Holder:Complicite or incompetent.. either way HE was Obama's choice!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Either Holder KNEW about the "Fast and Furious" gun running and went along with it
EVEN though the BUSH administration started BUT STOPPED ONCE they knew the problems.. HOLDER re-branded it "FAST and FURIOUS" and made it worse!

Was Holder complicite then in an operation KNOWN by the Bush administration as frought with problems AND HOLDER went on .. continued to break the law!


HOLDER is incompetent!

Incompetent in his hiring people that either believed as he did or HE didn't KNOW that they would continue an operation that WAS KNOWN by the Bush administration as a dud!

Either WAY this is a total indictment of Obama's INCOMPETENCY!


And Obama hired him either KNOWING Holder was a law breaker or Obama thought he was competent and Obama couldn't recognize Holder's incompetency!

Either way you Obama supporters CAN NOT ignore this two edged sword..
i.e. Obama went along with the already known failed operation under Bush and YET allowed Holder to move forward AND MAKING IT WORSE!!!
Obama couldn't see HOLDER's incompetency...
Fast & Furious ill-conceived operation from the beginning...
House memo: Entire goal of Fast and Furious was a failure
10 Feb.`12 - Mexican cartel suspects targeted in the troubled gun-trafficking probe known as Operation Fast and Furious were actually working as FBI informants at the time, according to a congressional memo that describes the case's mission as a "failure."
The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives has acknowledged that guns were allowed into the hands of Mexican criminals for more than a year in the hope of catching "big fish." The memorandum from staffers with the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform says the FBI and Drug Enforcement Administration were investigating a drug-trafficking organization and had identified cartel associates a year before the ATF even learned who they were. At some point before the ATF's Fast and Furious investigation progressed — congressional investigators don't know when — the cartel members became FBI informants. "These were the 'big fish,'" says the memo, written on behalf of Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., and Sen. Charles Grassley, R-Iowa. "DEA and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) had jointly opened a separate investigation targeting these two cartel associates….Yet, ATF spent the next year engaging in the reckless tactics of Fast and Furious in attempting to identify them."

According to Issa and Grassley, the cartel suspects, whose names were not released, were regarded by FBI as "national-security assets." One pleaded guilty to a minor offense. The other was not charged. "Both became FBI informants and are now considered unindictable," the memo says. "This means that the entire goal of Fast and Furious -- to target these two individuals and bring them to justice — was a failure." Representatives with the Justice Department and its subagencies declined to comment. In an emailed statement, Rep. Elijah Cummings of Maryland, ranking Democrat on the Oversight committee, disputed GOP conclusions and stressed that Issa "has repeatedly made unsubstantiated allegations against law- enforcement agencies" while investigating Fast and Furious. Cummings agreed that the ATF was hampered by communication breakdowns, but he rejected implications that other agencies had similar failures.

Fast and Furious was launched by the ATF in November 2009. At the same time, the memo says, FBI and DEA agents who were conducting a narcotics investigation identified a suspected ringleader of the gun-trafficking organization, Manuel Celis-Acosta. According to federal records, DEA supervisors shared their discovery with ATF agents, but the suspect was not arrested until a year later, when guns from Fast and Furious were linked to the murder of U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry. At that point, the memo says, Celis-Acosta gave names of his Sinaloa cartel associates to ATF agents, who learned that they already were working for the FBI. The associates are not identified in the congressional memo. The overlap reflects the spiderweb nature of trafficking organizations in Arizona and the labyrinth of law-enforcement agencies pursuing them. Celis-Acosta was indicted by a federal grand jury in January 2011 with 19 other suspects on charges related to firearms and marijuana trafficking, conspiracy and money laundering. He is awaiting trial in U.S. District Court.

Holder is not incompetent. He is deliberately non-competent. And Obama is responsible for his ineffectiveness. Obama chose him over many alternatives, including Eliot Spitzer -- who would have been a spectacular Attorney General.

If Spitzer had been A/G there would be a long progression of crooked bankers marching into Leavenworth. Instead we have this useless wooden indian.
Gun Walking started under Bush.
If anything Holders incompetence lies in rooting out Bush's.
Gun Walking started under Bush.
If anything Holders incompetence lies in rooting out Bush's.

So EVEN though like Solyndra which Bush administration found to be not worthy funding and the Bush's experience with the predecessor to "Fast and Furious" the Obama administration DID NOT learn from Bush administrations experiences they went ahead and
1) Spent $500 million on Solyndra and 2) went further with "Fast and Furious" dropping the tracking requirements on the guns!

YOU are defending then HOLDER /Obama administration from LEARNING from the
Bush administration experiences BY continuing and EVEN EXPANDING the operations!

THAT is a great definition of "INSANITY" i.e...
“the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over again, and expecting different results.” Albert Einstein...

SO again.. either complicity or incompetence due to INSANITY!
Acosta gets life plus on 11 counts...
Top Juarez cartel figure sentenced
Sat, Apr 07, 2012 - A top Juarez cartel figure was sentenced to life in prison in a US court on Thursday after he admitted ordering more than 1,500 killings, including the slaying of a US consulate employee in Mexico.
Jose Antonio Acosta Hernandez pleaded guilty in El Paso to 11 counts that included conspiracy, racketeering and murder. US District Judge Kathleen Cardone sentenced Acosta to seven concurrent life terms, three additional consecutive life terms and 20 years in federal prison. Investigators alleged that Acosta headed La Linea, the Juarez cartel’s enforcement arm. He admitted in court on Thursday to ordering more than 1,500 killings before he was captured in July last year with his bodyguard in the northern Mexico city of Chihuahua.

Acosta, nicknamed Diego, was one of 10 people named in the indictment as participating in the killings of Leslie Ann Enriquez, an employee at the US consulate in Juarez; her husband, Arthur Redelfs; and Alberto Salcido Ceniceros, the husband of another consulate employee. The three had left a children’s party on March 13, 2010, in two white sport utility vehicles that were pursued separately by gunmen and riddled with bullets. “As the leader of La Linea’s enforcement wing, Mr Acosta-Hernandez directed a reign of terror,” US Assistant Attorney General Lanny Breuer said in a prepared statement. “Today’s guilty plea and sentence are a significant step in our effort to bring to justice those responsible for the consulate murders.”

Breuer thanked law enforcement officials in Mexico, including Attorney General Marisela Morales Ibanez, for their “extraordinary assistance.” Mexico extradited Acosta to the US just three weeks ago. Acosta’s attorney did not return a phone call seeking comment. When Mexican police arrested Acosta last year, Mexican President Felipe Calderon said through his Twitter account that it was “the biggest blow” to organized crime in the violence-plagued border city of Ciudad Juarez. A factual summary attached to the plea agreement explained that around 2008, Acosta became La Linea’s leader and the cartel’s plaza boss in Chihuahua and Juarez. He coordinated “armed enforcement actions” with the Barrio Azteca gang against their common enemies.

At the time, the cartel, led by Vicente Carrillo Fuentes, was waging a bloody war with the Sinaloa cartel. The Mexican government has counted more than 9,500 murders tied to drug violence in Ciudad Juarez between 2008 and last year. US Drug Enforcement Administration chief Michele Leonhart called Acosta “a cold-blooded murderer with no respect for human life or the rule of law.” The plea document alleged Acosta was involved in some of the most gruesome acts of that period.

Top Juarez cartel figure sentenced - Taipei Times
Gun Walking started under Bush.
If anything Holders incompetence lies in rooting out Bush's.

Dumb ass, it was also STOPPED under Bush after about 400 guns were lost. Why? Because they learned from their allies the Mexican Government the guns could not be tracked in Mexico.

To add insult to injury the same people that in 2009 ( notice the YEAR dumb ass) started fast and furious were mostly the same players from the early attempt. They KNEW it did not work. And under Bush the program was run in alliance with Mexico law enforcement. Fast and Furious did not even notify the Mexican Government an operation was undertaken.
C'mon obama appoint's his croonies because he is covering his back. He has to have people in p0sitions that will go along with him and do what he wants. He appoint's kagan on supreme court. He appoints czars, and holder and now he is letting soro's appoint people to count ballots at election time. Obama is a sneak, a liar, a con artist, and you people fall for what he is doing.........good heavens.
Gun Walking started under Bush.
If anything Holders incompetence lies in rooting out Bush's.

Dumb ass, it was also STOPPED under Bush after about 400 guns were lost. Why? Because they learned from their allies the Mexican Government the guns could not be tracked in Mexico.

To add insult to injury the same people that in 2009 ( notice the YEAR dumb ass) started fast and furious were mostly the same players from the early attempt. They KNEW it did not work. And under Bush the program was run in alliance with Mexico law enforcement. Fast and Furious did not even notify the Mexican Government an operation was undertaken.

It was never stopped. What was stopped was Issa's investigation into the background of the gun walking despite repeated calls from Democrats to have Bush's officials, testify.

Oh..and Issa's a fucking criminal.
I don't blame Obama for choosing Holder as his AG. I blame Obama for not firing him.

There isn't any reason to fire Holder at this point. And Obama's already fired people over stupid reasons. It's about time he takes a stand against a partisan witch hunt headed by a known conservative criminal.
Issa should be in jail. Fucker stole a maserati, has been found with an gun which was not registered or licensed and torched his own business.

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