Hospitals in England are on the brink of collapse, warn NHS chiefs

Health care is what has prevented Darwinism from winning. Keep the week and the stupid alive and they'll breed. The sooner we eliminate health care the sooner we can improve the stock - imagine, after just one or two generations a healthy population! Smaller, too. Now, envirowhackos, wouldn't that help you eliminate your primary bugaboo? AGW - aka Algore's First Universal Church of Global Warming (or cooling or change depending on how Mother Gaia swings each day).

Hey, you wanna save the planet you gotta break some ever-so-friggin'-fragile eggs.
You won't convince any lib on this forum. Socialism works fine for a certain period of time. Then the money runs out and everybody gives each other stupid looks.

You don't need to go overseas to see the problems they have. We have them right here in our social program world. The hospitals and clinics that closed down in the country were usually in lower income areas where the main income was government checks. Our Veterans hospitals still have their share of problems. Medicaid is the largest expenditure of most states and driving them in debt. Medicare is headed for a dirt road and going broke. Obamacare? I won't even get started with that, and the program just came out a few years ago.

Universal healthcare is working well in most advanced countries.

Your alternative, to let poor people die, is no longer viable in the modern world.
how about the alternative where poor people start to take pride in themselves, get an education, get a job and pay their own damn way.
think that might work?

No. There aren't enough jobs around for the educated.
Probably because of the Muslim invasion.

Not just muslim but from the rest of the world as well. The US dream is so good that one year over 200 people came from the US to be treated for free in the British hospitals. It would have cost them more to travel here than be treated in the US. There is a breakdown of how much other nations owe Britain for health care, and at the moment it is eastern European nations that are top of the list. After 14 years of flooding the country with terminally sick immigrants and re-introducing long forgotten diseases back into the community the left should hang their heads in shame, better still they should look at some way to pay for what they have cost the people of Britain
Yeppers, we all in the US ought to be jealous of heath care in other countries.

Hospitals in England are on the brink of collapse, warn NHS chiefs

The body that represents hospitals across England has issued a startling warning that the NHS is close to breaking point because of its escalating cash crisis.

Years of underfunding have left the service facing such “impossible” demands that without urgent extra investment in November’s autumn statement it will have to cut staff, bring in charges or introduce “draconian rationing” of treatment – all options that will provoke public disquiet, it says.

In an unprecedentedly bleak assessment of the NHS’s own health, NHS Providers, which speaks for hospital trust chairs and chief executives, tells ministers that widespread breaches of performance targets, chronic understaffing and huge overspends by hospitals mean that it is heading back to the visible decline it last experienced in the 1990s.

And this.....

The following ‘Universal Healthcare’ countries have higher out-of-pocket costs than the United States:

Out-of-pocket spending as a share of total expenditure on health, 1980-2000 (table 4)

Canada, Denmark, Finland, Italy, Spain, Switzerland.
You won't convince any lib on this forum. Socialism works fine for a certain period of time. Then the money runs out and everybody gives each other stupid looks.

You don't need to go overseas to see the problems they have. We have them right here in our social program world. The hospitals and clinics that closed down in the country were usually in lower income areas where the main income was government checks. Our Veterans hospitals still have their share of problems. Medicaid is the largest expenditure of most states and driving them in debt. Medicare is headed for a dirt road and going broke. Obamacare? I won't even get started with that, and the program just came out a few years ago.

Universal healthcare is working well in most advanced countries.

Your alternative, to let poor people die, is no longer viable in the modern world.
how about the alternative where poor people start to take pride in themselves, get an education, get a job and pay their own damn way.
think that might work?

No. There aren't enough jobs around for the educated.

Simple Obama and Hillary fix, ship in more low educated low skilled people. Yeah that certainly h as worked for the past 8 years. The real truth is that there are jobs out their for those with the skills and education. Those with neither are screwed in Obama and Hillary's world.
The US has been on this road for a good number of years. Really since health care insurance became common and the federal government got involved with medicare and medicaid. The government just keeps adding unfunded programs adding to the debt.

Problem is, I see not ready solution.

The problem with government healthcare is that we have to fund it if we want it.

I can't recall the last time we workers had to contribute more towards Medicare. While costs go up, the working people contribute the same. No insurance company can work that way, that's why premiums go up every single year.

One of the reasons they never raised employee contributions is because people would get upset and start thinking of getting out of Medicare and go to something else. That would be a Democrat nightmare.

The problem with Commie Care is it never addressed the high cost of medical care. They just shifted the cost from one entity to another. That's like paying off one of your credit cards with another. Nothing was accomplished.

Hopefully if Trump gets in and addresses this problem, look to lower the cost of care first, then figure out how we are going to pay for it.

The cost of medicare has gone up for those who can pay. The rate was 108 per month and now is pretty much 122 for everyone, which is about a 22 percent increase. For those do really well the cost can escalate to 173 per month. Regardless of what folks think, medicare by itself isn't that great of plan. Not bad but not the golden plan people seem to think. That is why there are medical advantage plans and supplements.

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