History repeats??

Wry Catcher

Diamond Member
Aug 3, 2009
San Francisco Bay Area
When I take a rest form reading posts and my choirs, I usually reach for my book and read fora while. Today, I realized what I was reading was in the van, and grabbed a book at random from the book shelf.
What I grabbed was "A history of the modern world", a Text Book from my freshman year in college. I opended it a random and on page 338 (a chapter on the French Revolution) read the following (edited for space not content).

The revolution was precipitated by a financial collapse of government. What overloaded the government...what overloaded all governments was war costs, both current upkeep of armies and navies and the burden of public debt, which in all countries was due almost totally to the war costs of the past...The French debt stood at almost four billion Livres. It had been greatly swollen by the War of American Independence.
Yet the debt could not be carried, for the simple reason that the French budget did not balance. Taxes and other revenue fell short of necessary expenditures. This in turn was not due to national poverty, but to the tax exemptions and tax evasions of privileged elements, expecially the nobles. We have already described how the most important tax, the Taille was generally paid only by the peasants - the nobles being exempt and office holders and bourgeois obtaining exemptions in various ways. The church too insisted that it's property was not taxable by the state...thus although the country itself was prosperous, the government treasury was empty. The social classes which enjoyed much of the wealth of the country did not pay taxes corresponding to their income, and even worse, they resisted taxation as degrading".
Qu'ils mangent de la brioche the first lady said from her Spanish outing.
No comments? Nothing comes to mind?

Umm, yeah, a comment. Our defense budget doesn't touch our social programs budget, and both are being funded primarily by the wealthy, and to a large extent, by the middle class.
No comments? Nothing comes to mind?

Umm, yeah, a comment. Our defense budget doesn't touch our social programs budget, and both are being funded primarily by the wealthy, and to a large extent, by the middle class.

The US is following the pattern of decay embodied by the old Roman Empire, not the French revolution. But in today's fast paced world a collapse takes years instead of decades or centuries. (see USSR)
Qu'ils mangent de la brioche the first lady said from her Spanish outing.

Please, being a native of a civilized region of the U.S. don't post idiotgrams.

You ask if history repeats itself. You make the connection to the french revolution. If you missed what i was saying or the subtleties of the post, how about i spell it out.

Part of the french revolution was the total disconnect of the king and queen to the average people. Their extravagant spending flown in the face of the plight of the average to poor people.

The famous words attributed to the queen. Qu'ils mangent de la brioche. Let them eat cake.

I see great similarities in your example of the french revolution.

The king and queen = the obamas

Just as the king and queen of france had no understanding or connections to the plight of the people it is the same for obamas. Just as the king and queen of france spent tax money on lavishness for themselves, so do the obamas.

get it now?
When I take a rest form reading posts and my choirs, I usually reach for my book and read fora while. Today, I realized what I was reading was in the van, and grabbed a book at random from the book shelf.
What I grabbed was "A history of the modern world", a Text Book from my freshman year in college. I opended it a random and on page 338 (a chapter on the French Revolution) read the following (edited for space not content).

The revolution was precipitated by a financial collapse of government. What overloaded the government...what overloaded all governments was war costs, both current upkeep of armies and navies and the burden of public debt, which in all countries was due almost totally to the war costs of the past...The French debt stood at almost four billion Livres. It had been greatly swollen by the War of American Independence.
Yet the debt could not be carried, for the simple reason that the French budget did not balance. Taxes and other revenue fell short of necessary expenditures. This in turn was not due to national poverty, but to the tax exemptions and tax evasions of privileged elements, expecially the nobles. We have already described how the most important tax, the Taille was generally paid only by the peasants - the nobles being exempt and office holders and bourgeois obtaining exemptions in various ways. The church too insisted that it's property was not taxable by the state...thus although the country itself was prosperous, the government treasury was empty. The social classes which enjoyed much of the wealth of the country did not pay taxes corresponding to their income, and even worse, they resisted taxation as degrading".

In the case of Ancien Regime France the upper classes avoided entirely most taxation. It does not parallel to ours where the most affluent actually pay most of the government's costs at all levels, local, state, federal.

In the case of the Church, it was only ONE church, the Roman Catholic Church that was exempt, and its property holdings was a much higher percentage of overall ownership than we see today in the US.

Taxation was also simpler back then. We have a much more complex tax system, at multiple levels. One cannot simply go to a persons Federal Income tax to see thier overall tax burden.

As for expenditures, there is also little comparison, as the governments at the time did little of what we call "social" spending. Most government expenditures invovled civil enginerring work, and warfare only.
The king and queen = the obamas

I'd say the king and queen in this scenario are the political class period. Republican and Democrat. Obama is hardly anything new. Both Bushes and Reagan were pretty clueless about the little guy.
The king and queen = the obamas

I'd say the king and queen in this scenario are the political class period. Republican and Democrat. Obama is hardly anything new. Both Bushes and Reagan were pretty clueless about the little guy.

it goes with my quote that wry didn't get as metaphor.

Let them eat cake.

In view of all of the vacations, and ms. obama's trip to spain, it fits.
Qu'ils mangent de la brioche the first lady said from her Spanish outing.

Please, being a native of a civilized region of the U.S. don't post idiotgrams.

You ask if history repeats itself. You make the connection to the french revolution. If you missed what i was saying or the subtleties of the post, how about i spell it out.

Part of the french revolution was the total disconnect of the king and queen to the average people. Their extravagant spending flown in the face of the plight of the average to poor people.

The famous words attributed to the queen. Qu'ils mangent de la brioche. Let them eat cake.

I see great similarities in your example of the french revolution.

The king and queen = the obamas

Just as the king and queen of france had no understanding or connections to the plight of the people it is the same for obamas. Just as the king and queen of france spent tax money on lavishness for themselves, so do the obamas.

get it now?


jesus what an idiot
Please, being a native of a civilized region of the U.S. don't post idiotgrams.

You ask if history repeats itself. You make the connection to the french revolution. If you missed what i was saying or the subtleties of the post, how about i spell it out.

Part of the french revolution was the total disconnect of the king and queen to the average people. Their extravagant spending flown in the face of the plight of the average to poor people.

The famous words attributed to the queen. Qu'ils mangent de la brioche. Let them eat cake.

I see great similarities in your example of the french revolution.

The king and queen = the obamas

Just as the king and queen of france had no understanding or connections to the plight of the people it is the same for obamas. Just as the king and queen of france spent tax money on lavishness for themselves, so do the obamas.

get it now?


jesus what an idiot

Yes i agree YOU are an idiot. You obviously don't know any history nor the idea of metaphors.

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