Houston Charter Sends 100 Percent of Grads to Four-Year Colleges


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Houston Charter Sends 100 Percent of Grads to Four-Year Colleges
A Houston charter sends all of its grads, many underprivileged, to four-year colleges.
September 03, 2010

Kenneth Terrell, The 100% Promise - U.S. News & World Report - Search Results

The link will not take me to article. But it is a “must read” along with Kim Clark’s The Great Recession’s Toll on Higher Education.
Our country is sending children of illegal aliens to 4 year college at our expense while our children struggle and many still cannot get into college.
Something is terrible wrong with this picture and without our complaints it will continue.
Both articles are in the Sept 2010 issue of U.S. News and World Report.
The 100% Promise. Kenneth Terrell
The Great Recession’s Toll on Higher Education. Kim Clark.
The Great Recession's Toll on Higher Education
The tight economy has forced many students to fight for an affordable, quality education.
By Kim Clark
Posted: September 10, 2010
The Great Recession's Toll on Higher Education - US News and World Report

Illinois, Michigan, and Ohio have run out of scholarship money and are turning down thousands of qualified applicants. Public universities in Georgia, Virginia, and Washington have all raised their tuition by about $1,000 for the fall semester. Public colleges in Florida, Louisiana, and Nevada are canceling hundreds of classes for lack of state funding. California has simply shut the door on hundreds of thousands of its high school graduates and workers hoping for new skills.
The Great Recession's Toll on Higher Education - US News and World Report

Houston Charter Sends 100 Percent of Grads to Four-Year Colleges
By Kenneth Terrell
Posted: September 3, 2010

When Hurricane Ike struck Houston in September 2008, it dropped another hurdle in Samantha Marquez's path to college. Her mother lost her job at a storm-shuttered business, forcing Marquez to get a part-time job at Chuck E. Cheese's to help the family's finances. "We had to use the money we had been saving for college for just starting over," she says.
Houston Charter Sends 100 Percent of Grads to Four-Year Colleges - US News and World Report
Smiley High grad who beat odds wins national award | Houston & Texas News | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle

Hi LOL: Yes, Houston has some very forward-thinking innovative leaders in reform, many on the grassroots level. Above is a link to a student who beat the odds through "No More Victims" with the counseling guidance of Marilyn Gambrell, former parole officer who started working with the students to break the cycle of incarceration and abuse.

Instead of spending 50K a year incarcerating people in prison, that money could pay for 2 college students to finish a 4 year degree. So criminal justice reform is where the state can be saved from loss or bankruptcy, and start investing in education, prevention and correction programs that are cost-effective like this one has proven to work.

Dr. Krenie Stowe of The Real School is also on the cutting edge of education and health care reform. I don't know if you are in Houston, and that's why you posted articles about Houston, but if you are, the Real School has public roundtable discussions once a month on Saturday to involve people directly in reforms and ideas that can be implemented and expanded locally.

I would keep an eye on these innovative visionaries, if you want to see where the change is coming from and where it will lead. Devon Wade is now pursuing a Masters Degree where he is focusing on how the program he had in school allowed him to become a success instead of a statistic, in order to promote similar approaches to reform the criminal justice system to end the cycle of poverty and incarceration instead of wasting resources staying stuck and repeating the same patterns.

Thanks for sharing!
Yours truly,

Houston Charter Sends 100 Percent of Grads to Four-Year Colleges
A Houston charter sends all of its grads, many underprivileged, to four-year colleges.
September 03, 2010

Kenneth Terrell, The 100% Promise - U.S. News & World Report - Search Results

The link will not take me to article. But it is a “must read” along with Kim Clark’s The Great Recession’s Toll on Higher Education.
Our country is sending children of illegal aliens to 4 year college at our expense while our children struggle and many still cannot get into college.
Something is terrible wrong with this picture and without our complaints it will continue.
Both articles are in the Sept 2010 issue of U.S. News and World Report.
The 100% Promise. Kenneth Terrell
The Great Recession’s Toll on Higher Education. Kim Clark.
Good for that school and the pupils. I could say something about a busted clock being right two times a day, but that is no longer valid in the digital age.
Mr. King's Class Goes to College : People.com

Here's another article about a school in Chicago mentoring students to be successful and college bound despite the hardships of living in a street culture of drugs and violence.

As for California state budget issues, I have posted multiple times the statement Schwarzenegger made about building prisons in Mexico, to send illegal immigrants there who are otherwise costing billions in state resources incarcerated by the state. That money could be paying for health care and education. (I couldn't find the Huffington Post link, but here is the same article:)


The Great Recession's Toll on Higher Education
The tight economy has forced many students to fight for an affordable, quality education.
By Kim Clark
Posted: September 10, 2010
The Great Recession's Toll on Higher Education - US News and World Report

Illinois, Michigan, and Ohio have run out of scholarship money and are turning down thousands of qualified applicants. Public universities in Georgia, Virginia, and Washington have all raised their tuition by about $1,000 for the fall semester. Public colleges in Florida, Louisiana, and Nevada are canceling hundreds of classes for lack of state funding. California has simply shut the door on hundreds of thousands of its high school graduates and workers hoping for new skills.
The Great Recession's Toll on Higher Education - US News and World Report
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Houston Charter Sends 100 Percent of Grads to Four-Year Colleges
A Houston charter sends all of its grads, many underprivileged, to four-year colleges.
September 03, 2010

Kenneth Terrell, The 100% Promise - U.S. News & World Report - Search Results

The link will not take me to article. But it is a “must read” along with Kim Clark’s The Great Recession’s Toll on Higher Education.
Our country is sending children of illegal aliens to 4 year college at our expense while our children struggle and many still cannot get into college.
Something is terrible wrong with this picture and without our complaints it will continue.
Both articles are in the Sept 2010 issue of U.S. News and World Report.
The 100% Promise. Kenneth Terrell
The Great Recession’s Toll on Higher Education. Kim Clark.

let me say as an avowed adherent of charter schools, that they sent 100% as they were obviously accepted at these colleges etc. is excellent, BUT, the real rubber meets the road moment is, can they perform at that level minus the rehabilitate help many of our seniors need when they get to college becasue their public schools didn't prepare them......we shall see.
You have all missed the point. This charter schoop is 90% Hispanic and illegal aliens are getting a free college education at the expense of some taxpayers whose children will not because of budget cuts and higher tution and classes cut althogether. We need to educate our own to keep them out of a life of crime, incarcerations and maybe death. They will be added to the unskilled labor force but those jobs are taking by illegal aliens.
Houston Charter Sends 100 Percent of Grads to Four-Year Colleges
A Houston charter sends all of its grads, many underprivileged, to four-year colleges.
September 03, 2010

Kenneth Terrell, The 100% Promise - U.S. News & World Report - Search Results

The link will not take me to article. But it is a “must read” along with Kim Clark’s The Great Recession’s Toll on Higher Education.
Our country is sending children of illegal aliens to 4 year college at our expense while our children struggle and many still cannot get into college.
Something is terrible wrong with this picture and without our complaints it will continue.
Both articles are in the Sept 2010 issue of U.S. News and World Report.
The 100% Promise. Kenneth Terrell
The Great Recession’s Toll on Higher Education. Kim Clark.

let me say as an avowed adherent of charter schools, that they sent 100% as they were obviously accepted at these colleges etc. is excellent, BUT, the real rubber meets the road moment is, can they perform at that level minus the rehabilitate help many of our seniors need when they get to college becasue their public schools didn't prepare them......we shall see.

Public school did not prepare them? I prepared my self with the help of public schools and my parents that cared about me getting an education. It use to be that children worked at unskilled jobs to get them thorugh school but illegals now have those jobs and children are losing hope because it is hopeless.

How did children get to and through college when there were no Charter schools? Children do not all learn at the same pace and some of just not college material or want to go to college. They need those unskilled jobs that they can work upwards in.

When did public schools and teachers began to fail chidlren? They didn't. The idea just do not exist except in the minds of idiots who want excuses for their own failures as parents.
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Vouchers for private schools are destroying public school and those left in public schools. Charter schools are a good thing for some kids but funding is being cut and that hurt children who really do not do well in public schools for one reason or another. It is not the Housing Charter School I am complaing about but them sending children of illegal aliens to get a free college education and leaving others behind to get fend for themselve with no hope of affording to go to college.


When an illegal alien is granted in-state tuition and admission to a state university, he or she is directly competing with American students for that educational slot. This competition is unfairly biased against American students in other states who must pay out-of-state tuition to attend the university, while the illegal alien student is given in-state tuition preference.

In-state college tuition for illegal aliens - THE AMERICAN RESISTANCE FOUNDATION
Houston Charter Sends 100 Percent of Grads to Four-Year Colleges
A Houston charter sends all of its grads, many underprivileged, to four-year colleges.
September 03, 2010

Kenneth Terrell, The 100% Promise - U.S. News & World Report - Search Results

The link will not take me to article. But it is a “must read” along with Kim Clark’s The Great Recession’s Toll on Higher Education.
Our country is sending children of illegal aliens to 4 year college at our expense while our children struggle and many still cannot get into college.
Something is terrible wrong with this picture and without our complaints it will continue.
Both articles are in the Sept 2010 issue of U.S. News and World Report.
The 100% Promise. Kenneth Terrell
The Great Recession’s Toll on Higher Education. Kim Clark.

That's great news!

Hang in there! Help is on the way! We're going to eliminate the US Department of Education and disband the UFT.

In NYC, which spends $18,000 per student per year only about 60% graduate and of those who do only 1/3 are even remotely prepared for college

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