Holder extremely concerned about Supreme Court elections case over theory that state legislatures solely responsible for governing election procedures


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
In just a few days, the Supreme Court will consider a case that could have dire implications for American democracy, Moore v. Harper. i will update you on if they rule in favor of American democracy. they better do!

In just a few days, the Supreme Court will consider a case that could have dire implications for American democracy, Moore v. Harper. i will update you on if they rule in favor of American democracy. they better do!

A ything that this piece of shit doesn't like, is GOOD for a free American society.
Here's a clearer summation. Basically, what the Left want is to have state judges decide districting and other regulations, rules and so on for elections. The Constitution gives that power to the state legislatures.

This is what the Founders intended as included in the Constitution:
One is the Elections Clause, which reads, “The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations.”

So, the Constitution is quite clear on this issue. The state legislatures were delegated the power to set the times, places, and manner of holding elections but the Congress in DC CAN overrule if they can come to agreement on a law to do so. In both instances, the power rests with the state's elected representatives, NOT a judicial appointee or elected judge.

The Democrats want to ignore the Constitution's clear language and to hand that power over to the judicial branch. I sincerely hope SCOTUS follows the intent of the Founders. When deciding such crucial issues it is ALWAYS better to err on handing that power to the representatives who can be held accountable by the people.
Here's a clearer summation. Basically, what the Left want is to have state judges decide districting and other regulations, rules and so on for elections. The Constitution gives that power to the state legislatures.

This is what the Founders intended as included in the Constitution:
One is the Elections Clause, which reads, “The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations.”

So, the Constitution is quite clear on this issue. The state legislatures were delegated the power to set the times, places, and manner of holding elections but the Congress in DC CAN overrule if they can come to agreement on a law to do so. In both instances, the power rests with the state's elected representatives, NOT a judicial appointee or elected judge.

The Democrats want to ignore the Constitution's clear language and to hand that power over to the judicial branch. I sincerely hope SCOTUS follows the intent of the Founders. When deciding such crucial issues it is ALWAYS better to err on handing that power to the representatives who can be held accountable by the people.
I don't even think you read the article you linked. I mean this case is coming out of North Carolina where the Republican legislature has totally came off the chain. In a purple state they manage to gerrymander the districts to get them a 10 to 2 outcome in House representation in 2020. They even openly admitted, the created the ten to two scenario because they figure out a way to make it 12 to zero. In 2022 it came back to bite them in the ass, and it turned out 7 to 7.

I live in the tenth district, perhaps one of the reddest districts in the country. I mean these are good people, just not that smart, God Bless their hearts. But over 70 miles away, parts of Asheville have been consolidated into this district. Asheville, the San Francisco of the East. The Republican legislature did that for the sole purpose of diluting their votes, that ain't right.

North Carolina has a long history of this bullshit.


That 12th district, it encompassed the metropolitan areas of Charlotte, Winston-Salem, and Greensboro for the sole purpose of consolidating the minority voters living in those cities. Insulting. This case is a come to Jesus moment for the SCOTUS. The reality is state legislatures throughout this country have devolved into a bunch of manipulated asshats. I mean who are these people? Most voters don't even pay attention that far down the ballot. They are flippin idiots. What is their pay--little to nothing, but they fart around, stall, call special sessions, and milk that per diem to death. I am sorry, but if you are milking a $104 a day per diem you are one sorry ass loser. These are the people you want with complete control of our elections? Seriously?

That was a very good take on this situation. But something jumped out in the beginning, the AFP, Americans for Prosperity. What a misnomer, it should be Prosperity for me, meaning the Koch brothers, the rest of you can wallow in our toxic waste and die.

But see where I mentioned what unintelligent little dip shits take the job of State house representatives. Dozens of proposals, from deregulation of industries, voter suppression, tax cuts for businesses, or even social proposals. Bills are the same from state to state, like word for word, because the AFP sends out templates and says, propose these bills. WTF? You can bet your ass they are behind this whole cockeyed theory being tested in the SCOTUS. Because what the AFP figured out, more than a decade ago, is they don't need to buy Congress, they can buy the state houses so much cheaper.

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