Hollywood Implodes Over Obama Meltdown


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Hollywood Implodes Over Obama Meltdown

by Ben Shapiro
Oct 5th, 2012

You know you’re in serious trouble, if you’re a leftwing Democrat, when you’ve lost Bill Maher. President Obama’s performance in the first presidential debate with Governor Mitt Romney was so abysmal that even Maher, a $1 million contributor to an Obama super PAC, had to throw up his hands in despair. “i can’t believe i’m saying this,” he tweeted, “but Obama looks like he DOES need a teleprompter.”

And Maher wasn’t the only celebrity melting down like the Wicked Witch of the West splashed with a bucket of ice cold water. “Gore 2016!!!!!” tweeted Bette Midler. “Romney gave a solid performance. He’ll gain in polls. Obama was very passive. This race just got very close. Scary,” tweeted Adam McKay, co-creator of Funny or Die, a leftist humor site dedicated in large part to slandering conservatives. Samuel L. Jackson, given to racist rants of late, preferred to suggest that the debate was meaningless – a contention he wouldn’t have made if Obama had won. “What Really happened tonite?!” he tweeted, in a motherf-ing rage. “NOBODY changed who they’re voting for!! NOBODY!!!” Rapper Lil Jon was more succinct: “EVERYBODY SAY IT WIT ME NOW #F—ROMNEY.”

he rage for many was palpable. Olivia Wilde, who has made a career out of kissing members of her own gender, tweeted, “Mittens, if you want the federal gov’t out of our health care decisions, then stay the F out of our VAGINAS. #debate2012.” Of course, Romney has never proposed that anyone go near Olivia Wilde’s vagina. Neither has any other conservative. She has full control over her own vagina. Apparently, she does not have full control over her mental faculties.

But she’s not alone.

Hollywood Implodes Over Obama Meltdown | FrontPage Magazine

Despite what Mahers' initial reaction was, he is still an Obie lapdog; as Maher doubleded back to continue to carry water for Obie on his most recent show.
Still, I'd bet the house that Maher does not donate another million before the election.

CNN will hire a new CEO at the end of the year. Starting Jan 1st 2013 they will become a Conservative News Channel. They too are done with the Left. Go CNN!
CNN will hire a new CEO at the end of the year. Starting Jan 1st 2013 they will become a Conservative News Channel. They too are done with the Left. Go CNN!

I was thinking the same thing yeesterday

There's a leak out there about it right now.. CNN will be a Conservative Channel.
They know the Left now and want nothing to do with them or the path they're on.
Plus, Obama is a face nothing more. His Guns are in Chicago.. CNN want's no part if it.
I'm glad there'll be another conservative network.

Even one more would be ideal.
I doubt CNN with make a right turn. I expect they'll just become more fluffy with less politics and more feel good cultural and Hollyweird crap of the Entertainment Tonight and People mag genre of idiocy.

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