Hope & Change- School lunches & Chilary-Obummer Care programing


Platinum Member
Nov 29, 2008
Watching it all go down one has to wonder a little bit is it a conspiracy or are people really this naive and greedy. Europe (twenty-six countries & counting) are throwing off the GMO experience (what America's bought & paid off media will not let you see it may cut into their big budgets) and it appears that many American politicians are embracing this poisoning of each and everyone with the Dark ACT. It is a shame so many of the PEOPLES representatives are more than willing to sell out their own people for a few bucks. Is that a conspiracy? I think more like a greed deal.

The new school lunch program brought to y'all courtesy of Michelle Obama (Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010). A genuine caring for the fat children and people of America also brings forth the "Let's Move!" initiative. Where is all that fat really coming from? Fight obesity? Let's look at this a little deeper. What is really causing all that fat? Is it really just fat we are looking at in so many children?

I am going to use this article's figures verses looking them all up myself- it is just a pondering after all.
"The childhood obesity rate tripled in the United States between 1980-1999, creating an epidemic blamed on lack of exercise, a poor diet that is heavy on fat and sugar and not enough fresh fruits and vegetables.
The swelling obesity rate in the United States has also caused medical costs associated with excessive weight to balloon from about $US78 billion ($90.2 billion) a year in 1998 to about $US147 billion annually in 2006, a study released last year showed."

Now that above statement may lead one to believe that there just might be a connection between obesity, Obummer Care and school lunches. What do you think?

Personally I am looking more at the GM yeast and GMO food causing the excess fat or what looks like fat. When internal organs start shutting down people do sometimes look as though they have gained weight. In pathology by just appearance alone yeast buildup also look like fat deposits. In th. Livers swell and the pot belly effect takes place; examples given in photos below.

Following photo's are yeast filled esophagus and guts: the pancreas looks a little bit similar when yeast filled or covered also. Another term used seems to be leaky gut syndrome.

Clostridium difficile gut.png

Chicken Yeast (chicken butchered after yeast infection found on exterior) in the exterior meat areas of butchered chicken (something like cellulite?);

yeast on chicken thighs.jpeg

chicken yeast in thigh area (3).jpeg

Three times as much agribusiness money, on average, for House members voting to bar GMO labeling

by Alex Lazar on July 24, 2015
The diet most, if not all, Americans have, is high in all the crap you shouldn't be eating. No one is surprised they're fat.

GM food isn't good, but seeing as the govt doesn't fight for the people, it's there in the US because it's convenient for others that you eat it.

However it's not the cause of obesity.
A study that may interest others looking at the obesity issues, liver diseases by J. K. Dowman, J.W. Tomlinson, P.N. Newsome edited by Professor Seamas Donnelly..

Pathogenesis of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) represents a spectrum of disease ranging from hepatocellular steatosis through steatohepatitis to fibrosis and irreversible cirrhosis. The prevalence of NAFLD has risen rapidly in parallel with the dramatic rise in obesity and diabetes,1,2 and is rapidly becoming the most common cause of liver disease in Western countries.3 Indeed, NAFLD is now recognized to be the aetiology in many cases previously labelled as cryptogenic cirrhosis.4

In Western populations, estimates of NAFLD prevalence vary between 20 and 30%,5,6 rising up to 90% in morbidly obese individuals.7 The more severe, and clinically significant form of NAFLD, non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) is less common, affecting an estimated 2–3% of the general population,8 and up to 37% of the morbidly obese.7 Of particular concern, and with significant implications for future disease burden, is the increasing prevalence of NAFLD in children and young adults. Studies have reported a 3% prevalence of NAFLD in the general paediatric population, rising to 53% in obese children.9,10 NAFLD has a strong association with type 2 diabetes, with steatosis present in 70% of type 2 diabetics screened with ultrasound,11 and thus it is now recognized to represent the hepatic manifestation of the metabolic syndrome...... more at link

The fatty nodes in the liver look very similar to yeast infections found in some chickens. Parasites have a similar look too when found in animal innards but they are generally more uniform than the slide of the liver in the following photo.

"Hope & Change- School lunches & Chilary-Obummer Care programing"

At least you posted this delusional idiocy in the correct forum.

You think that picture of yeast filled esophagus or the yeast filled chicken is delusional?

Is it your opinion Europe has not banned GMO's because they are not safe food?

Or is it delusional that congress members take money from big agri business to push through laws that will deny the people the right to know what is in their food is delusional. Be specific please.
A chart with some of the clinical signs of various yeast fungi noted in people found in radiological views are signs of neurological issues (nervous system failures). The chart reflects from people who have been diagnosed with Leukemia or Lymphoma.

Clinical signs yeast.jpg

From everything I have been reading invasive yeast infections and fungi can migrate throughout a body and can exhibit in people as mild non specific rashes, mild fever, high fevers, dyspnea, cough, and other nonspecific complaints, pneumonia like infections, liver failure, skin dryness or fungal type infections, boils or open sores, pulmonary infections, systematic malfunctions such as bladder or kidney infections, cold and flu like symptoms, back aches and headaches.

Per the pubmed document PMC3266012
Mucormycosis, Pseudallescheriasis, and Other Uncommon Mold Infections "Patients with cystic fibrosis and chronic granulomatous disease are also predisposed to developing infection with this fungus"

Are the weakened immunological systems bring in more early development of life threatening diseases. A very good possibility. The young Hen in the original post was not slated to be butchered but the onset of yeast infection brought her owner to the conclusion to butcher her verses the lose of the meat. Not truly understanding that the hen's diseased carcass was not the healthiest choice for a family evening meal. Not that a store purchased chicken would be any better than her home grown chickens that were fed with commercial feed. Not many choices are being left for people to make healthy choices in today's food market as the chemicals and commercial animal food markets are being monopolized by a select few.

Epidemiology and outcome of zygomycosis (yeast fungal diseases): a review of 929 reported cases. The survival rate of literature reviewed and analyzed 929 eligible cases since 1885 has been pretty bleak. It is the same with a chicken with internal and external signs of fungal diseases.

"Obesity, type 2 diabetes and the health problems associated with eating gluten and wheat might actually be caused by consuming genetically modified Baker’s yeast "scientific name saccharomyces cerevisiae (common name sugar fungus), which was developed to produce human insulin and which has escaped from production facilities around the world. For decades, human insulin for diabetic medication has been produced in genetically modified Baker’s yeast by Novo Nordisk, a GMO pharmaceutical company which is a sister company to Novozymes, a producer of genetically engineered food enzymes."

biological leaks; http://www.novonordisk.com/old/press/environmental/er97/site/start.html these must be view the cached page as this one and the others in this article and others has been removed

Could Genetically Modified Baker's Yeast Be Causing Obesity, Diabetes, and Gluten Intolerance?

saccharomyces cerevisiae forming

In chicken Candidiasis ... antibiotic poisoning
poultry candidas.jpg
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