Holy Mother Of O'Donnel! Kentucky 13% Undecided For Senate!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
In the Great World Of Birds That Fly Together, and in the Spirit of "Free Exercise:" Then what to Jihadist Fanatics, Rand Paul, and Christine O'Donnel have in common(!)?

For one thing, they don't seem to like Republicans very much. Secondly, they also seem have bizzare concpets of other people's religions, and going way back in time.

There is no eurphoric surge for the Democratic candidate for the U. S. Senate from Kentucky. The tightening of the race is the shfit away from Rand Paul, of the whatever(?) party.

Soon, however, Halloween will be over, and then the final deciders will complete their reasoned and rational shift toward representative government, expressed in the polling places on the ground.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(They do seem to like Amendment Two a lot, in Kentucky! Purists know that Amendment One is how it got there!)

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