Hiring preferential of vets legal?

When times are precarious the military person, and vet are held in high esteem, but when things quiet down the military person and vet seem to lose that esteem. When America began to rearm during the Great Depression, new military camps arose near small towns and signs began to appear in bar windows, "No Dogs or Soldiers." And the WWI vets asking the nation for help, not with a handout but to maybe pay off the promised bonus a little earlier, how were they treated? MacArthur came in with the troops and routed them, I think one vet was killed. How we treat our vets depends....
In some ways I agree with you. I don't believe that most veterans, myself included, wish to have a company coerced into hiring us. We would prefer to earn the job on our own merits, or not at all.

That being said, veterans, especially those in the 18-24 age group, are having a harder time finding employment than the rest of the country. Do you disagree with funding and resources to help these young veterans transition to the work force as well? Is it separating them too much if we provide transitional career assistance to them while not providing it to the rest of the unemployed? Should we actively deride or boycott companies who voluntarily engage in drives to hire veterans (such as Citibank's pledge to hire 10,000)?

I ask this because I think its a fine line we must walk. While I absolutely agree that the government should not infringe on, or artificially skew the hiring process in the private sector, there are concerns that need to be addressed. These young veterans are an exceptional natural resource, and should not be tossed aside at the concern of "separating" them from their fellow citizens. Veterans often have a tough time translating their skills and experience to the civilian world, which leaves them either under or unemployed. A little help in the way of job fairs, or career resources go a long way.

I think the transition could be aided in better way than a system of discriminatory preferences.
Hiring preferential of vets legal?

I supported hiring preferences for VETS when there was a DRAFT.

THEN, hiring preferences was a small compensation to people who'd been DRAFTED.


Now I think that it isn't right to give preferential treatment to people who CHOSE to serve.

I would agree with that.
Hiring preference helps a lot. Especially when you look at being in that time frame where you can still be called up in the next two years or if you are a reservist or guard member. Employers don't like to say it out loud but it's a numbers game and why would they hire somebody who might deploy and be forced to keep a job open when they can hire somebody who isn't going anywhere, ever.
Hiring preference helps a lot. Especially when you look at being in that time frame where you can still be called up in the next two years or if you are a reservist or guard member. Employers don't like to say it out loud but it's a numbers game and why would they hire somebody who might deploy and be forced to keep a job open when they can hire somebody who isn't going anywhere, ever.

The unemployment rates for Veterans is higher than for norma civies, alot of employers now don't want to hire Veterans because they don't want to deal with PTSD and other issues that may arise in the work place.
Hiring preference helps a lot. Especially when you look at being in that time frame where you can still be called up in the next two years or if you are a reservist or guard member. Employers don't like to say it out loud but it's a numbers game and why would they hire somebody who might deploy and be forced to keep a job open when they can hire somebody who isn't going anywhere, ever.

The unemployment rates for Veterans is higher than for norma civies, alot of employers now don't want to hire Veterans because they don't want to deal with PTSD and other issues that may arise in the work place.

Exactly. So the vet preference is actually vet discrimination. That of course is illegal but difficult to prove.
Discrimination of any kind is illegal. The brave men and women of our services performed their duty and did so in the finest fashion but does that give them the right to be employed rather than someone who chose not to serve or could not serve by no fault of their own? Do others who may be as qualified if not more qualified for a position deserve to be passed over for a job because they did not serve? If this were the case Obama would not be president as well as many before him and they command the military as everyone is well aware. This in my opinion is a very dangerous stance. In Griggs V Duke Power Co. (1971). Duke failed to demonstrate that the hiring of a certain category of people over another must demonstrate it to be a "business necessity". If the legislation is not changed in regards to the hiring of vets this could then evolve into other areas of preference undoing years of struggle for equality in the workplace. I hope that someday every individual actively searching for employment secure a job but at the cost of others not given equal consideration for a position is unacceptable in my opinion.

I completely agree with you. Every time I tried to get a job though USA jobs, I was qualified, but never highly qualified, because even though I had 6 years of experience, as well as having a Bachelor's degree, when applying for a GS-04 job that had less responsibilities to what I was accustomed to, I was somehow not "highly qualified" and that they had to look out for the veterans. It made me so mad, because I wanted to join the military when I was younger, but MEPS disqualified me on the fact that I had a hearing issue and major surgery when I was a kid. And when I apply for a job who's basic requirements is a high school diploma with 2 years of experience, I wasn't good enough.
All hiring preferences should be the sole business of the business doing the hiring.

If a business owner wants to hire vets over anyone else he should be able to.
If a business owner wants to only hire 5' 8" blondes with big tits then he should be able to.

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