Hispanic Reporter Learns Meaning of Hypocrisy

William Joyce

Chemotherapy for PC
Jan 23, 2004
Jared Taylor calls for apology from city of Charlotte - Charlotte City Politics | Examiner.com

The reporter for Mi Gente asked Taylor if his group was white supremacist. He responded that the people of Japan or Israel or Mexico could be called “supremacist” because of those nations’ strict enforcement of immigration laws. Then he asked the reporter a question. “Your paper is called ‘Mi Gente,’ which means ‘my people.’ Who are your people?”

“Everyone,” she said, raising her hands in the air.

“Everyone?” Taylor asked.

The reporter shrugged. “The entire Latino community."

Taylor pounced on this. “And if you wanted to associate with your people, or hold a conference, do you think you would be allowed to do so here in Charlotte?”

The reporter busily scribbled notes.

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