Holder says 'courts have final say'


Type 40
Jul 1, 2011
Holder Says 'courts Have Final Say' In Response To Furor Over Obama's Health Law Comments | Fox News
Attorney General Eric Holder acknowledged Wednesday that the "courts have final say," and said his department would respond formally to an appeals court order to explain whether the Obama administration believes judges in fact have the power to overturn federal laws.

The attorney general, at a brief press conference in Chicago, made clear the administration thinks they do.

"We respect the decisions made by the courts since Marbury v. Madison," Holder said Wednesday, referring to the landmark 1803 case that established the precedent of judicial review. "Courts have final say."

I wonder what Obama thinks of this statement...
Holder Says 'courts Have Final Say' In Response To Furor Over Obama's Health Law Comments | Fox News
Attorney General Eric Holder acknowledged Wednesday that the "courts have final say," and said his department would respond formally to an appeals court order to explain whether the Obama administration believes judges in fact have the power to overturn federal laws.

The attorney general, at a brief press conference in Chicago, made clear the administration thinks they do.

"We respect the decisions made by the courts since Marbury v. Madison," Holder said Wednesday, referring to the landmark 1803 case that established the precedent of judicial review. "Courts have final say."

I wonder what Obama thinks of this statement...

did you actually listen to what the president said?

i'm thinking you might not have.
They are falling all over themselves to try to stop the bleeding. The last two weeks have been a nightmare for Barry and Co.

Lovin every minute of it.
Holder Says 'courts Have Final Say' In Response To Furor Over Obama's Health Law Comments | Fox News
Attorney General Eric Holder acknowledged Wednesday that the "courts have final say," and said his department would respond formally to an appeals court order to explain whether the Obama administration believes judges in fact have the power to overturn federal laws.

The attorney general, at a brief press conference in Chicago, made clear the administration thinks they do.

"We respect the decisions made by the courts since Marbury v. Madison," Holder said Wednesday, referring to the landmark 1803 case that established the precedent of judicial review. "Courts have final say."

I wonder what Obama thinks of this statement...

did you actually listen to what the president said?

i'm thinking you might not have.

Me too; Obama spoke against JUDICIAL ACTIVISM, which is usually a conservative complaint, but did not deny the USSC authority,
Holder Says 'courts Have Final Say' In Response To Furor Over Obama's Health Law Comments | Fox News
Attorney General Eric Holder acknowledged Wednesday that the "courts have final say," and said his department would respond formally to an appeals court order to explain whether the Obama administration believes judges in fact have the power to overturn federal laws.

The attorney general, at a brief press conference in Chicago, made clear the administration thinks they do.

"We respect the decisions made by the courts since Marbury v. Madison," Holder said Wednesday, referring to the landmark 1803 case that established the precedent of judicial review. "Courts have final say."

I wonder what Obama thinks of this statement...

did you actually listen to what the president said?

i'm thinking you might not have.

I did.... both freeking times, and he was out of line.

You of all people should know he was out of line.

did you actually listen to what the president said?

i'm thinking you might not have.

I did.... both freeking times, and he was out of line.

You of all people should know he was out of line.

i wasn't commenting on whether he should have commented or not.

i was commenting on the misrepresentation of what he said.

did you actually listen to what the president said?

i'm thinking you might not have.

Me too; Obama spoke against JUDICIAL ACTIVISM, which is usually a conservative complaint, but did not deny the USSC authority,

This is and will not be an example of judicial activism... Obama was out of line.
did you actually listen to what the president said?

i'm thinking you might not have.

I did.... both freeking times, and he was out of line.

You of all people should know he was out of line.

i wasn't commenting on whether he should have commented or not.

i was commenting on the misrepresentation of what he said.

OK.... Im sorry for misunderstanding ya.

But he was still wrong.
They are falling all over themselves to try to stop the bleeding. The last two weeks have been a nightmare for Barry and Co.

Lovin every minute of it.

We are only seeing the tip of the iceberg. I really think there is so much deflection/denial/obfuscation now going on with Obama's abysmal record...it may go into meltdown mode.
He was just sticking up for his law. I'd be surprised if he didn't.

While the case is pending he should have declined to address any questions.

Apeears to me that his 'Community Organizer' side of his two faces are overriding his 'presidential' Constitutional Scholar face.

He can't help himself. he knows he's in BIG trouble.
Holder Says 'courts Have Final Say' In Response To Furor Over Obama's Health Law Comments | Fox News
Attorney General Eric Holder acknowledged Wednesday that the "courts have final say," and said his department would respond formally to an appeals court order to explain whether the Obama administration believes judges in fact have the power to overturn federal laws.

The attorney general, at a brief press conference in Chicago, made clear the administration thinks they do.

"We respect the decisions made by the courts since Marbury v. Madison," Holder said Wednesday, referring to the landmark 1803 case that established the precedent of judicial review. "Courts have final say."

I wonder what Obama thinks of this statement...

did you actually listen to what the president said?

i'm thinking you might not have.

Actually....we did. Seems some didn't.

He was whining.

And threatening.

And if he tries to influence the court that is a felony.

If he sends a bunch of ACORN or La Raza to their private homes he's in serous trouble.

did you actually listen to what the president said?

i'm thinking you might not have.

Actually....we did. Seems some didn't.

He was whining.

And threatening.

And if he tries to influence the court that is a felony.

If he sends a bunch of ACORN or La Raza to their private homes he's in serous trouble.

obama deranged as always snooks.

someday maybe you'll actually rationally assess something, anything, the president does.
did you actually listen to what the president said?

i'm thinking you might not have.

Actually....we did. Seems some didn't.

He was whining.

And threatening.

And if he tries to influence the court that is a felony.

If he sends a bunch of ACORN or La Raza to their private homes he's in serous trouble.

obama deranged as always snooks.

someday maybe you'll actually rationally assess something, anything, the president does.

He said it in a calm, faltering way.......but he was trying to influence their decisions.

Why can I say that?

Because I know the English Language.

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