Hooray!!!! JE gits south Carolina. Proof positive


Senior Member
Nov 30, 2003
North Missisippi
JE is a superb candidate for the Democratic nomination and I think he can easily douse the fire of the burning bush. His common sense is undeniable and his charisma is overwhelming. How else could such a lefty achieve Senator status in such a conservative state as North Carolina? John Edwards is THE MAN!!!!!!!!

All metaphors and innuendo aside, the DLC, Democratic Leadership Council, is kickin' ass and taking names, don't you agree?

It appears the next president of the United States wil indeed be a "true" compassionate conservative!!!!!!!! I know that I'm happy about that!!!!!!
No I don't. I mean is anyone actually surprised that he won his home state. That is a must win for him. If he can't get his home state then he has a real problem. I don't think this is unecpected at all and I don't think it makes hin the MAN.

In the end JE will not get the nod due to pure lack of experience. He hasn't exactley paid his dues yet.
Originally posted by Psychoblues
It appears the next president of the United States wil indeed be a "true" compassionate conservative!!!!!!!! I know that I'm happy about that!!!!!!

That's all fine and dandy, too bad it won't be until at least 2008 before you see that happen.
All back sniping aside, the Democratic field has 4 candidates fully capable and enourmously willing to put an end to the alienator and faux conservative in the Whitehouse. From my position on the barstool of political analogy, I think I am correct. 2004 will see the shrub and his family changing their address to their pig farm in Crawfordsville, Texas. Do the Crawfords even know who they are?
I don't doubt their willingness. Shoot, Al Sharpton seems sincere in his goals too, but I wouldn't want him to be the next president. I don't think any of these candidates has exactly what America is looking for. For that fact, Bush may not be that person either. I think the voters are going to choose the guy that is currently defending our country against terrorism. The latest polls show Bush having an enormous lead in the security department over the democratic contenders.

These guys are going to rip each other apart until the DNC. Once we have a nominee and Bush starts campaigning I think you're going to see him take a commanding lead.

Like I said, start setting your sights on 2008, it's not gonna happen this year.
I wonder if the Democrats dont get the white house this time will there even BE a democratic party???seems to me they have put all the barrels on one wagon[this election] just my HO...08 at the earliest if then...after the pretenders get through ripping themselves for the dem nom I feel pretty sure that G.W. will stand tall through the campaign and have 4 more years...Its nice to not have a pansy-ass in the white house
jimnyc, you got YOUR view and I have mine. The populace that I acquaint myself with almost unanamously agree that GWB has designs on something quite other than any "war on terrorism" and is in fact intensifying the reasons for terror attacts against us. In addition, many of my acquaintances (lefty and righty alike) agree that all these references/alerts only tend to stir up unjustifiable fear and go further to create a loathing for anything not quite as "American" as they might be used to seeing.

Certainly a few of my more conservative friends continue to wave the flag and profess support for our troops. Heck, I'm a very much lefty and I do the same. But they, the righty's, express constant destain for many of the GWB policies and doubt his sincerity as it pertains to American objectives and his business perview. Be that as it is, GWB is very vulnerable in 2004 as his Papa, whom even I voted for, was in 1992. Go figure?
Psycho... How is G.W. intensifying terrorist attacks against this nation??? By doing his best to make sure we dont have another 9/11 ??? These unjustifiable alerts as you put them are to let the general populace have an Idea of the possability of terrorist activity...sometimes a little fear is a good thing...very small price to pay if it saves my life and or the ones I care for..reguardless of how one feels about our CIC we must show support for our folks on the line here and aboard for they are fighting for our freedom and way of life.. as to G.W.'s policys and objectives I have no doubt that America is first and foremost the top priority...with all the man has had on his plate my hats off to him and 4 mores years of his leadership is what this country needs....A real American with a backbone....and he has backed up what he said he was going to do.....ask saddam....He tried to play poker with a man from Texas....and lost...
Sorry Jon, you obiously don't read well. I've addressed and answered most of what you ask and assert previously in this thread. Since 9/11 we are all, Democrats and Republicans alike, more on our toes concerning the dangers around us. Ask any PD or sheriff's department!!!! Other than the media, misleading remarks and un/der-funded programs as set forth by the shrub are either insignificant or war profiteering at best. Even the Department of Homeland Security was a reincarnation of ideology of the Clinton Administration and totally rejected by the now most vocal proponents of it. My grandchildren know about it and if God will give me continued breath my great-grandchildren will also know.
insignifacant and war profiterring???? Clintons Idealogy??? what is insignifacant???? war profiterring needs explained.... If Clinton had been doing HIS elected job the nation would not be where its at now....3000 fine folks would still be with us.... and saddam would still NOT be the leader of Iraq.
Oh goodness, you know nothing of the Hart-Rudman Act, or the many attempts by Clinton to exempify to the congress and the nation of the impending dangers of OBL et al or howls of the Republican Party et al when any of this was brought up, do you?

GWB, Bill Clinton or even AG, like a ham sandwich, would have reacted similarly to 9/11. This American is not fooled although I understand many others are/were. It's a sad circumstance.
insignifacant and war profiterring???? Clintons Idealogy??? what is insignifacant???? war profiterring needs explained.... If Clinton had been doing HIS elected job the nation would not be where its at now....3000 fine folks would still be with us.... and saddam would still NOT be the leader of Iraq.

Well, its not so cut and dry as that. First, if the first Bush had done his job, Saddam would not be the leader of Iraq and if Bush I had supported the Shia and the Kurds then we wouldn't be finding so many mass graves.

Also, what would have happened if Clinton did make a case to catch OBL towards the end of his 2nd term? Republicans would be jumping all over saying how he was just trying to draw attention away from Lewinski, just like what happened when he bombed Iraq.

Then, Bush had something like 5 or 6 months to do something about OBL and he didn't.

And what of the CIA, 3000 fine folks would still live if they had done their job.

I don't think that all of the blame for any of the aforesaid people can be placed solely on them.
Originally posted by Palestinian Jew
Well, its not so cut and dry as that. First, if the first Bush had done his job, Saddam would not be the leader of Iraq and if Bush I had supported the Shia and the Kurds then we wouldn't be finding so many mass graves.

Also, what would have happened if Clinton did make a case to catch OBL towards the end of his 2nd term? Republicans would be jumping all over saying how he was just trying to draw attention away from Lewinski, just like what happened when he bombed Iraq.

Then, Bush had something like 5 or 6 months to do something about OBL and he didn't.

And what of the CIA, 3000 fine folks would still live if they had done their job.

I don't think that all of the blame for any of the aforesaid people can be placed solely on them.

As we all know Bush sr goal was to return Kuwiut to Kuwiuties...mission done....the world was against going into Iraq at that time. not to further tarnish Bill but had he spent more time on the affairs of this nation instead of his own you figure that one out. doyou really think that had G.W. somehow got OBL that the towers would still be standing?? CIA, FBI. Hell pretty much everyone was shocked that a group of fanitics...{let alone a country, that would mean we would have a target] would do something as vile as they did..with no reguard for human life.... sadly It took an act such as this to awaken this country, in looking around this country saw things in a different light and now ..we are doing something about it!!!..why do you think france germany and a hand full of other piss-ant countrys are upset??? there aint a damn thing they can do or say to stop us if we feel we are right. a japanese admiral said after pearl harbor.." I fear all we have done is awaken a sleeping giant" whelp boys...guess what...shes awake again.and I think its about time too. heres the program, join the human race....the other option aint so good..
Originally posted by Psychoblues
JE is a superb candidate for the Democratic nomination and I think he can easily douse the fire of the burning bush. His common sense is undeniable and his charisma is overwhelming. How else could such a lefty achieve Senator status in such a conservative state as North Carolina? John Edwards is THE MAN!!!!!!!!

All metaphors and innuendo aside, the DLC, Democratic Leadership Council, is kickin' ass and taking names, don't you agree?

To get the thread back on topic...

Kerry won 5 states yesterday. That continues to solidify the view that he is the frontrunner.
Edwards had to win SC. He did win quite handily. So now he's got a little monemtum.
Clark's campaign avoided its demise for another couple of weeks by edging out Edwards in Oklahoma. I expect him to drop out by the end of March.
Dean didn't actively campaign. Actually, he's up here in my neighborhood for the WA caucuses this Saturday, where there are a lot more crazy libs who will actually vote for him.

It appears the next president of the United States wil indeed be a "true" compassionate conservative!!!!!!!! I know that I'm happy about that!!!!!!

Earth to Pschyoblues: there are no conservative Democrats running for President!
Kerry is a Ted Kennedy-esque liberal.
Clark has no moral compass and says whatever will please the far-left special interest groups.
Edwards is an ambulance chaser and a liberal, though probably the most conservative of the bunch.
Dean is the poster boy for the Loony Left.
Sharpton is the poster boy for the liberal black establishment. Kucinich is the poster boy for Nader voters, who think the Democrats are conservative, searching for a new candidate.
Last night I was watching the Hardball coverage of the primaries and all of the panelist agreed that Edwards victory speech was spectacular, one of the best speeches they've ever seen, so why isn't he beating Kerry's stiff, dry personality?
Am I reading these posts right? Somebody actually thinks the Dems no matter who they nominate have a chance in hell? Oh boyyyyy lol. Lets for argument sakes say they do I would be very fearful as a small businessman as they will repeal every tax cut and raise every tax out there. They will tax us back into the Dark Ages. And if you think that won't happen they've said it themselves almost to a man, "tax cuts went to the rich blah blah blah, the poor and middle class got screwed blah blah blah" Same old class warfare rhetoric they break out every 4 years.

One interesting fact, America has never voted out a president when the country had troops in a combat situation, the only exception being LBJ who took himself out of the running.

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