Hostile architecture


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2021
Shenandoah Valley of Virginia

While admire the ingenuity it's pretty dystopian of us to decide “hostile/defensive architecture” is a better way to deal with the mentally ill than the asylums we closed down because they weren’t “humane”.

Oh, in before some leftist judge will deem it unconstitutional with "All spaces open to the public and private spaces need to provide camping and pooping space for the houseless". ;)
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While admire the ingenuity it's pretty dystopian of us to decide “hostile/defensive architecture” is a better way to deal with the mentally ill than the asylums we closed down because they weren’t “humane”.

Oh, in before some leftist judge will deem it unconstitutional with "All spaces open to the public and private spaces need to provide camping and pooping space for houseless". ;)


Streets of NY are RACIST!!!!!!!!!!

Except when the homeless are White American Veterans.

Keep in mind that the "homelessness crisis" is caused in large part by police being instructed NOT TO ENFORCE existing vagrancy laws, usually by Leftist city governments. If they wanted to be honest about it, they would put their tiny little heads together and change the laws to make them rational and, one would hope, effective.

Also keep in mind that our national insane asylums (or whatever you want to call them) were INTENTIONALLY shut down due to Leftist pressure - mainly expressed by ACLU lawsuits - to give the crazies their freedom, on the fatuous belief that they could survive on Welfare. Many of the "homeless" are just crazies who don't have the intellectual horsepower to get and retain an address and take their [fucking] meds. (Leftists are to blame for basically every social problem).

I don't blame the City one bit for trying to create a space that is free of human pollution. Still, it's a damn shame that law-abiding, taxpaying citizens have been robbed of public places to relax and have a seat because of this self-made crisis (homelessness).

While admire the ingenuity it's pretty dystopian of us to decide “hostile/defensive architecture” is a better way to deal with the mentally ill than the asylums we closed down because they weren’t “humane”.

Oh, in before some leftist judge will deem it unconstitutional with "All spaces open to the public and private spaces need to provide camping and pooping space for the houseless". ;)

IDK about the constitutionality, it does seem kinda needlessly cruel though.

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