whose effects on multiyear variability, as this monograph shows, can far exceed the anthropogenic impact on climate.”

There are elements of the book online or it is available in its entirety for only 130 bucks. Mine is on its way.

SpringerLink - Fulltext
A golden oldie and golden goodie:

The Navy requires accurate sea ice information for their operations, and has spent a lot of effort over the years studying, measuring, and operating in Arctic ice both above and below, such as they did in the ICEX 2009 exercise.


The US Navy attack submarine USS Annapolis (SSN 760) rests in the Arctic Ocean after surfacing through three feet of ice during Ice Exercise 2009 on March 21, 2009. The two-week training exercise, which is used to test submarine operability and war-fighting capability in Arctic conditions, also involved the USS Helena (SSN 725), the University of Washington and personnel from the Navy Arctic Submarine Laboratory.

So, if you are planning on bringing a $900 million Los Angeles class submarine through the ice, as the captain might say to the analyst after receiving an ice report: “you’d better be damn sure of the ice thickness before I risk the boat and the crew”.

Below is a blink comparator of U.S. Navy PIPS sea ice forecast data, zoomed to show the primary Arctic ice zone.


Arctic Ice Volume Has Increased 25% Since May, 2008 | Watts Up With That?
Silly ass. The ice in May was more than usual, because of the unusual freeze in March. However, by September, it was the lowest on record.

Of course, Watts is not going to write about that.
Silly ass. The ice in May was more than usual, because of the unusual freeze in March. However, by September, it was the lowest on record.

Of course, Watts is not going to write about that.

Poor olfraud. Religion collapsing around you, reduced to launching endless personal attacks because you've got nothing...poor poor olfraud.

And just for the record, the book is not by Anthony, it is by some very well respected scientists who use real data and real scientific methods to derive the real story of what we are seeing.

They don't have to resort to manufacturing data, massaging past data, and of course creating computer models that aren't capable of modelling anything.

One more thing, Anthony has a section devoted to the Ice levels that is updated daily and comes from the actual sources.

Here it is for those who are inclined to learn, unlike our follower of Ned Lud here.

Sea Ice Page | Watts Up With That?
A golden oldie and golden goodie:

The Navy requires accurate sea ice information for their operations, and has spent a lot of effort over the years studying, measuring, and operating in Arctic ice both above and below, such as they did in the ICEX 2009 exercise.


The US Navy attack submarine USS Annapolis (SSN 760) rests in the Arctic Ocean after surfacing through three feet of ice during Ice Exercise 2009 on March 21, 2009. The two-week training exercise, which is used to test submarine operability and war-fighting capability in Arctic conditions, also involved the USS Helena (SSN 725), the University of Washington and personnel from the Navy Arctic Submarine Laboratory.

So, if you are planning on bringing a $900 million Los Angeles class submarine through the ice, as the captain might say to the analyst after receiving an ice report: “you’d better be damn sure of the ice thickness before I risk the boat and the crew”.

Below is a blink comparator of U.S. Navy PIPS sea ice forecast data, zoomed to show the primary Arctic ice zone.


Arctic Ice Volume Has Increased 25% Since May, 2008 | Watts Up With That?
It's just as stupid now as when you last posted it!

Obviously the Navy sees the ice as THIN enough to surface through!!!!!!!
A golden oldie and golden goodie:

The Navy requires accurate sea ice information for their operations, and has spent a lot of effort over the years studying, measuring, and operating in Arctic ice both above and below, such as they did in the ICEX 2009 exercise.


The US Navy attack submarine USS Annapolis (SSN 760) rests in the Arctic Ocean after surfacing through three feet of ice during Ice Exercise 2009 on March 21, 2009. The two-week training exercise, which is used to test submarine operability and war-fighting capability in Arctic conditions, also involved the USS Helena (SSN 725), the University of Washington and personnel from the Navy Arctic Submarine Laboratory.

So, if you are planning on bringing a $900 million Los Angeles class submarine through the ice, as the captain might say to the analyst after receiving an ice report: “you’d better be damn sure of the ice thickness before I risk the boat and the crew”.

Below is a blink comparator of U.S. Navy PIPS sea ice forecast data, zoomed to show the primary Arctic ice zone.


Arctic Ice Volume Has Increased 25% Since May, 2008 | Watts Up With That?
It's just as stupid now as when you last posted it!

Obviously the Navy sees the ice as THIN enough to surface through!!!!!!!

Wow you are as historically incompetant as you are scientifically. The first sub to surface at the pole was the USS Skate way back in 1959.

Giminy Christmas, if you are going to comment on something at least know SOMETHING about it. You bring new meaning to the word twit.
Instead of the absolute worthless drivel that olfraud and Chris love to pander. There is a new book out utilizing 85 years of actual scientific data and analysis produced by scientists from the Russian Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute.

They particularly detest the computer modelling being done

“The models neglect natural fluctuations because they have no means of incorporating them, and put the entire blame for climate changes since the 19th century on human activity"

And one of my favourites

“where data do exist, we should prefer data to computer models”

The Preface states

“.…scientists have predicted a significant decrease in sea-ice extent in the Arctic and even its complete disappearance in the summertime by the end of the 21st century. This monograph presents results of studies of climatic system changes in the Arctic, focused on ice cover, that do not justify such extreme conclusions.” “Many studies and international projects, such as the Arctic Climate Impact Assessment (ACIA), attribute the air temperature increase during the last quarter of the 20th century exclusively to accumulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. However these studies typically do not account for natural hydrometeorological fluctuations whose effects on multiyear variability, as this monograph shows, can far exceed the anthropogenic impact on climate.”

There are elements of the book online or it is available in its entirety for only 130 bucks. Mine is on its way.

SpringerLink - Fulltext

very interesting that the russians seem to have found a 60 year cycle that corresponds to 60 year cycle of Jupiter/Saturn disruption of the solar system centre of gravity. Astrology Rocks! Who knew? lol

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