History of U.S. Intervention in Iran - 1953 Until Present

Yes, the USA has been messing with Iran for my entire lifetime.

And before that for my father's entire lifetime the Brits messed with it.

Essantially that's the same people, folks.

Strategic interest, editec, and no matter how convenient it might be to simply leave the Iranian regime to rot on its own (it eventually would). The fact is that with Iran potentially controlling a major chokepoint for a good portion of the world's oil supplies, and with a nuclear armed Iran having the potential to ignite a regional nuclear conflict, we can't simply look the other way. Even if the U. Britain and Europe did not need the oil for transportation,impacting the supply available for industrial use alone would cripple those economies. Whether we LIKE that, and whether we SHOULD be in that situation or not, that's reality as of today. All we can deal with, is what IS, not what MIGHT have been. In addition, there's no guarantee that the regime in question is smart enough to let sleeping dogs lie, even in its own safety interest; it has miscalculated before, and is not unlikely to miscalculate again. Back away from it, and you only encourage it to escalate its risk-taking.

It's not a matter of what course we would like, or whether anyone's hands are particularly clean. What matters, the ONLY thing that matters, is strategic economic imperative. There's no morality in that, and never has been, in the history of the human race; which is why, eventually, we will do what we have to do to protect our interests and those of our allies.Whether we succeed, or fail, neither moral justification, nor any other niceties, will matter; there is only winning, or losing.
Who is defining "strategic economic imperative", the 1% who profit from eternal war or the 99% who pay the price in blood and taxes?

For the last 500 years morality has played a small role on the global economic stage; the rich have consolidated state power and used it to "win" their own selfish ends. War and private debt have been their principle weapons with systemic deceit required for both to function.

Deceit in all its systemic glory is hiding in plain sight at the moment with regards to Israel, the US and Iran:

"Buried deep in the archives of America's intelligence services are a series of memos, written during the last years of President George W. Bush's administration, that describe how Israeli Mossad officers recruited operatives belonging to the terrorist group Jundallah by passing themselves off as American agents.

"According to two U.S. intelligence officials, the Israelis, flush with American dollars and toting U.S. passports, posed as CIA officers in recruiting Jundallah operatives -- what is commonly referred to as a 'false flag' operation."

The 1% in all three countries are beset with internal crises related to the latest Wall Street looting. Only their rich will benefit from another war in the Middle East.
Everyone else will suffer to one degree or another protecting the interests of the 1%.
Opposing the 1% isn't based on moral justifications or niceties, it's based on human survival.

False Flag - By Mark Perry | Foreign Policy

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