Hillary's Treason Machine


Sep 23, 2010
Khizr Khan, the father of a slain Muslim U.S. soldier, who condemned Republican nominee Donald Trump at the Democratic National Convention, has deep ties to both Saudi Arabia’s government and a pay-to-play scheme bringing Muslim migrants into the U.S.​

Aside from Khizr Khan’s support for the Clintons my gut instinct told me he was a moneygrubbing Muslim hustler.

Thanks to the free advertising Khizr Khan got at Hillary’s coronation he is another parasite who saw a chance to con Democrats and Muslims into showering him with money.

Dropping A Political Movement

The worst of it is that the Muslim hustler smells a lot like Huma Abedin. Remember what happened to Michele Bachmann who questioned Abedin’s connection to the Muslim Brotherhood?

Not to mention Hillary defending Huma Abedin’s shady connection to the Muslim Brotherhood.​

This connection was first disclosed three years ago by Rep. Michele Bachmann and other Republicans, but in the usual excess of political correctness the liberal noise machine, led by The Washington Post and joined in by Sen. John McCain and others, denounced her as a purveyor of Islamophobia and McCarthyism.​

Hillary’s Islamic connection
By THE WASHINGTON TIMES - - Thursday, May 7, 2015

EDITORIAL: Huma Abedin, Hillary Clinton’s Islamic connection

Telling The Truth Selectively

The same thing that happened to Michele Bachmann is happening to anybody who voices doubts about Khan’s motives:

As WND reported, despite Trump’s statements calling Capt. Humayun S. M. Khan a “hero,” Republican lawmakers have piled on Trump, accusing him of defaming Khizr Kahn.​

I am guessing that Khan’s defenders, along with Hillary’s media puppets, will drop Khan out of sight now that he is biting them on the ass.

I will close with a big “THANK YOU KHIZR.” He told me something I never knew. Hillary Clinton actually holds a patent on treason:

“Khan revealed that he spent nearly a decade working for the mega-D.C. law firm Hogan & Hartson – now Hogan Lovells LLP – which connects him directly with the government of Saudi Arabia and the Clintons themselves. Saudi Arabia, which has retained the firm that Khan worked at for years, has donated between $10 million and $25 million to the Clinton Foundation. Hillary Clinton, despite the repeated urging of Trump, has refused to return the Clinton Cash money to the Saudis. What’s more, Hogan Lovells also did Hillary Clinton’s taxes – and helped acquire the patents for parts of the technology she used in crafting her illicit home-brew email server that the FBI director called ‘extremely careless’ in handling classified information.”​

Khan's secret ties to Saudis, push for more migrants in U.S.
Posted By -NO AUTHOR- On 08/02/2016 @ 2:36 pm

Khan’s secret ties to Saudis, push for more migrants in U.S.

p.s. The Chicago sewer rat must have been talking about Hillary when he said “If you’ve been successful you didn’t get there on your own.” He was right. Khizr Khan helped Hillary build her successful treason machine:

Mr Khan DRIPPED with hypocrisy from the moment he opened his vulgar mouth and farted---"YOU SACRIFICED NOTHING"----
at Donald. It is almost comical that islamo Nazi scum are SO DISAPPOINTED that Donald failed to spit on the fallen
soldier. I have noticed that they continue to ASSERT---that Donald did spit. ---why not? its the gobbelian method-----REPEAT THE LIE~~~~ over and over and over.
I still insist that Donald will be fine after a stint at charm
school.....carefully done to avoid turning him to plastic
For the record------NAFSHEEN MALIK---- also had ties to Saudi
Arabia too. Mr. Khan and his maudlin spouse are CLEARLY VERY EDUCATED Pakistanis------they did not leave the fabulously wealthy UAE----for the sake of POVERTY ------they are here on a MISSION (IMHO)
Has anyone really checked Khan if that was the constitution he was holding up and not the Koran

vulgar bastard..... it read the constitution-----I read the constitution too-------where does it say that americans
have to kiss muzzie ass? the jerk is Pakistani---does
he throw the American constitution around in Pakistan?----
about his second homeland?-----UAE countries also treat
non muslims like seventh class citizens-----did it BOTHER
him? Did he shove it in the faces of politicians in those
shariah cesspits?
Mr Khan DRIPPED with hypocrisy from the moment he opened his vulgar mouth
I read the constitution too-------where does it say that americans
have to kiss muzzie ass?
To irosie91: You are hitting on all cylinders. I would add that he disgraced his son at Hillary’s coronation:

Finally, Khizr Kahn’s son, Humayun Khan, was killed in Iraq; so I would like to hear his father say his son knew that fighting for his country also meant that he knew he was fighting against Sharia law . . .​

Khan should shove his little booklet up his rear end since he only wipes his ass with the Constitution every time he advocates Sharia:


Khizr M. Khan has published papers supporting the supremacy of Islamic law over “man-made” Western law — including the very Constitution he championed in his Democratic National Convention speech attacking GOP presidential nod Donald Trump.


Khan speaks admiringly of Brohi’s interpretation of human rights, even though it included the right to kill and mutilate those who violate Islamic laws and even the right of men to “beat” wives who act “unseemly.”​

Khizr Khan Believes the Constitution ‘Must Always Be Subordinated to the Sharia’
by Paul Sperry
2 Aug 2016

Khizr Khan Believes Sharia Trumps the Constitution
thanks for the citation-----ALL OF THIS STUFF should be-----
used------I did not know (actually I did not try to know) the
background on the sleazeball KHIZR------I trusted my intuition that he is a disgusting hypocritical clump of dung. He reminded me of a similar sleazeball of the past------in fact the emissary of
SADDAM HUSSEIN----one (?) M. MEHDI----who was the original founder of what is today CAIR (it has another name back then---something like "American friends of arabs" <<<approximately)----A REALLY DISGUSTING SLEAZE BALL sent to propagandize WAY BACK IN THE 1960s. That bastard died sometime ----about 15 years ago. Khizr even looks like that one and SPOKE with the SAME FAUX
'sincerity' KHIZR is in the USA on a MISSION---chances are
HUMAYUN actually despised him
I am guessing that Khan’s defenders, along with Hillary’s media puppets, will drop Khan out of sight now that he is biting them on the ass.
Khan got the memo from Hillary:

In an appearance on Anderson Cooper's CNN show Tuesday night Khizr Khan, the father of Captain Khan, said he would not be appearing on television anymore.​

The man is a Timex. He takes a lickin’ and keeps on tickin’. Before he makes a bigger fool of himself than he already did, he should ask John Kerry if he retrieved his medals after he threw them away:

Did Kerry Discard Vietnam Medals?
ABCNEWS' Madeleine Sauer contributed to this report.

Did Kerry Discard Vietnam Medals?

Retired Lt. Col. Louis Dorfman, gave his Purple Heart to Donald Trump, he did not throw them away.

But let me point out to his surrogates, as well, you saw an example of the heartlessness, lack of empathy again today. I hope, I hope America is listening and watching. A man comes to him, a veteran, so kindly and what a gracious man, hands him his Purple Heart. What he does? He receives it, thanks him, puts it in his pocket and later on pulls it out. "I got this Purple Heart, so easy. I always wanted one."

Donald Trump, you had the time. You did not serve. You know what you should have done and listen to me, and I want his surrogates to listen to me, you should have pinned that back to that veteran's chest and should have hugged him and thanked him. That is the lack of -- I'm sorry I'm shouting. I'm just so upset at this lack of empathy, lack of common sense.​

Incidentally, if there is no such thing as Sharia law Timex better tell all of those Muslims to stop wasting their time instituting a worldwide caliphate by implementing non-existent Sharia law in countries they infiltrate:

These are laws of various Muslim countries which are hodgepodge of British laws, French laws, Portuguese laws. In there, there is tremendous discrimination of genders which disqualifies them under the constitution of the United States, cannot be implemented, cannot be brought. How can I be a person that has read this, I preach that, that I do not stand for any Sharia Law because there is no such thing.​

Khan: "I Am Not Going To Continue To Appear on Television"; "There Is No Such Thing As Sharia Law"
Posted By Ian Schwartz
On Date August 3, 2016

Khan: "I Am Not Going To Continue To Appear on Television"; "There Is No Such Thing As Sharia Law"
I am guessing that Khan’s defenders, along with Hillary’s media puppets, will drop Khan out of sight now that he is biting them on the ass.
Khan got the memo from Hillary:

In an appearance on Anderson Cooper's CNN show Tuesday night Khizr Khan, the father of Captain Khan, said he would not be appearing on television anymore.​

The man is a Timex. He takes a lickin’ and keeps on tickin’. Before he makes a bigger fool of himself than he already did, he should ask John Kerry if he retrieved his medals after he threw them away:

Did Kerry Discard Vietnam Medals?
ABCNEWS' Madeleine Sauer contributed to this report.

Did Kerry Discard Vietnam Medals?

Retired Lt. Col. Louis Dorfman, gave his Purple Heart to Donald Trump, he did not throw them away.

But let me point out to his surrogates, as well, you saw an example of the heartlessness, lack of empathy again today. I hope, I hope America is listening and watching. A man comes to him, a veteran, so kindly and what a gracious man, hands him his Purple Heart. What he does? He receives it, thanks him, puts it in his pocket and later on pulls it out. "I got this Purple Heart, so easy. I always wanted one."

Donald Trump, you had the time. You did not serve. You know what you should have done and listen to me, and I want his surrogates to listen to me, you should have pinned that back to that veteran's chest and should have hugged him and thanked him. That is the lack of -- I'm sorry I'm shouting. I'm just so upset at this lack of empathy, lack of common sense.​

Incidentally, if there is no such thing as Sharia law Timex better tell all of those Muslims to stop wasting their time instituting a worldwide caliphate by implementing non-existent Sharia law in countries they infiltrate:

These are laws of various Muslim countries which are hodgepodge of British laws, French laws, Portuguese laws. In there, there is tremendous discrimination of genders which disqualifies them under the constitution of the United States, cannot be implemented, cannot be brought. How can I be a person that has read this, I preach that, that I do not stand for any Sharia Law because there is no such thing.​

Khan: "I Am Not Going To Continue To Appear on Television"; "There Is No Such Thing As Sharia Law"
Posted By Ian Schwartz
On Date August 3, 2016

Khan: "I Am Not Going To Continue To Appear on Television"; "There Is No Such Thing As Sharia Law"

sorry folks-----my hubby is out (of the house--that is) He was born in a shariah cesspit which has adhered to CLASSICAL
SHARIAH law for more than 1000 years and still does. (which is why it remains a sewer) Because I have relatives---thru marriage who grew up in that shit----I know lots about shariah law------I invite Mr. Khan to ask questions (and anyone else who is interested) Shariah law is very interesting-----it has a kind of perverse internal logic so it is easy to learn the details
I invite Mr. Khan to ask questions
To irosie91: Do not hold your breath. He will not ask questions any more than Al Gore will take questions about global warming.

No matter. Here is a bit more from yours truly:

The sewer rat and Karl Rove jumped on Khizr Khan’s bandwagon before realizing the wheels fell off. They obviously believe that the parents they showcase are above reproach regardless of what they preach and practice.

My point: Khan’s son’s valor cannot be compared to Bowe Bergdahl’s betrayal, but my interpretation of political parents Democrats approve of applies to both:

How many times did liberals tell us that criminals should be coddled because they were abused by mom and/or dad? I’m wondering if they will apply that philosophy to Bowe Bergdahl who was surely damaged by the touchy-feely garbage I sense coming out of his father:​

Parenthetically, Taqiyya the Liar says Trump is unfit to be president:

In plain English the sewer rat said that Trump is unfit to serve as a RINO.

Karl Rove also stuck his two cents in where it is not wanted:

In plain English a washed up spokesman for dying dinosaurs said that Trump refuses to take advice from establishment Republicans like Rove.
It is no wonder that thousands attend Donald Trump’s campaign rallies, while Hillary Clinton is lucky if she draws a few hundred:

As the kerfuffle about Donald Trump’s reaction to the speech by Khizr Khan at the Democratic National Convention gathered steam over the weekend, Hillary Clinton repeated her slander that somehow the families of the Benghazi dead were lying when they said she told them in front of their son’s caskets they died because of a video. This time she didn’t say “liar”, but that their grief made them misunderstand her:​

August 4, 2016
Ghazala Khan Gets Media Respect. Patricia Smith Doesn't.
By Daniel John Sobieski

Articles: Ghazala Khan Gets Media Respect. Patricia Smith Doesn't.

Were it not for the homeless looking to catch a few ZZZs indoors Hillary’s campaign rallies would be almost empty:

Campaigning with over 10,000 supporters in Daytona Beach Florida, candidate Donald Trump continues to use a very effective insurgent approach to broaden the base of support.


However, where Clinton-Kaine draw crowds of “dozens”, perhaps “hundreds”, Trump and Pence are drawing crowds of multiple thousands.

But this is only one part of the campaign reality hidden by a water-carrying Clinton media machine.​

“We’re gonna break through the media folks” – Donald Trump Rallies With 10,000+ In Daytona, While Hillary Talks Ties…
Posted on August 3, 2016
by sundance

“We’re gonna break through the media folks” – Donald Trump Rallies With 10,000+ In Daytona, While Hillary Talks Ties…

p,s. Clinton plays to empty houses, yet her media stooges tell us she is leading Trump by 10 points. I am waiting for a talking head to tell me how that works.
Lady Ann nails Khan & Company pretty good, but it is this info that caught my attention:

There were virtually no Muslims in America before Teddy Kennedy’s 1965 immigration act. Today, we admit more immigrants from Muslim countries than from Great Britain.


In addition to the sudden appearance of honor killings, clitorectomies, hijabs and massive government frauds, Muslim immigrants have given us: The most devastating terrorist attack in world history, followed by terrorist attacks at Fort Hood, the Boston Marathon, a military recruiting center in Chattanooga, Times Square, Vaughan Foods in Oklahoma, San Bernardino and an Orlando nightclub, among other places.

We’ve admitted 2 million Muslims just since 9/11 – that’s more than had been admitted before 9/11. If we don’t make it 3 million, we’re monsters? May we ask how many Muslims Khan’s mystery Constitution requires — or is that out of bounds unless we had a child who died in Iraq?​

The Wrath Of Khan
Ann Coulter
Political Commentator
7:09 PM 08/03/2016

The Wrath Of Khan

I never thought I would ever learn anything that could make that disgusting drunk worse than I already knew about him. Now I learn that Muslims can be added to that terrible man’s destruction.

On top of being the architect for today’s illegal alien invasion the late Ted Kennedy (1932 - 2009) led the charge for abortion on demand ending with Roe V. Wade (1973). After 7 lawyers decriminalized infanticide, Kennedy devoted his influence to protecting the slaughter of children in the womb. Over 55 million dead babies to date thanks to Rove v. Wade. Planned Parenthood’s butchery with tax dollars can be rightly called Kennedy’s brainchild. You can now add Muslim butchers to his legacy.
Not to mention Hillary defending Huma Abedin’s shady connection to the Muslim Brotherhood.​

This connection was first disclosed three years ago by Rep. Michele Bachmann and other Republicans, but in the usual excess of political correctness the liberal noise machine, led by The Washington Post and joined in by Sen. John McCain and others, denounced her as a purveyor of Islamophobia and McCarthyism.​

Hillary’s Islamic connection
By THE WASHINGTON TIMES - - Thursday, May 7, 2015

EDITORIAL: Huma Abedin, Hillary Clinton’s Islamic connection

Benghazi aside, it is starting to look like Hillary’s e-mails were written in blood:

August 7, 2016
Did Clinton emails doom Iranian nuke scientist to death?
By Rick Moran

Blog: Did Clinton emails doom Iranian nuke scientist to death?


Cryptic Clinton emails may refer to Iranian scientist
By Courtney Fennell, CNN
Updated 11:12 AM ET, Wed September 2, 2015

Clinton emails may shed light on Iranian scientist - CNNPolitics.com
Not to mention Hillary defending Huma Abedin’s shady connection to the Muslim Brotherhood.
It looks like another tall tale plugging a breach in a wall of lies:

Top Hillary Clinton confidante Huma Abedin played no formal role in a radical Muslim journal — even though she was listed as an editor on the hate-filled periodical’s masthead for a dozen years, a campaign rep claimed Sunday.​

Huma Abedin denies active role at radical Muslim journal
By Paul Sperry
August 21, 2016 | 11:36pm


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