Hope Hicks Acknowledges She Sometimes Tells White Lies for Trump

Source: New York Times

Hope Hicks, the White House communications director, told House investigators on Tuesday that her work for President Trump, who has a reputation for exaggerations and outright falsehoods, had occasionally required her to tell white lies.

But after extended consultation with her lawyers, she insisted that she had not lied about matters material to the investigations into Russia’s interference in the 2016 presidential election and possible links to Trump associates, according to three people familiar with her testimony.

The exchange came during more than eight hours of private testimony before the House Intelligence Committee. Ms. Hicks declined to answer similar questions about other figures from the Trump campaign or the White House.

She also pointedly and repeatedly declined to answer questions about the presidential transition or her time in the White House, lawmakers who sat in on the testimony said, telling investigators that she had been asked by the White House to discuss only her time on the campaign. They added that she did not formally invoke executive privilege.

Read more: Hope Hicks Acknowledges She Sometimes Tells White Lies for Trump

Things people do to let Filthy Don grab them by the Puzzy..:102:
Your thread is completely false. She didn't acknowledge nothing of a sort.
Yes she did.
Besides, as Colbert said, lying to white people is what got Trump elected.

lying to white people is what got Trump elected.

lying to white people is what got Obama elected.
Source: New York Times

Hope Hicks, the White House communications director, told House investigators on Tuesday that her work for President Trump, who has a reputation for exaggerations and outright falsehoods, had occasionally required her to tell white lies.

But after extended consultation with her lawyers, she insisted that she had not lied about matters material to the investigations into Russia’s interference in the 2016 presidential election and possible links to Trump associates, according to three people familiar with her testimony.

The exchange came during more than eight hours of private testimony before the House Intelligence Committee. Ms. Hicks declined to answer similar questions about other figures from the Trump campaign or the White House.

She also pointedly and repeatedly declined to answer questions about the presidential transition or her time in the White House, lawmakers who sat in on the testimony said, telling investigators that she had been asked by the White House to discuss only her time on the campaign. They added that she did not formally invoke executive privilege.

Read more: Hope Hicks Acknowledges She Sometimes Tells White Lies for Trump

Things people do to let Filthy Don grab them by the Puzzy..:102:

She diddnt lie, she just pushed little white narratives is all.


Obama official says he pushed a ‘narrative’ to media to sell the Iran nuclear deal
Have any of the stupid Moon Bats answered for the lies told by Obama? The idiots elect the dishonest asshole for President.

Like we were all suppose to get a $2500 a year reduction in the cost of healthcare because of Obamacare?

Or if we liked our doctor we could keep our doctor?

How about the blatant lies about Benghazi or the IRS or illegal immigration?

Not harmless white lies but blatant black lies to hide the corruption and mismanagement of the government under the stupid affirmative action piece of shit.
"Gossip Girl Goebbels is just as complicit as Ivanka Eva Braun sweatshop master. The ladies of Trumpworld shouldn’t get a pass because they have no body fat, very shiny hair, and smooth foreheads.

Hope Hicks is kidding herself if she thinks that her tenure in the Trump White House will be judged only for harmless, situational untruths"

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