Hmm...interesting thing with Google and websites today....


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
On a hill
I noticed earlier today that a few websites I went to while at the office seem to be not responding...but yet ping speed was perfectly fine.
I left the office and while out I went to check my email on my Kindle Fire...Gmail was awfully slow...but then seconds later...just fine.

So I am sitting here at home now and I start noticing numerous websites are 3/4 unresponsive...but again everything pings fine...and Google is very slow.

Keep in mind - 3 different networks.

So as I am surfing around,,,I keep noticing that every few minutes this is then I start pining google during these periods...anywhere from 30%-50% packet loss. At the same time I am pinging various websites all over - all pinging perfect - 0% loss.

Then it occured to me...all of these sites have google pieces within them.

..Hmm...if I was a part of a major hacking team...taking Google down would halt 2/3 of the internet since so many websites use google services within their homepage.
Oh c'mon I can't be the only one noticing this.
Those familiar with "stumble"...I am stumbling numerous sites - each site that has no google component (I can check if it does via ghostery)..they all load as fast as always - but every single site that has any google search assistance - they all load much slower.
I'm just experiencing random issues with the USMB, everything else seems fine. Just a few minutes ago the site froze up and then wouldn't load, in FF, Lunascape, CometBird and IE. doesn't do it in Chrome. This is odd.
Take USMB...if I use Ghostery and block the 3 Google apps on this site - the site is blazing fast, an average page loads in about .6 - .7 seconds.
WITH the google apps - 3-4 seconds.
Youtube is horribly slow, always waiting on google apps.
In Chrome - it is fine.
It is AdBlockPlus.
I disable it and everything is fine.

Nuts...I love ABP

ABP is fucking it up? Great..... :evil: I'm looking at the thread lists and the one I just posted in doesn't show that I posted. The other day I couldn't read half of someones post until I clicked on reply.
I haven't noticed anything out of the ordinary, but I get my service through the local phone company and even DSL isn't great. I believe my local phone company, in order to comply with the truth in advertising laws, should change its name to 'Two Tin Cans and A String.' it is back to being screwed up again.
What the heck is going on...Chrome - everything is just fine.
I can barely load youtube with ABP off or on...every single time it is hung on a google app.
I would think I was hijacked...but that ain't possible.
There are no other connections on the router than just me.
What the...I loaded up Epiphany web browser - it also hangs up on google apps.

Christ. it is back to being screwed up again.
What the heck is going on...Chrome - everything is just fine.
I can barely load youtube with ABP off or on...every single time it is hung on a google app.
I would think I was hijacked...but that ain't possible.
There are no other connections on the router than just me.
What the...I loaded up Epiphany web browser - it also hangs up on google apps.


Maybe you just have a computer virus. I've been on FB several times this morning with no problem. it is back to being screwed up again.
What the heck is going on...Chrome - everything is just fine.
I can barely load youtube with ABP off or on...every single time it is hung on a google app.
I would think I was hijacked...but that ain't possible.
There are no other connections on the router than just me.
What the...I loaded up Epiphany web browser - it also hangs up on google apps.


Maybe you just have a computer virus. I've been on FB several times this morning with no problem.

Not possible...I run Linux it is back to being screwed up again.
What the heck is going on...Chrome - everything is just fine.
I can barely load youtube with ABP off or on...every single time it is hung on a google app.
I would think I was hijacked...but that ain't possible.
There are no other connections on the router than just me.
What the...I loaded up Epiphany web browser - it also hangs up on google apps.


Maybe you just have a computer virus. I've been on FB several times this morning with no problem.

Not possible...I run Linux

failing hard drive then?

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