How about drug tests for....


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
The wealthy when they receive their tax breaks and CEOs of Corporations when they take loopholes in the tax code?

What is fair for the poor should be fair for the rich.:eusa_clap:
Why not just get rid of tax breaks, have an equal % rate on every dollar earned??... treat everyone equally??... and still drug test entitlement junkies living off welfare, that is unless we do the right thing and end welfare for adults
The wealthy when they receive their tax breaks and CEOs of Corporations when they take loopholes in the tax code?

What is fair for the poor should be fair for the rich.:eusa_clap:

That would be a violation of their civil liberties...

The only thing they did wrong is pay taxes so progressives could redistribute wealth to a bunch of lazy motherfuckers that do absolutely NOTHING for this country besides start fights over who gets to buy the $180.00 pair of shoes the tax payers are footing the bill for..

You know, because when you're struggling to put food on the table the most important thing is to have is a pair of $180.00 shoes..

Then you have a bunch of dishonest assholes in 180.00 shoes begging the government to feed them while progressives spew raising taxes to feed them.

Maybe they should eat their shoes????
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The wealthy when they receive their tax breaks and CEOs of Corporations when they take loopholes in the tax code?

What is fair for the poor should be fair for the rich.:eusa_clap:

So you advocate a flat tax in which everyone pays the same rate? Excellent.
No. You always start at the top.Send all the members of congress to Venezuela for a "fair and balanced' drug test.
There would likely be a small percentage returning to Satan's Hill.
The wealthy when they receive their tax breaks and CEOs of Corporations when they take loopholes in the tax code?

What is fair for the poor should be fair for the rich.:eusa_clap:

I'm sure they would be happy to do so, as long as there is stipulation that those on welfare and other government subsidies do the same. Somehow I doubt the latter would be willing and you cannot hold one citizen to a standard that does not apply to the other citizens as well.
I do think it is pathetic that you think it would be okay for someone to be mandated to take a urinalysis for earning the money they got and not the people who live off of that same person and they dont have to take one. You class warfare idiots never cease to amaze me when it comes to stripping away citizens liberties and freedoms.
No. You always start at the top.Send all the members of congress to Venezuela for a "fair and balanced' drug test.
There would likely be a small percentage returning to Satan's Hill.

I think that is a great idea! But I doubt that either party would allow it.

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