House or Dexter?

That's what I wondered. He's not a poster I am familiar with.... so you get my vote!

Thank you....

Thank you...

No applause - just throw vicodin...;)

Like you don't have a bottle stashed away inside a stereo speaker, or an old shoe in your closet or something.

Plus, you're clean now aren't you? Doesn't it feel good to not be a heroin addict anymore?

It's under my turntable....shhhh...

Although, being clean has given me an even greater respect for Cuddy's ass...
Another awesome episode of House again last night. :cool:

I enjoy Dexter and I have been watching since the beginning but Hugh Laurie is one of the best actors today and the supporting cast is great. If Dexter had a better supporting cast, it might be closer.

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