Honest Question For Republicans -- Why Don't You Want Minorities To Vote??


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

Now if the belief among those conservatives from days gone by is that it is against their interests for minorities to be able to vote -- then all of these voter suppression games make sense.

However, I am told that conservatives are no longer racists -- and the party that considers themselves the party of conservatives (the republican party) -- are against racial discrimination -- if this is true, why do conservatives collectively try to disenfranchise minority voters??? No, it is not for the purpose of "voter integrity" -- that is a joke.

To claim that suppressing minority voters is done for the sake of voter integrity is claiming that minorities are the cause of rampant voter fraud -- which is easily proven false. For example, in the 2016 election -- despite all of the propaganda from republicans about wide spread voter fraud -- there were only 4 cases of voter fraud. The first case is that of Terri Lynn Rot --- she attempted to commit voter fraud -- and yes, she voted republican -- in fact, what she got caught for was voting for Trump twice -- because she bought into the "the elections are rigged" BS coming from Trump.

How about another case of voter fraud from the last elections -- the elections that supposedly had millions of illegal votes -- We have Phillip Cook -- he was also arrested for voting twice in which he claimed to be working for the Trump campaign, he wasn't.

Again, he doesn't seem to fit the conservative stereotype of the sneaky minority, invading our country and illegally voting. So I will ask again, what is it about minorities registering to vote in high numbers LEGALLY -- and voting in elections in high numbers -- LEGALLY that makes you panic and resort to trying to make it harder for them to vote??

If your answer is something along the lines of minorities tend to vote for the Democrats more because they are slaves on a plantation or something stupid like that -- where does that give anyone the right to try to suppress their vote? And did you ever stop to think that if ONLY one party is trying to suppress minority voters -- a great number of those minorities may support the party that doesn't try to suppress their vote??
Anyone who is entitled to vote should be able to vote.

I doubt anyone disagrees with that except for idiots who see racists under every bush and behind every tree.
Honest answer: Republicans want every legal citizen to vote, one vote per citizen. no dead people, no illegal aliens, no multiple votes in multiple precincts or states. One vote per citizen, every citizen regardless of race, ethnicity, location, over 18,

Now, why do democrats want illegals and dead people to vote? why do democrats want people to vote more than once?

We all know why, do you have the honesty to admit it?
Next question:

Why do democrats not want you to prove who you are before voting?

you have to prove identity for just about everything else in life, why not to vote?

again, we all know why. do any of you dems have the honesty to admit it?
Voter fraud is widespread, especially in California, but it exists in most states where Democrats prevail. It occurs mainly in large cities dominated by generations of Democrat political hacks (e.g., Chicago, Philadelphia).

Democrat governors do everything possible to prevent meaningful studies into voter fraud, because they know what the results will be.

Democrats do everything they can to promote voter fraud, sponsoring very informal and loosely organized voter registration events, promoting the use of absentee ballots, and FIGHTING TOOTH AND NAIL to prevent reasonable voter ID requirements.

These facts are so obvious that anyone claiming that "voter fraud does not exist" is necessarily a liar and not to be taken seriously.
Anyone who is entitled to vote should be able to vote.

I doubt anyone disagrees with that except for idiots who see racists under every bush and behind every tree.
So why is the republican party the ONLY party actively trying to suppress the minority vote? You seem to just dodge that part of the OP
Voter fraud is widespread, especially in California, but it exists in most states where Democrats prevail. It occurs mainly in large cities dominated by generations of Democrat political hacks (e.g., Chicago, Philadelphia).

Democrat governors do everything possible to prevent meaningful studies into voter fraud, because they know what the results will be.

Democrats do everything they can to promote voter fraud, sponsoring very informal and loosely organized voter registration events, promoting the use of absentee ballots, and FIGHTING TOOTH AND NAIL to prevent reasonable voter ID requirements.

These facts are so obvious that anyone claiming that "voter fraud does not exist" is necessarily a liar and not to be taken seriously.
Prove it!!

Even the voter fraud commission that Trump convened closed up shop with ZERO proof to substantiate that BS claim...

Or are you one of those types that just believes the minority did it -- despite shit like evidence and proof? No wonder you are a republican, you idiots keep making my point for me...
Anyone who is entitled to vote should be able to vote.

I doubt anyone disagrees with that except for idiots who see racists under every bush and behind every tree.
So why is the republican party the ONLY party actively trying to suppress the minority vote? You seem to just dodge that part of the OP

LMAO No one is actively trying to suppress minority vote.

Its all in your pointy little mind.
I call shenanigans. The question in the thread title is not at all Honest.
Why is the Republican party the only party that tries to suppress the minority vote? I just showed you a clip from the "FATHER OF THE CONSERVATIVE MOVEMENT" --- admitting the reason for voter suppression, and you ignore it..

I gave evidence of the actual voter fraud that was committed in the last election -- 3 of the 4 cases of voter fraud were done by white republicans -- you ignore it...

Right now, there are examples in Waller County,TX, North Dakota and in Georgia of minorities being targeted for voter suppression -- can you provide me one single example of any democrat state official anywhere in America trying to block ANYONE from voting?

Can you name any democratic initiative being pushed that is aimed at lowering voter turnout?
Anyone who is entitled to vote should be able to vote.

I doubt anyone disagrees with that except for idiots who see racists under every bush and behind every tree.
Republicans seek to make that process as uncomfortable as possible
Cut down on polling places and voting machines in minority neighborhoods. Challenge the registrations of minority voters for trivial reasons, cut down or forbid early voting, encourage long lines in minority neighborhoods
Anyone who is entitled to vote should be able to vote.

I doubt anyone disagrees with that except for idiots who see racists under every bush and behind every tree.
So why is the republican party the ONLY party actively trying to suppress the minority vote? You seem to just dodge that part of the OP

Michael Moore bragged about voting twice.

White privilege.
Voter fraud is widespread, especially in California, but it exists in most states where Democrats prevail. It occurs mainly in large cities dominated by generations of Democrat political hacks (e.g., Chicago, Philadelphia).

Democrat governors do everything possible to prevent meaningful studies into voter fraud, because they know what the results will be.

Democrats do everything they can to promote voter fraud, sponsoring very informal and loosely organized voter registration events, promoting the use of absentee ballots, and FIGHTING TOOTH AND NAIL to prevent reasonable voter ID requirements.

These facts are so obvious that anyone claiming that "voter fraud does not exist" is necessarily a liar and not to be taken seriously.
Voter suppression exists in every Red State
Why is the Republican party the only party that tries to suppress the minority vote? I just showed you a clip from the "FATHER OF THE CONSERVATIVE MOVEMENT" --- admitting the reason for voter suppression, and you ignore it..

I gave evidence of the actual voter fraud that was committed in the last election -- 3 of the 4 cases of voter fraud were done by white republicans -- you ignore it...

Right now, there are examples in Waller County,TX, North Dakota and in Georgia of minorities being targeted for voter suppression -- can you provide me one single example of any democrat state official anywhere in America trying to block ANYONE from voting?

Can you name any democratic initiative being pushed that is aimed at lowering voter turnout?
Not ONE of these rancid self-proclaimed conservatives/Republicans that responded to this thread has addressed the issue of the OP.

The reason being is they KNOW that their party of choice is corrupt from the core and actively engages in voter suppression.

Another way to put it is that they're a racist party.

Plain. And. Simple.
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Anyone who is entitled to vote should be able to vote.

I doubt anyone disagrees with that except for idiots who see racists under every bush and behind every tree.
So why is the republican party the ONLY party actively trying to suppress the minority vote? You seem to just dodge that part of the OP

LMAO No one is actively trying to suppress minority vote.

Its all in your pointy little mind.
Explain to me why this guy was arrested in Waller County, Tx -- and an attempt to get a warrant to access his cell phone was made?

I'll wait while you deflect

Texas Cops Arrest Democratic Campaign Worker After Asking His Candidate's Party Affiliation
Anyone who is entitled to vote should be able to vote.

I doubt anyone disagrees with that except for idiots who see racists under every bush and behind every tree.
So why is the republican party the ONLY party actively trying to suppress the minority vote? You seem to just dodge that part of the OP

LMAO No one is actively trying to suppress minority vote.

Its all in your pointy little mind.
Explain to me why this guy was arrested in Waller County, Tx -- and an attempt to get a warrant to access his cell phone was made?

I'll wait while you deflect

Texas Cops Arrest Democratic Campaign Worker After Asking His Candidate's Party Affiliation

I have no idea.

Why don't you tell us since you are dying to.
Anyone who is entitled to vote should be able to vote.

I doubt anyone disagrees with that except for idiots who see racists under every bush and behind every tree.
So why is the republican party the ONLY party actively trying to suppress the minority vote? You seem to just dodge that part of the OP
Poor Troll, the thread is not going like you thought. Maybe one of the fake negro posters will come to your aid

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