Hispanic youth a big part of Nevada


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Hispanic youth a big part of Nevada population growth
Census estimates
Nevada’s population grew slightly between 2008 and 2009, with Hispanic youth accounting for almost a third of the growth, according to U.S. Census Bureau estimates released Thursday
The bureau estimates included age, race and ethnicity based on the 2000 census and are adjusted using births, deaths and migration from other states and other countries. These estimates are not based on the nationwide census conducted in April.
The Census Bureau said Nevada’s population grew by 1 percent, to 2,643,085 on July 1, 2009. Nevada State Demographer Jeff Hardcastle, using different methods, estimates Nevada’s population shrunk by 1 percent in the same period.
Calculations based on Census Bureau estimates show that 30.6 percent of the net population increase were people of Hispanic descent age 19 or younger. According to bureau estimates, one in eight new Nevada residents lives in Clark County, is of Hispanic descent and is 9 years old or younger.

These are not working, not paying taxes and collecting benefits that are bankrupting our country and will only get worse as more anchor babies are born.

Clark County School District figures somewhat follow bureau estimates.
While school district enrollment declined between October 2008 and October 2009, the Hispanic student population increased from 125,887 in October 2008 to 126,731 in October 2009, said Clark County School District spokesman Michael Rodriguez.
Hispanic students represent 41 percent of the Clark County School District population compared to 34 percent who are non-Hispanic white, Rodriguez said.
He said the term Hispanic applies to a broad range of people. He said he is counted as Hispanic, although his father is from Spain and his family has been in the United States for five or six generations.
About 50,700 Clark County students in the English language learners program this year are native Spanish speakers.

That is why our students are failing in reading, writting and math. Teachers do not have the time to teach.

Washoe County School District enrollment has declined two straight years, but its Hispanic population has increased every year for at least 30 years. Hispanics accounted for 34 percent of the Washoe students for the 2009-10 school year.
Assemblyman Chad Christensen of Las Vegas, an unsuccessful Republican candidate in the U.S. Senate primary, said the cost of educating the children of illegal aliens is part of what he says is the $700 million annual cost to Nevadans to educate, medicate and incarcerate illegal aliens.
“Nevadans need to wake up and understand that this issue of all these illegal immigrants putting a burden on the system will break system,” Christensen said.
He is continuing with an initiative petition to strengthen Nevada’s laws dealing with illegal aliens.
Bob Fulkerson, state director of the Progressive Leadership Alliance of Nevada, said Nevada’s economy would be much worse off without the growth provided by Hispanics.
“The growth of the Latino population in Nevada is one economic bright spot that Nevada has,” Fulkerson said. “They’re workers. They’re paying their sales taxes. They’re paying their property tax and contributing to our economy.”

And their anchor babies are breaking us.

Fulkerson dismissed Christensen’s contention illegal aliens are draining Nevada’s budget.
“Our state’s budget problems are related to the national economic downturn,” Fulkerson said. “You cannot scapegoat those on immigrants and that is what he is doing.”
Census estimates: Hispanic youth a big part of Nevada population growth | rgj.com | The Reno Gazette-Journal

The Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR): Anchor ...
An anchor baby is defined as an offspring of an illegal immigrant or other ... are currently more than 425000 children born to illegal aliens each year. ...
The Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR): Page Not Found... - 19 hours ago - Cached - Similar

And they do not work and pay taxes. They used the education, healthcare and welfare system. And the legal system.
Well, Rome was overrun by the Visigoths. This must be what that was like. Nothing good lasts forever.

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