Honored in Yad Vashem


Gold Member
Feb 19, 2012
Did you know that an Australian Aboriginal group was among the first people in the world to protest & condemn Hitler's treatment of the Jews?

Herald Sun
"Kristallnacht - ''the night of broken glass'' - is seen by many historians as the start of the Holocaust, and it was widely reported around the world. However, Mr Cooper's march is believed to be the only private protest organised at the time."

Read more: William Cooper honoured | Holocaust History Museum of Yad Vashem

LOL, so a few German thugs broke some store windows.

And now that has be extrapolated into the start of the so called Holocaust.

Don't these zionists ever get tired of inventing this absurd non sense?? :badgrin: :cuckoo:
Oh hiya Sunni Man. Just curious, when you were just a little baby, did someone stick their thumb in your soft spot?

"Kristallnacht - ''the night of broken glass'' - is seen by many historians as the start of the Holocaust, and it was widely reported around the world. However, Mr Cooper's march is believed to be the only private protest organised at the time."

Read more: William Cooper honoured | Holocaust History Museum of Yad Vashem

LOL, so a few German thugs broke some store windows.

And now that has be extrapolated into the start of the so called Holocaust.

Don't these zionists ever get tired of inventing this absurd non sense?? :badgrin: :cuckoo:
"Kristallnacht - ''the night of broken glass'' - is seen by many historians as the start of the Holocaust, and it was widely reported around the world. However, Mr Cooper's march is believed to be the only private protest organised at the time."

Read more: William Cooper honoured | Holocaust History Museum of Yad Vashem

LOL, so a few German thugs broke some store windows.

And now that has be extrapolated into the start of the so called Holocaust.

Don't these zionists ever get tired of inventing this absurd non sense?? :badgrin: :cuckoo:

why you enter holocaust threads? i'm starting to think you simply love to gloat.
"Kristallnacht - ''the night of broken glass'' - is seen by many historians as the start of the Holocaust, and it was widely reported around the world. However, Mr Cooper's march is believed to be the only private protest organised at the time."

Read more: William Cooper honoured | Holocaust History Museum of Yad Vashem

LOL, so a few German thugs broke some store windows.

And now that has be extrapolated into the start of the so called Holocaust.

Don't these zionists ever get tired of inventing this absurd non sense?? :badgrin: :cuckoo:
The Military Channel shows some fascinating "hoaxes" during their frequently shown series about Hitler and the Nazis. They even show German newsreels of Kristallnacht. But of course the only episodes you're interested in and believe are the episodes of the "Jews Who Fought For Hitler." And BTW, those Jews had a reason to fight for Hitler. Know what it was? Of course you don't.
why you enter holocaust threads? i'm starting to think you simply love to gloat.
Naw, I just like having a good laugh reading all of the Holohoax non sense and absurd fables. :cool:

Those people who did it in Yad Vashem are your friends?

Laugh it up, though. I bet the death of Jews gives you a happy.

Like I told you before. Since you're a Muslim, you probably believe in hell.

why you enter holocaust threads? i'm starting to think you simply love to gloat.
Naw, I just like having a good laugh reading all of the Holohoax non sense and absurd fables. :cool:

Those people who did it in Yad Vashem are your friends?

Laugh it up, though. I bet the death of Jews gives you a happy.

Like I told you before. Since you're a Muslim, you probably believe in hell.

Zionist theology 101

Believe in Holocaust; good goyim and going to hebe heaven.

Deny holocaust; one way ticket to Hell. :cool:
Naw, I just like having a good laugh reading all of the Holohoax non sense and absurd fables. :cool:

Those people who did it in Yad Vashem are your friends?

Laugh it up, though. I bet the death of Jews gives you a happy.

Like I told you before. Since you're a Muslim, you probably believe in hell.

Zionist theology 101

Believe in Holocaust; good goyim and going to hebe heaven.

Deny holocaust; one way ticket to Hell. :cool:

It's OK, we all know you're a disgusting racist. No need to underline the point.
Naw, I just like having a good laugh reading all of the Holohoax non sense and absurd fables. :cool:

Those people who did it in Yad Vashem are your friends?

Laugh it up, though. I bet the death of Jews gives you a happy.

Like I told you before. Since you're a Muslim, you probably believe in hell.

Zionist theology 101

Believe in Holocaust; good goyim and going to hebe heaven.

Deny holocaust; one way ticket to Hell. :cool:

Oxymoron. Jews don't believe in hell.:eusa_whistle:

But if there was a hell out there, Holocaust deniers would have been sended there. I am positive.
But if there was a hell out there, Holocaust deniers would have been sended there. I am positive.
So not believing in a fraudulent myth is a sin??

Got it............ :cuckoo:

If You believe in Allah, and that Allah is responsible for everything, then in that case, Allah brought the Jewish Holocaust to send a "message". I am simply following Muslim reason that Muslims have often said to me. So if Allah brought the Holocaust, You denying it makes you a Kaffir.

I would have started worrying if I were you. Apperenlly Allah doesn't like kaffirs.
If You believe in Allah, and that Allah is responsible for everything, then in that case, Allah brought the Jewish Holocaust to send a "message". I am simply following Muslim reason that Muslims have often said to me. So if Allah brought the Holocaust, You denying it makes you a Kaffir.
Yes, Allah controls everything.

And if there was such an event called the Holocaust than I would have to acknowledge it.

But the so called Holocaust is just a Zionist fraud used to extort guilt money from gulible Western nations.

So I am under No obligation to believe it or accept it as true. :cool:
If You believe in Allah, and that Allah is responsible for everything, then in that case, Allah brought the Jewish Holocaust to send a "message". I am simply following Muslim reason that Muslims have often said to me. So if Allah brought the Holocaust, You denying it makes you a Kaffir.
Yes, Allah controls everything.

And if there was such an event called the Holocaust than I would have to acknowledge it.

But the so called Holocaust is just a Zionist fraud used to extort guilt money from gulible Western nations.

So I am under No obligation to believe it or accept it as true. :cool:

As you muslims always say- "God knows best".
Last time I met a good Allah worshiping Muslim like you, I had my hands up in an alley. Is it really true that the overwhelming majority of racist terrorists killing us infidels all over the world are good Allah worshiping Muslims like you?

If You believe in Allah, and that Allah is responsible for everything, then in that case, Allah brought the Jewish Holocaust to send a "message". I am simply following Muslim reason that Muslims have often said to me. So if Allah brought the Holocaust, You denying it makes you a Kaffir.
Yes, Allah controls everything.

And if there was such an event called the Holocaust than I would have to acknowledge it.

But the so called Holocaust is just a Zionist fraud used to extort guilt money from gulible Western nations.

So I am under No obligation to believe it or accept it as true. :cool:

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