Homeland security is a failure


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
And needs major reform. Starting with firing Janet Napolitano.

20-30 million people entering the country in the last 50 years is proof that department of homeland security is not working. Deportations is up, border crossings are done and illegal alien are leaving the country is not enough.

If 30 million people can enter the country illegally, work and have children in schools and live undetected, all of them are not hard working, law abiding people who only want a better life for their families. Some are here to do us great harm and amnesty, path to citizenship, Dream Act and green cards for some will not bring them out of the shadows. Enforcement of our immigration laws will. We have to deal with all that are here illegally and that mean border crossers and visa over-stayers. And Obama’s plan to increase tourist visas are inviting those that want to do us harm and they are not all terrorists either. Illegal Aliens kill 15 Americans and rape 8 children daily. Enforcing our immigration laws, to be effective, must be a combine effort by federal, state and local law enforcement and American citizens must report Illegal Aliens. Businesses that hire Illegal Aliens must be hit hard with fines and jail time. Federal law enforcement cannot do it alone because illegal immigration is way to great a problem for federal law enforcement to do it alone. 20 million in the country illegally and 8 million in our workforce is proof.

No only is Illegal Aliens harming Americans, drug are also and the “war against drugs” is a real war and a war we are losing. We need the military on our border, on our streets and on our public land were drugs cartels are growing marijuana. If we want to survive as nation we have no choice but to fight illegal immigration and drugs with all our force.
We cannot afford amnesty, path to citizenship for children of Illegal Aliens, dream act, green card and increase in tourist visas all which is driven by greed at the expense of Americans. We know who care about Illegal Aliens but who cares about us. 8 million Illegal Aliens in the work force and they are not all picking lettuce and 14 million Americans unemployed?

Biggest threat to our freedom is not terrorism but Automatic Birthright Citizenship for children of Illegal Aliens. Half of the 400,000 deported last year were parent of anchor babies and they were convicted criminals. What does that tell us? Deportation separate families?

Get serious about enforcing our immigration law and we will see how hard working law abiding Illegal Aliens really are. They threaten that they will make the “Watt Riot,” etc, look like a tea party for old ladies. Is any one listening?

Job creation must include “immigration enforcement” which will release 8 million skilled and unskilled jobs for 14 million unemployed Americans.

With border crossings down, deportations up and Illegal Aliens going home we are told there is zero illegal immigration but 400,000 anchor babies born each year putting a strain our social services is not going away.
Secure our borders from illegal aliens or country will fail

Dorie Cameron
January 23, 2012

Illegal immigration has been a controversial topic in the news for awhile now. Some people want all illegal immigrants deported, some say to leave them alone, and others want a large wall to be built along the border.

Today, 500,000 illegal immigrants from Mexico sneak across the border into the United States each year.

What happens to them after they arrive here? They don’t often get deported. Instead they live amongst us, dodging the law, yet taking advantage of everything we have to offer.

Read more
» Secure our borders from illegal aliens or country will fail Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
Top Homeland Security Official Arrested After Allegedly Hiring Illegal Aliens to Clean Her Home

CNS News
December 5, 2008

But according to an affidavit, for several years Henderson employed a Brazilian housekeeper who was an illegal immigrant. She also allegedly hired two other illegal immigrants, even after fellow agents warned her it was against the law.
» Top Homeland Security Official Arrested After Allegedly Hiring Illegal Aliens to Clean Her Home Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
Top Homeland Security Official Arrested After Allegedly Hiring Illegal Aliens to Clean Her Home

CNS News
December 5, 2008

But according to an affidavit, for several years Henderson employed a Brazilian housekeeper who was an illegal immigrant. She also allegedly hired two other illegal immigrants, even after fellow agents warned her it was against the law.
» Top Homeland Security Official Arrested After Allegedly Hiring Illegal Aliens to Clean Her Home Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Relax Lady, We have the finest catch and release program in the world. Another area where the two parties are in lock step.

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